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Everything posted by AlwaysNeedHelp

  1. wow great post here.. Iam so happy that you found your way to God.. God always help anyone who asks him for help.. Thanks for sharing this post because i think alot of people needed to hear this.. ASK GOD FOR HELP.
  2. Ok again you need to face your fears.. It wont be easy.. and it will take time.. Let your family help you.. Someone you trust.. Maybe a good friend of yours.. Tell them how you feel.. Let them take your hand and give you the first push.. can you do that ?
  3. i say let this woman tell HIM to ask you, instead you ask him..
  4. hi I can see how you are feeling.. You need change the way you are looking to things.. NOTHING will happen if you drive your car and go to work.. NOTHING will happen if you go shopping with your sister.. If things werent fine for you lately, it doesnt matter.. You need to go and face your fears.. Not because bad things happened to you, means that you will have troubles all your life.. You are the one who is making problems for yourself.. You said some guy entered the house looking for his gf.. What does this have to do with you ? You are fine, just go live yourlife normally.. If you tried you may fail, but if you stayed without trying you are guranteed to fail.. Just forget these thoughts which are NOT TRUE.. Bad things happened to you, forget about it and go on.. You are still young and alot of changes could happen in the future..
  5. If he seems that good then ask him.. Try to understand from him the confusing things.. or just wait. Time never failed to how the truth or to heal someone..
  6. I know its hard for you to let her go.. You feel that you cant find someone else.. If you have faith enought you will have someone else who cares for you... You dont have to see the whole road from the beggining, sometimes you just need to keep going and you will find the answers appearing to you.. She said that she dont think you and her can be together again.. I feel sorry for that.. It doesnt mean the end of the world.. First, everyone can be happy on his OWN.. Second thing, is that dont let this get you down.. Accept what happened, you will relax your mind, body and you will get better.. believe that if you are meant to be together it will happen no matter how the situations are..
  7. yeah if you find him missing something you want, try to make it happen.. He seems like a guy you love and respect.. So try to make the best of your relation.. and dont let your past relations affect you..
  8. well its a good thing that you both help eachother.. But if you just want to be with her because you support eachother thats not a reason to be together.. You could help eachother thats fine, but you need to love eachother first.. Try your best to win her back.. I dont say running after her, but try to talk together and make things work.. If she seems not interested at all and that she just wants someone else with some qualities in her mind.. then you did your best.. Leave her alone.. Try to love youself.. At this point, the right person will come to you..
  9. well he could be that horrible person who knows.. But we dont want to make bad assumptions about the guy either.. Time will show us the truth.. Till this time you need to forget him.. Generally. its not a good thing when a guy leaves a girl like this.. But maybe he has some special circumstances... For your own benefit again i suggest forgetting him or in other means think that he used you till he proves the opposite..
  10. Maybe he used you or maybe he is confused.. Do you think he has any kind of feelings for you ? All i can say now is that you have to wait.. If he just forgot about things and never talked to you again then he was just having fun... If he seems confused and try to approach you.. then he dont know what to do..
  11. Let me tell you this.. TIME NEVER FAILED IN HEALING SOMEONE.. How long it will take ? It depends on the situation and the person. Wow you had alot of common stuff here.. So what happened ? why did u break up ? You just need to be realistic with yourself.. I know you like her so much and you cant imagine your life without her.. But thats what i believe.. I believe God or fate ( whatever you want to call it ) has reason in everything.. If things didnt work now, be sure that something better is coming to your way.. You just cant see it now but you need to keep moving.. How many people were in love with somone who thought that they couldnt live without and now they are happy with totally another person.. Try first to make things right between you and the girl you love.. Try your best.. If it just cant get better.. Then time will heal you man..
  12. Yes for sure i agree, listening for her is an important thing.. Exactly, its a two way street.. You do some talking and she do some.. Dont talk alot that she loses respect to you nor talk less that she loses interest..
  13. i dont think a woman " girl " could think of any man "boy" as little boy or as if she is his mother.. In the end a girl sees a boy of the opposite sex.. This is alone is a turn on in the universal laws of relations.. I dont mean any girl would see a boy she will like him.. But in the end this a boy and she is a girl.. i dont know if anyone can get the meaning
  14. Yeah i think you should leave this girl alone.. Dont talk to her anymore for a while.. Observe what she is going to do next I also think a 16 years old girl could change her mind fast for something that doesnt worth it..
  15. How can they know eachother without talking ? Maybe you mean that he doesnt talk alot without necessary, so he wont appear desperate or something.. But in general try to talk to her more... ohh and maybe you mean that he let his actions talk.. Well also good but he needs to talk to her so they know eachother well..
  16. Dont talk about the kiss.. and also take things SLOWLY.. because i believe that always patience and baby steps are the best in everything.. Talk to eachother more, open to eachother more and things will happen alone.. Goodluck
  17. hi alone, If you are not sure of your feelings.. then i suggest that you take your time knowing him better... Just try to interact with him more and you will see that the image is more clear.. Now you need to forget about your ex.. For sure it has some effects on your judgements and decisions.. SO what do you like about him ? and what are the things you dont like ? maybe we can make it more clear for you..
  18. how did he hurt you ? what did he do ? maybe he is just doing this because he still likes you and want to show that he doesnt care anymore.. Open it and see it... You wont lose anything if you open it.. Maybe he is sending you something nice.. How did you react when he told you his feelings.. How did you treat him afterwards..you became more friendly to him ? same level ? ran away a little ?
  19. well these 2 girls are older than me.. but i dont think they want to show interest.. its something they just do without thinking iam 18.. and these girls are 19 and 20.. i dont think they are in love with me or anything but sometimes they seem to like me.. i think as a friend.. anyways just wanted make sure its not a bad thing
  20. Its normal, dont think too much about things..
  21. Ask her why did she kiss him.. A normal kiss that he is just being nice ? She told you it meant nothing.. I suggest trying to make things work..
  22. hi guys, iam really confused.. Alot of girls flirt with me without a reason.. Iam just wondering is it because they think of me as a little boy or because iam a nice guy or what.. Like a girl keeps hitting me and being playful about it.. Other girl sometimes is nice to me without reason.. Like gives me something and tells me keep it beside your heart.. I dont think they like me more than a friend or anything.. i dont like them either more than friends But they just do some strange stuff from time to another.. why is that ? is it a good or a bad thing ?
  23. You were playing it cool and everything is fine.. I dont think telling her she is hot was the mistake.. Me myself dont really understand this girl.. she seems strange.. Dating a 60 years old man is a strange thing.. here is what i think happened.. She maybe dont like this 60 years old man, she wanted to change.. So she was trying you.. i dont mean she necessary was using you but maybe she was interested in the beggining.. ok let me ask you first what did she tell you about why she is dating this man ?
  24. exchanging numbers doesnt mean much.. It could be just friendly act.. Also it depends on how you do it.. As shysoul said: follow your heart.. Follow the feeling inside..
  25. Why did u kiss and made whatever you did in the first place.. Iam not trying to blame you but i cant understand if you both just like eachother as friends why all this happened.. I think you should leave him alone now.. Next time dont put yourself in a situation like this.. Someone you like as a friend, dont exceed the friendship limits with him.. and he should learn that also.. Just leave him things now and dont think about it.. You dont need more tension between you both..
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