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Everything posted by AlwaysNeedHelp

  1. hi i know alot of girls not in the boyfirend thing. about controlling the falling in love.. yes u can.. it is difficult but u can.. i think even loving eachother without bf/gf relation is better.. just save it for the marriage if thats what u want..
  2. hi i have an opinion here.. dont just say to anyone here asking for help move on... he could like her but he really needs time.. some of u from their past experiences found that this line is worthless but not all people and not all situations are like yours.. so u have to list all the proabilities.. it depends on u, him and the situation. to be honest u could get hurt if u waited for him and nothing happened. and i agree.. but try to feel whether he want time or he wont think about it ever.. it is difficult bec of the mixed signalss. so u have 2 ways.. either you move on and forget him.. it will be the good choice if u r going to get hurt if u waited for him.. ( but u dont know the future ) or wait for him and in the same time dont hold ur to him.. this choice could lead to 2 ways 1) u will get sad, hurt and learn 2) u will be happy, with him and learn too. so u choose.. GOOD LUCK
  3. i agree that if someone left you and not talking to u anymore.. you should forget him and leave him too.. but whose to say the heart dont see and dont know.. nooo the heart can see.. the heart can know.. for example when someone is telling u good stuff but u feel that he is cheating. ur heart tells u soo. and u found out that he is cheating.. who knew in this case ur mind or ur heart ?? the heart doesnt always mean feelings. but it is combined with common sense and experience.. Also when someone say follow ur heart it doesnt mean forget the mind.. but God gave u both.. to use both.. together.. if u r torn apart u can lean to one side but dont forget the other too..
  4. hi, however it depends on the case , but sometimes the heart see what the mind cant see.. i dont know ur situation exactly.. but it depends on how you feel.. in my situation as i said i will follow my heart.. and i know i could get hurt but the only way to find out whether the heart or the mind is right is to continue and not to give up... if i got hurt then i will cry , i will be sad and i will learn new stuff.. if everything happened great i will be happy , smile and i will learn new stuff too.. i already got hurt but still my heart tells me there must be a way , there must be something i dont see.. and over all, ask GOD to help you.. Believe me he wont let you down and lead you to the wrong way. NEVER !
  5. hi i can feel what you are saying bec iam in the same situation.. whenever my heart tells me this girl likes you, my mind tells me no she dont like you and everything she did means she dont like you.. anyways, i think just follow ur heart.. however i cant follow this advice but iam trying.. iam torn between my heart and my mind and everyone is pulling me in opposite way.. i will follow my heart.. i have nothing better to do.. i know i could get hurt by this but that is life.. it worth a try i think so right ? so i have to believe my heart i have no other choice.. you should trust ur heart also.. so if things didnt work and i hope they work well, you would learn.. but i hope from GOD he would help you and help me.. so let us both follow our hearts and see what happens next
  6. and something else.... if u r shy and maybe she is shy too. take thinngs slowly better no rush.. take ur time
  7. hey man. all i can say is to have confidence.. believe in ur self.. no matter poeple say or she says.. u dont have a car.. who cares .. just have confidence.. be yourself... if she rejected you no problem.. it hapeens to all people and it will pass..
  8. hi i dont think you should lose a friend bec of a guy..if he is not giving you attention, dont worry.. be yourself and dont try to get his attention by doing things u wouldnt normally do.. its normal to feel jealous.. bec you like this guy.. and i wont tell you try to remove this feeling bec it is a normal feeling. but dont let it drive you to do bad things and bad ideas to come into ur head.. just be calm and if things would happen it will happen in the goodtime.. or you can tell him ur feelings if u feel that u r ready to do so.. if u find it difficult now, then i would suggest you stay calm and not to lose anyone..
  9. i believe in true love.. and the meaning for me: when 2 people are willing to share their lives together and be together forever..
  10. i have the exact problem, my girl told me she likes me and she is interested but she never thought of things that way blah blah blah.. and now she is acting so friendly to me.. and i dont know what to do also.. and i also think that she likes me before.. so i cant really help u so much.. so PLEASE IF U GOT ANY USEFUL INFORMATION OR IF U ASKED HER AGAIN LET ME KNOW HOW THINGS HAPPENED ? SO PM ME PLEASE.
  11. sorry but i didnt understand a word... iam a boy that is number one.. and a girl is doing these stuff 2 me.. she said she wants us to be friends.. but she is doing all the stuff i said above.. showing me her pics and her family.. talking aloot to me and she enjoy it and she always intiates talking.. she said she likes me too and she is interested but she it seems like these kind of feelings are strange for her bec 1) she is shy 2) relations before marriage are not very good thing to do in our culture (bf/gf) ... but she is acting sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo friendly than the way she was doing before i tell her.. so ?
  12. i mean if he already told u he likes u.. and u just like him as a friend.. would u still be very nice to him.. or just nice as u always have been to him.. or would u step back, just be nice but try no to talk to him as u always do bec he might think that u r interested ?? or bec u just told him iam not interested that u will treat him nice.. bec ithink even if u told him that u r not interested and u treated him nicely he would think that u like him.. i mean not saying to him go away u stupid idiot i will never like u .. but u wont talk to him alot and act sooo friendly... u can just act nice wihtout being nicer than u always have been am i right ?
  13. hey, THIS QUESTION FOR GIRLS .... if a friend of yours told u he likes u and u just like him as a friend... what would u tell him and how would u treat him afterwards ? like r u going to be as friendly as u have been before, step away or be more friendly ? thanks!
  14. u talk easily to the guys u like ? well thats new we can put it in general.. after u told her u like her - acting positively ........she likes u -acting negayively.........she dont like u -acting normal...............60 % she dont like u 40 % she likes u i dont know whether this is right or wrong
  15. hi i would like to say that there is nothing constant in life except change.. there is no trouble lasts forever.. every night comes the day after it.. it seems like u have been suffering from along time.. but u need to have patience and faith.. Dont ever ever give up or lose faith... sometimes when troubles are all around me.. and everything is really making my life painful.. i imagine my self as a hero.. who are the painful and problems comes to.. but i tell my self god chose me to be this hero.. and i must be patient and strong.. anyways, i can gurantee something.. just have patience.and faith.. ok this step number one.. then i gurantee that if u just waited and had patience no matter how hard life is on you.. things will get better more than u even imagine.. just try it.. be strong and ignore all of ur pains.. tell ur self u r still stronger than that.. and iam SURE things will get better... no problem if u have tons of problems and pains.. i really can feel u and telling u right now sometimes if u just pushed more harder beyond ur pains u will be very successful.. dont u worry u know that nothing on earth remains the same.. everything RISE AND FALL.
  16. well yeah i did these stuff.. i even told her once to see her reaction mid ur own business lol when i look back in the things she have done.. i see that she did what iwas doing exactly... she told me once who are the most 3 guys and 3 girls u like in the univ.. i told hera and she said her 3 boys are: somone, anotherone and me..(with a shyface) so now we are 3.. she acts around me more nervous than any of the other 2... so.... well u said based on what i said she is just nervous.. i think so.. the things i told u are the exact things she said with the exact same words.. i didnt change anything.. now u and smallworld almost know ALL of the details. so u can see the whole picture..
  17. i didnt read ur post bec it is so long but u can fix it.. anything could be fixed, just have faith ! ok now i read another part... u dont want to be what they want u to be ? u dont want to be releigous ? trust yourself and trust ur heart.. i dont know ur situation exactly but if u really trust ur judgement and think u r in the right track whatever it is then go on.. (if u believe in god, ask him to help u and show u the right way)
  18. well yeah iam sooooooooo shy.. i kind act rude to the girl i like iam also sometimes soo nervous around her.. i ignore her sometimes, talk to other girls.. ect.... she do the same..
  19. i think right now maybe means that he is trying to tell u he can come back or something in other time.. who knows ? an advice to all of the girls here... without any details PLEASE CHOOSE WELL YOUR BOYFRIEND !!
  20. ok thanks all of these wonderful posts.. i've read in another topic here that even some of the outgoing girls become shy with the guys they like.. i think this is true.. The girl could keep u as a friend even if she likes u more.. if she is still nervous around u... when it comes to something serious as a relationship shy girls like to take it soo slow.. they can even avoid u.. ok here is the question.. how can u know is it real she likes u but she is shy or she just dont like u.. here is my theory about this and i need ur approval... if u kept approaching her, coming close to her and talking to her alot... and she still giving u positive signs and trying to know u better too.. then she is interested... but if u keep coming closer to her and she still behaving and treating u normally and as she always did.. then she is not interested.. she could even treat u worse... as i said she can keep as a friend for a while even if she likes u.. thats no problem but she must give u positive feedbacks.. by any means.. some people say : the girl is keeping u as a friend and giving u positive signs just to make her self esteem high.. well i never saw a silly opinion as this one.. why ? bec i dont see that much of dirty girls like this in our world now.. i know them only in movies.. and even if there is someone like this.. they are very few..
  21. well, bec the way people looking for the one is not right.. how suppose anyone find the one if he/her just looking for a cute boy/girl to have sex or whatever... not looking for a real long lasting relationship.. also they dont wait.. when they find themselves alone they feel like they have to get a bf or gf.. by this way no one will find the one..
  22. lol not that much man... let me put it that way.. signs if a shy girl likes you
  23. How can u tell whether a girl is shy or not ? or i mean how to tell if a shy girl likes you... not shy like she wont talk to anyone.. but shy girl..
  24. one here is not meant like only one in the universe.. not the quantity.. but the one is like the special person who u both are so into eachother.. u looked at everyone in the world for sure u will find more than one.. but when u will not search in the whole world.. u will only find one.. and this one is the one lol
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