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Everything posted by combat_barbie

  1. This isn't a matter of sexual promiscuity just sexual activity. Teenagers can be in a monogamous relationship.
  2. Woah buddy, chill out. There are a lot of people in monogamous relationships that use condoms and the pill. It's like having backup for the first line of defense... Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong whatsoever with using both. If for whatever reason you choose to go ahead but honestly it annoys me how everyone responses to her by preaching about how she should do something she clearly doesn't want to do that isn't necessary. Is it so hard to have a thread that doesn't turn into preaching nonsense. She lives in the states I'm sure she's already gone through her fair share of scare tactics.
  3. Your boyfriend is simply buying into the HUGE cultural double standard. It's frustrating isn't it? unfortunately, women used to be and sometimes still are the only ones really effected by getting pregnant unless they were married. Usually they were stuck with the kid forced to get a low paying job quit school and so on while the guy got to go on with his life. We know this isn't right but this is a reality many people don't want to fight and partially the reason for this cultural biased. Your boyfriend would realise that his daughter would be the one that is really at risk from having sex. Not to say this is the only reason for the double standard but this maybe is the kindest reason your boyfriend might have conscious or not. shes2smart has a point too women also enforce the double standard upon themselves. Women tend to have a lto more difficulty with competitiveness because society teaches them to be gentle and non-confrontational so when they feel threatened by a woman they often use the double standard to hurt her. The problem is that since so many women do this is creates a backwards step because it makes it ok for guys to think of women in general as being a you know what. I could type forever on this I find the topic very frustrating there are so many causes and implications for it. Don't get angry at your guy though it's not his fault he grew up in this society. Just tell him how important removing the double standard is and hope he understands.
  4. Seems like every week someone comes up with the most ridiculously paranoid pregnancy scare, doesn't it? You have NO CHANCE OF BEING PREGNANT. I mean theoretically you might have a like a one in a few million chance but then again you might win 50,000,000 in the lottery too. 1. Precum doesn't have semen in it normally. Very rarely actually. The only wat that semen can get into precum is if the guy had recently ejaculated (a few hours ago) and not urinated since then. Some semen might be left over in the urethra and get into the pre-cum. 2. Even if your boyrfriend had jerked off 20 minute before getting busy with you you said you touch your clit. Now normally it takes billions of sperm to fertilize an egg not the few that might have gotten on your hand. Also you said you touched your clit not sumerged you hand into youself. Sperm can only travel in liquid. There is not way they could get the distance inside of you necessary. Theres a big difference between a few sperm touching your clit and billions of sperm being shot into your uterus. I wouldn't say your in the .01 risk factor. I would say if you hadn't taken the morning after pill you would be in the one in a million risk factor and now that you've taken it your in impossible land. You live in the states right? God they like to scare the hell out kids in the states. Stupid abstinence only programs whats wrong with a good old class in sexual health so maybe they could teach kids exactly what is going on down there biologically instead of feeding them all sorts of religious propaganda.
  5. I hardly think ignorance is an excuse. I would say the one of the only woman I have ever heard of that wasn't a feminist was Karla Homolka. There aren't many feminists that have ruined the word in fact very very few women call themselves feminists when they are simply man hating women. It is simply that ones who do simply hate men where originally over publicized by a media center owned by men who where threatened by the woman's movement. It's sad young people still buy into this ideology creates ages ago. Also many woman are portrayed as hating men simply to stop them reaching there goals for women's rights.
  6. Personally unless you don't eat any meat in your diet 40 grams is way to much. Unlike fat your body doesn't store protein so you will just...ummm...expell the excess. Side effects of having too much protein also includes constipations, hard stools, and excess gas. It's also very hard on you liver. Good enough reasons? lol I wouldn't take more than 25 grams under any conditions. The effectiveness of your earlier protein powder might be related to what excercises you are doing or your outside diet. You body onyl maintains the muscles it regularily uses because so much energy is required to maintain muscles. So if you go two weeks without excercising the muscle will decrease in size regarless of whether or not you are taking in protein. It's important to excercize every muscle group every other day. You should be doing 8-12 reps and reaching failure with the amount of weight you are using. Also if you don't have enough carbs in your diet your body will use that protein for energy instead of building muscle. I suggest you simply increase your carb intake to make up for the energy loss the occurs through exercise and make sure that protein goes to building muscle. Also keep in mind building muscle is a loooong process. Don't expect instant results. Hope that helped.
  7. Just Relax. At LEAST 90% of guys masterbate regardless of whether or not they have a girlfriend. Like every guy you know does it even the ones with girlfriends they jsut don't walk around advertising it. All that nonsense about thinking you have to be a sex slave is jsut stupid. Forget about it because it doesn't matter. It's got absolutely nothing to do with your ability to arouse him whatsoever...I'm actually fairly surprised that someone who is old enough to be sexually active doesn't know this already. I personally have to agree with the other who say you are insecure. What a ridiculous reaction...wanting implants. He was jsut bored or something it won't matter if you were the hottest woman alive guys get bored. I suggest maybe you see a therapist about your personal issues if this bothers you so much. This is a horrible reason to get implants and in general a HUGE overreaction. Guys get off on porn but they don't respect the women in it they aren't about to leave you if one of them showed up at hsi front door. Don't be stupid if it bothers you ignore it.
  8. If you havn't agreed to be exculsive you would jsut be rubbing something she probably doesn't want to hear about in her face. you have no obligation to tell her so don't it won't do you any good. If I was ok in a relationship that wasn't exclusive it still doesn't mean I want to hear about the other person's exploits. As for the other girl who is being "clingy" just be direct say you aren't interested and that you were drunk she's really I nice girl but your not looking right now you just made a mistake because you were drunk...etc.
  9. What I was otld the second time I went on the pill was that to be completely effective you I had to be on it for a full cycle i.e. one period. That said it's based on the fact that you theoretically can ovulate any time so you could already have a viable egg when you start so you have to wait until a full cycle is over to get rid of any eggs that may have been release. It's possible then that you could get pregnant but you would have to have ovulated during your period or the day you started the pill. Normally the egg would have been dead by five days later...I hear they can survive three days. But I guess it's possible but I would jsut wait till you next period to see.
  10. I would say that every woman who likes being a woman is a feminist and who believe women should have equal rights is a feminist. I would say most men are also feminists. I suggest you learn what a word means before you use it instead of following archaic stereotypes about women. I would undoubtedly consider myself a feminist but I shave my legs, have tons of male friends, where make-up, and essentially contradict every single negative stereotype about feminists. I don't hate men I just believe that every woman should eb proud of her gender and have equal oppurtunity in life as her male counterparts would. Look up feminism in any dictionary thats fairly recent and it will say something along the lines of: Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. If you really didn't date feminists I highly doubt you've date very many people at all.
  11. Where do you live? If you aren't planning on keeping and are going to get an abortion anyway...please don't make this the deciding factor but if your going to get an abortion anyway if you are in Canada or parts of Europe you can get an abortion anyway right nto without telling your parents. Especially Canada go to the health unit and they can give an abortion for free completely and confidential.
  12. The original question wasn't about alcohol in moderation, it was about getting drunk. And you have people saying they weren't even teenagers when they did it, being even proud of that fact. Not a good indicator that people are able to control it. I figure its easiest to stop a problem by never putting yourself in position to have it. If you don't drink at all, no chance of you getting drunk. And any of the benefits people say alcohol has, you can get in many other and healthier ways. Seriously! Seriously! Nobody is joking about alcohol as you stated in your earlier comment. It's a known fact that rarely escpecially in the USA where the drinking age is so high do people actually wait til they are of age to drink. Due to the nature of this there aren't a lot of studies based on how old people really are when they first consume alcohol. In addition I really don't recall anyone bragging most people simply stated the age they were and sometimes the type of alcohol. Take it easy just because someone was drunkw hen they were 14 it doesnt mean they got drunk regularily or they drove or any other stupid thing liek that. This isn't what this poll is about note POLL not debate on whether drinking is right or wrong.
  13. It irritates me how everyone is so preachy about when she can have sex and going on about nonsense about her being to old to be on the pill. I say put her on the pill or depo-provera or some other kind of hormonal birth control then there is almsot no risk of pregnancy even if you were not using condoms. Especially depo-provera if she is really paranoid since although the pill is just as effective the effectiveness is dependany on her remembering to take it at the same time every day. 14 is legal in Canada. It's not that young. I lost my virginity when I was 15 and had no regrets about it. My little sister is 14 and she is plenty mature and has a boyfriend etc. I don't know if she has had sex because I don't see her a lot since I moved out but honestly if she did I know she would be aware of the consequences and not be taken advantage of. Age shouldn't matter maturity and knowledge should.
  14. Thankyou chai714 your reccomendation worked. I found out exactly what the heck that warning label on advil actually means! From webmd: This drug may make you dizzy or drowsy; use caution engaging in activities requiring alertness such as driving or using machinery. Limit alcoholic beverages. This medicine may cause stomach bleeding. Daily use of alcohol and tobacco, especially when combined with this medicine, may increase your risk for stomach bleeding. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
  15. I found this information as well however it's really not very good. 1) accidental injury yeah your drunk no crap! this is just a company trying to to get sued. " 2) drowsiness, dizziness, or blurred vision" These are all symptoms of being drunk. I don't care if I'm bloody drunk! 3) What concerns me about this however is the irritation or bleeding. This however seem in my opinion to indicate perhaps that this is while ibuprofen is in your stomach. What I'm interested in is whether this bleeding can occur if the ibuprofen is out of your stoamch and in your blood stream. Does anyone know this. For the record I don't care if I display symptoms of being drunk while I'm drunk! I care whether my stomach hurts and is bleeding and under what circumstances that might occur and the likelyhood that they might.
  16. Has anyone noticed that the legal age is a lot of B.S. and that most teenagers have lost there virginity by the time they are 16 regardless of whether they are in a state which allows them to have sex or not. Also the fact that police can't prove that he had sex with her unless she willingly agrees to press charges. Her parents couldn't do anything if they tried as long as she didn't go along with it. I hardly think this is the slightest bit of an issue whatsoever.
  17. I take advil for cramps usually the first few days of my period. A friend recently told me that it could cause like internal bleeding or something like that if you drink while take ibuprofen. Does anyone know if this is true? Can anyoen tell me the effects of taking a normal dose of advil (1-2 pill of regular strength) than have about 2 or three drinks over the course of an evening. The only resources I have found online simple say that it makes advil less effective if you drink. If advil is bad to take when you drink does anyone know any drugs for cramps that are ok to take and drink with?
  18. SOmething liek only 30% of women can come from intercourse alone. Especiallly if she is stressing out about not being able to come. Tell her to relax and stop thinking about making her self cum just enjoy what she is doing. Get her to go on top that way she has more control to do what feels best for her and get her boyfriend to stimulate her clitorus during sex. Most women come from clitoral stimulation and intercourse who can't come from intercourse alone.
  19. Yes its entirely normal to lose you period while on depo-provera. If you are pulling out and on depo-provera there is almost no chance she is pregnant. Most couple go on depo-provera or the pil so they can stop using condoms in a monogamous relationship. There should be no need for you even to pull out. As far as what Hope75 said precum almost never actually has semen in it. The failure rate on pulling out is based on bad timing. Relax it's most likely the shots. Also the birth control test almost never give false negetive although they occasionally give false positives. They are created like that intentionally so that you know for sure oyur not pregnant. It's extremely unlikely they gave a false negative.
  20. Umm, I'm wondering why you think your not going to be able to have sex? What are your parents going to inspect you just be mroe careful about getting caught. honestly.
  21. I don't really care but if I had to choose I would say circumcized. Simple because 1) thats what I am used to 2) it's cleaner since bacteria gets trapts under than little flap of foreskin
  22. Depends what your ambitions are. A high paying job is hard to get without further schooling. Although you can make decent money by doing an aprenticship and learning a trade like plumbing, cooking etc. or something like that. Trades make fairly good money now. If you don't want further schooling there are still options although you won't be able to make as much as you would with out some futher education whether that be college, university, or a trade schooling. I've heard for women at least the highest paying low income job is waitressing because you make tips on top of a salary. Of course you can get by on that and if you are satisfided with not making a lot of money thats fine. Really it's up to you and what you want.
  23. How old were you when you were first drunk? i'm jsut curious as to what the norm is for most people. Me it was 14.
  24. I agree with the_tiger_striped_cat She's on the fircken pill. Why on earth does she need a condom if they were both virgins? Avoid the soud but having him cum inside you. You odn't need a condom unless you are worried about STDs. To start condom have almost flawless STD protection but they have a ridiculously high failure rate when it comes to pregnancy, like above 10% for regular sex for a year. SO they aren't any good for protecting against pregnancy anyway. That pill have a less than 1% failure rate for regular sex for a year. I have to wonder if abcd1234 and tRiK$Ta have ever been in a long term relationship because honestly nobody in a monogamous relationship while on the pill still uses condoms. One they kill the feeling for guys and two there is absolutely no point whatsoever.
  25. With all the stuff you said was going on in her life I would say that she's losing her sex drive because of that. Stress can wreak havoc on a women's sex drive. I would concentrate of getting her to relax and enjoy herself without pressuring her to have sex. Trust me the last thing she needs is more stress or guilt about that. When she is feeling less stressed out her sex drive shoudl return.
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