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Everything posted by combat_barbie

  1. I think the problem with Health Class is they put so much hype inot drugs that don't do a lot of harm, pot/shrooms, and then say the exact same things about drugs that do a lot of harms, acid/crack/meth. I remember being completely lied to in highschool health class and then as soon as I found out it was a total pack of lies then I started to think that maybe some of the otehr drugs were fine too. This is just my ramble but I know I started smoking pot in 10th grade. Plus I played around with shrooms and XTC a few times and I turned out jsut fine. I was a and still am a high 80s low 90s student. I agree cocaine is highly addictive and dangerous because it costs so much and leads people to do desperate things to get some. You should definatly talk to your friend about cocaine. If she is underage and you live in a country with free healthcare you might want to consider call social services and getting her forced into rehab. If you live in the United States I feel sorry for you and your friend because I don't think they have very good free services for problems like this. Sorry for the rant bit at the top. You should really talk to your friend first though.
  2. If your in a monogamous relationship you don't reaaly need a condom. Mean if she has swallowed it any... Sides that I hear Semen is quite healthy. The fluid the sperm travels in is a carb and the sperm itself is almost pure protein.
  3. Yes to both. People mentioned that kids couldn't be raised correctly without both parents well think the fact that in 2002 23% of children under 18 were living with their mothers only, 5% with their fathers only, and 4% with neither parent. We better nab all thsoe kids into foster care because they all don't have two parents. Please not everyone has two parents and it isn't essential. Lots of women are single moms by choice as well because they want to raise a child but don't have the energy to meet a man and get married so they adopt. I've never heard of an oposition for this. Sure maybe their would be a problem if the couple was flambouyantly gay and threw wild sex parties, or refused to let there kids do activities that don't fit the stereotype of a gay person. But lets face it rarely to gay people even fit this stereotype. Anyone here heard of "Billy Tipton". Well he was a she who dressed up as a man so she would be allowed to play music which was frowned upon at the time, the 1930s. Anyway she assumed the identity full time married a woman adopted sons and they weren't even aware that their dad was a woman until the medic told them when she died.
  4. Count yourself lucky. I used to think I had a really high sex drive but then my last boyrfriend could be described as no less than a sex addict. We once had sex 16 times a day because as soon as I tried to do anything else he would jump on me. I started feeling like I was constantly being harrased and I would make excuses not to be at his house alone. I'd always have friend over and stuff jsut so he couldn't drive me crazy. Once I went over to his hosue and he had a friend over but he pulled me into his bedroom anyway locked the door and left his friend watching TV. Then I found out later he had videotaped us having sex liek five times and hadn't told me about it and he even showed it too his friends. It was really really horrible so consider yourself a very lucky girl. Trust me twice a day is not a bad thing at all.
  5. I like when guys don't have a lot of hair but I hate when they shave. Their pubic area gets all prickly and they get ingrown hairs which look liek red pumps. It's all very unpleasant. Especially sicne it apparently hurt if you shave the day after you just shaved so they have to leave it to get all stubly and uncomfortable. The best thing in my opinion is guys who cant ake the pain adn buy an at home waxing kit. No stubble, no ingrown hair(wel less ingrown hairs), stays free of hair for weeks, plus when it does grown back in it grows as new hair so it isn't stubble.
  6. I have this friend who went out with some guy but she wasn't really sure it was a real date or too friends hanging out. Anyway, now he calls her like everyday to chat. He's really hot and she like him but she thinks he is way hotter than she is so there is no way he could be interested in her. I'm telling her there is no way a guy you just met and went on a sorta date with would call you everyday to talk if he didn't like you. I tell her every guy has different tastes and just cus some guys have not liked her in the past because of the way she looked this guy is clearly into her looks or personality or whatever since every guy has totally different tastes. Would a single guy on this forum call a girl every day after they just met a few weeks ago if he didn't like her???
  7. I think JMR and heythere get exactly why I asked this. I mean guys do this all the time yet not only does it not really make you want to respond to them even if you did its literally impossible. I mean what on earth is the point? Gah!
  8. Turn On: Up front about what they want, active, tall, funny, fun, outgoing, confident, open-minded Turn Off: Overweight, lazy, uptight, needy, desperate, whiny, controlling, cries very easily (Cry if your mom died not cus I'm wearing a skirt thats too short so you think guys will check out my legs)
  9. Ok this is a weird question but me and my friend were wondering about this because we really can't see the motivation from it and I think it would be interesting to see how guys answer this. Why do guys honk cars, shout things like "your hot" as they drive by, or when your walking down the street overly obviously look you up and down and say something like "nice". I mean whats the point or motivation behind this? This is not really a serious question I just hitnk it's kind of funny. If your a guy that does htis though please answer.
  10. Ok heres the story it's a touch long. I was going out with this guy for a few weeks and my friend, lets call he Ella, threw a big house party which I went to with him. Me and this guy were fooling around on her couch and well the room was already filled with drunk people and a bunch of them were messing around so it's not like we were the only ones even the worst. Anyway, my friend saw us and freak out telling us to get a room even though we were barely kissing and people were doing much worse right next to her. Then a few days later one of my closer friend told me that she was telling people I was a big sl*t and had herpes. She even had a group msn conversation in which she started gossiping about what I big sl*t I am and how I supposedly said I had herpes, this is not true I don't. Anyway, since my friend were in this conversation one of them e-mailed it to me so I know for sure she is doing this. Apparently she has had a huge crush on the guy I was going out with for like ever but she never told me about it. Thats what some of our mutual friends have said anyway. I had no idea about this otherwise I probably wouldn't have advertised we were going out. I understand why she would be hurt I mean I would be too but I think that her acting like this is totally out of line. Should I just completely break off contact or confront her and try to be friends or something else?
  11. I think your probably good depends on what the guys like. I've done that before and we were fine. We wern't super close friends though so I dunno what would happen if he is. I mean I think that would be pretty akward to have sex with someone you thought of as a really close friend. I dunno. As far as what smallworld said havn't you ever wanted to just be able to screw around just because it feels good and not have to think about it or work on a relationship and all that stuff?
  12. I had sex almost every single day for over a year straight while on the pill and not using a condom. I never got pregnant and I mean I actually had sex every single day. There is no possible way to get pregnant on the pill you don't even ovulate. In fact statistically if you took the pill and had sex every day for a year your chances of getting pregnant in that year is .1%. Also my mother whom I was force to hear abouts sex life remarried 6 years ago and since then she has been using the pill as her only source of birth control for regular sex for 6 years. Basically what I'm saying is it just won't happen. It won't. It's just not possible don't take the morning after pill chill out.
  13. Wait a few days before having sex again then when you do go on top. You get more control so it will feel better plus you control how far it goes in and while your up there get you guy to pleasure you with his hands as well. Also as a bonus most women find it easiset to reach orgasm while on top. Possibel reasons for it though is that your guy is too well equipped or you aren't giving enough time to warm up. Also since you've only had sex 5 times your probably really sensitive to pain so I would try it on top for a while.
  14. Take my advice. Don't ever tell an Ex details of your sex life ever under any conditions. He doesn't need to know that your broken up. It will hurt his feelings, make it akward, make him think your trying to hurt him, destroy any chances of a friendship, make him angry at his friend, cause him to annoy you about it with to many questions and lots of other unpleasant bad things. JUST DON'T! It will make things worse.
  15. When I was 16 I went out with a guy who was 24...so thats 8 years but I was a bit older. I dunno 14 is legal in Canada. I never had a problem with it but I was already sexually experienced so it wasn't really the matter of using someone who had no experience. When we met he guess I was about 18-20 so it's not like that was his intent. Up to you depends what your interested in I don't see a huge problem with it but if your totally sexually inexperienced I would worry about being used. Pretty much every guy I've gone out with has been a few years older than me though although usually only 2-3 intentions are more important than age.
  16. This is one of those situations where you are lucky that your a guy. Notice hwo it's only guys that are saying you have no chance at anything. The fact is many women are a lot more likely to accept going out with someone after fooling around whether drunk or sober. Usually it has to be the guys call though cuz women usually know that guys aren't normally interested. When I was 15 I fooled around with some guy while i was drunk at a party but then he got my e-mail from a friend of mine later and we went out for like a month and a half. We were really mismatched but I was open minded maybe she will be. I say there no harm in going back and asking her for her number.
  17. Theres also lots of other reason you might not be getting it especially if you are 15. When I first started getting my period I was around 12 or 13 but I would only get it every 3-6 months until I was 15. It was because I was too small/underweight. You body needs a certain size to be able to bear children so if you aren't at that size then you will stop ovulating and getting your period. Now I'm talking I was less than a 100 pounds so I'm not sure how big you are. Thats just my experience also if your under stress you won't get it and tons of other factors like that. The pill is more effective than condoms at preventing pregnancy unless you forget to take it. It has less than a .1% failure rate so it's highly unlikely your pregnant but if you forget to take it sometimes that failure rate jumps to about 3% I think so then maybe you should check out a pregnancy test.
  18. It's one grade. That's absolutely nothing. Honestly your in tenth grade these girls are probably physically more mature than you are. I mean if you had birthdays in the right places you could be two days apart and there could be girls in your grade that are 11 months and 29 days older than you. Ok I know this is unlikely but bloody hell your overthinking this. Thats the msot crazy irrelevant period of time ever. I don't pretty much any inter-highschool dating is a big deal even if you were in grade twelve.
  19. Sounds like you have a f*ck buddy not a relationship. Not saying that there is anything wrong with this but if you want a relationship dump this guy and find another. If you jsut want someone to mess around with then enjoy it. Doesn't sound like you do though and if he's already in the habit of treating you lilke a f*ck buddy then chances are he won't treat you like a girlfriend which really sucks if you like him alot. If he knew you wanted a relationship and he acts like this then he sucks and you should try and move on.
  20. Whenever you know you can handle it. It's whenever you realise the consequences. I don't jsut mean STDs and pregnancy although those are very important. I mean anything someone might insult you for it, you might wind up getting dumped sooner than you expect, your friends might judge you, etc. Just don't do it so a guy will like you or anything like that because it might not work and your probably not ready if that is why you are doing it. Do it for you, do it because you want to not because some guy does. Theres no real age that if "too young" though people develop at different times both physically and emotionally.
  21. Well if you had just broken up for a while then maybe she just doesn't feel comfortable with you yet. It's very likely it has more to do with her being ready to do stuff with you than the toy itself. Give it more time than two weeks. I wouldn't worry though masturbation isn't the same as sex they just can't be compared. Theres something about smelling a guy and feeling his weight against you wondering where he'll touch or being able to grab on to somebody etc. I could probably go on for way to long on why sex has different perks than masturbation but my point is pretty clear. It's just not the same. I can't say how guys feel but I know most girls put a lot more focus on other things rather then just simply achieving an orgasm. So what I say is don't worry.
  22. Well, I left for a while but I guess this thread kind of took off. I'm really amazed by the kind of off topic nonesense that has gone on. As I clarified before I am not having a "go at men" the post was improper it should say some guys not guys. Oposed to what Halo said I had absolutely no intention of starting the topic so I could have a "discussion on the flaws of man". I was wondering what would motivate someone to act in such a disrespectful way. I was wondering why some guys, as in more than girls, feel the need to brag about their conquests. Vert said: She expected to get respect from a guy after giving it up that fast? I think that pretty much hit on my reason for not wanting people to know. Many men and also women think that a women who enjoys sex outside a relationship is somehow less deserving of respect than a man who does. This is a stupid double standard but it exists unfortunately. I wanted to do something that I enjoyed doing another person did the exact same thing. Then why because of their genders did give something up and not deserve respect wheras the guy walks off with pride for what he did? Now maybe I wasn't in a relationship but basic human respect is still deserved. Now ages ago I had a one night stand with some guy and he was horrible. Like absolutely horrible, very "insufficient". Now I was friends with some girls who were friends with him although I was never knew him at all. I even wound up going out with a guy who knew him from his work. Did I ever for a second even consider telling them how horrible he was? No, because thats basic human respect and thats all I ever expected from this guy either. I mean if you ever saw someone in a situation that made them look bad even if you barely knew them I would hope most people would have the decency not to go around gossiping. Also FYI not that it affects the ethics of what I did because I was broken up with my boyfriend anyway. But he hasn't the faintest idea I did anything. I don't brag about who I sleep with. It would probably hurt his feelings but he doesn't know and doesn't need to know because we are broken up.
  23. 2 clarifications: 1. I'm sorry to seem like I was lumping guys into the same catergory as this guy. I know many if not most guys aren't like that. 2. I don't work with him. I had never met him before he just happened to know alot of people I worked with. What I absolutely don't get though is that if a guy find a girl attractive right and wants to have sex with her and thinks doing it is something to be proud of why wouldn't they want to do it again? Why would they want to totally destroy any chances even simply sexually speaking. I mean granted even I wouldn't want to have a relationship with many of the guys I find attractive but if I had sex with them I would want to do it again. Does that make sense.
  24. Ok I have one question but theres a background situation: My now ex-boyfriend started getting really controlling telling me I wasn't allowed to go out or wear nice cloths and stuff like that. We had been going out for like 14 months but he was just getting worse so I broke up with him. Then like right afterwards I went out drinking with 2 other female friends and I ran into 5 guys that I knew a few of slightly from work but not very well. They start paying a ton of attention to me like 10 times more than my friends especially one of them in particular that I didn't know at all. Anyway, I was bought a ridiculous amount of drinks and wound up getting so drunk i could barely walk and this one guy said he would walk with me home because he wasn't that drunk so he could help me and what not. Anyway, he was being so nice to me and I wound up having sex with him. I told him afterwards that I wanted him to keep it quiet because he knew people I work with I didn't want everyone at my work to think I was some big drunk s***. Well I have a friend thats friends with his friends and he told me later that he had gone around bragging loudly to all his friends about how he nailed me. At I heard one of my seniors even making comments about it. I havn't bothered trying to talk to him since not that I'd have any way to contact him anyway. My question: How do guys do this and not even care? What should I do?
  25. Don't expect instant results your muscles will get weaker before they get stronger. In fact it should take at least a month for your muscles to become bigger in the meantime though your musclular endurance and ability to use your existing muscle will improve. Execise a different set up muscles every day don't do the same muscles two days in a row and wait just wait. Building muscles takes a long time even after a month only a small amount of muscle will have been built. FYI make sure the protien bar you are eating doesn't have palm oil in it. Alot of them do and its saturated fat so its no good. The power bar protien bars are good but anything w/o palm oil is good. Try for something with at least 23 grams of protien.
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