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Everything posted by volution

  1. Everyone wants proof. Perhaps. But people take it to far... I didn't say I wasn't prepared to ever prove myself. But I did say, that if I'm not even GIVEN THE CHANCE to prove myself, what can I do? What if my soulmate is 45, but she on meeting me buys into the stereotypes of my age, and lets me pass by without even being give the chance to prove myself? WHAT CAN I DO? WHAT CAN I DO? If someone doesn't GIVE YOU THE CHANCE to prove yourself. What do you do? What can you do? What if you are so fed up, you don't want to do anything anymore? This is interesting - I've been thinking the same thing. "Social Pressure" to conform to a stereotype. IE: People believing that they must 'do this' or 'that', that is atypical of their stereotype, so that they will be 'accepted' or 'fit in'. No-one got anywhere in this world by just 'fitting in'. People that broke out of their moulds, out of their stereotypes - they are the people that enjoyed real success and fulfilment. A blind man managed to conquer Everest recently. I bet most people would have said "Oh no, you can't do that, it's too dangerous". This is just one example of how someone broke out of their stereotype. I bet he thought "No, I'm not staying at home anymore, sulking because I'm blind... I'm not going to listen to all these prejudiced personages tell me what I can and cannot do, or should or shouldn't do, or must or mustn't do." And so he conquered a mountain - both literally and figuratively. I do believe though, that far far more people do blindly and willinglly resign themselves to acting out their stereotypes, than those who decide to try and break out of them, even though the toll can be huge. If we lived in a society where capital punishment was still allowed, and someone got hanged wrongfully, should we just say "oh it's part of life" or should we fight against it with all our veracity, because it is wrong? It is wrong to be prejudiced against, so why should we have to accept it, just because it is 'the norm'? I've already metioned how it affects me. And it is not my fault. If I can't do or get something because of someone else's prejudice or stereotyping, then what else can I do than be affected by it? What happens if you met someone, get on really well with them, and then they ask how old you are, you tell them the truth, and then they don't want to see you again? Are you telling me this will not affect you? By the way, it happened to me at the start of last year, and didn't help much with my depression. Couldn't this be considered one of the stereotypes you are griping about? Isn't it a stereotype that your beleifs are generally (even while saying generally, because that is a term used in all stereotypes) shared with those of 30 and 40 year olds? That is a generalization on your part, because I am sure there are many people in their 30's and 40's who do not share your beleifs. I know what you're saying. But this is from DIRECT EXPERIENCE. There's a difference. MOST people just bandy about stereotypes and prejudices WITHOUT knowing or experiencing first hand. They just ASSUME about things, without bothering to find out the truth behind them - just like the perfect stereotype of age - "he's young so he must be ...this, this and this". If you see a woman down the street screaming, and a man holding her arm, what would you first think? "He's trying to attacking her" would be most people's thoughts. What if he was helping her up, and she was in pain? What if they were doing a scene from a film? You'd never know the real reason until you FOUND OUT! I know that's a bit extreme example, but it's just making a point. BECAUSE I HAVE DIRECT EXPERIENCE, I am able to make a comment without it being a stereotype. A stereotype by it's nature, is something that is used, by people who are UNINFORMED and DON'T REALLY KNOW about the thing they are stereotyping. I KNOW a lot of people older than me DON'T share the same things. But I DO KNOW FROM DIRECT EXPERIENCE that MANY MANY MORE people that are older than me SHARE THE SAME INTERESTS, VALUES, BELIEFS, HOPES, GOALS, DREAMS than people the same age as me or younger. If I had a Degree in Computing, why would I want to try and get a job as a Secretary? Filtering out what works for YOU PERSONALLY is not stereotyping, it's ESSENTIAL in helping you get what you NEED or WANT.
  2. Gawd.... it's worse in the UK, people are so up-tight, closed off and have more hang-ups than an insurance salesman! At best, if you try and ask a stranger out here, or even talk to them innocently, you'll get a funny look or slap, and told to 'pee off'. At worst, you'll be accused of being a rapist! FFS.
  3. I used to get what I thought was really bad dandruff. I tried all the normal shampoos, the anti-dandruff shampoos and really chemical stuff like T-Gel, Tea Tree Oil and everything you could think of. But it turned out not to be dandruff - it was scalp. You just need to wash your hair more often, especially if it is anything other than very short.
  4. Plain and simple... SHE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU If someone really is interested, genuinely, heartfetly, then they don't go round talking/dating/chatting up ANYONE ELSE. To do so is not only utterly disrespectful, but a sign of possible infidelity and commitment problems. This goes as much for women as it does for men!
  5. Take comfort from the fact that some of us have to wait YEARS to have sex
  6. I understand where you're coming from on the 'stages in life'. It's true, different people are at different stages in their lives. But it's NOT true that all people of one age are at those stages. For example, a common stereotype is that people in their 20s only want to have fun, muck around, have casual relationships and just generally be immature. This is totally abhorrent. I am in my 20s, and I want none of this. Generally, my views, interests, and beliefs tend to be held by people in their 30s and 40s. My 'stage in life' is similar to those in their 30s and 40s. And although this could itself be labelled a stereotype, it is not, because it is an observation based on experience, and not a generalisation, used to bring comfort and superiority to a group of people or an individual. Stereotypes are damaging and demoralising. The dictionary defines stereotpye as "A generalization, usually exaggerated or oversimplified and often offensive, that is used to describe or distinguish a group. ". Says it all I believe that people use stereotypes to make themselves feel superior to one group of people or another. Some 'older' people seem to believe that their age gives them automatic power, automatic wisdom and automatic more worth than younger people. This is very sad. You say about 'proving yourself' - but WHY? WHY should someone have to prove themself, just because others have the WRONG idea about them. Yes, I know, in society, especially in work and jobs, we have to prove to our employers on a trial period that we're worthy of keeping on. But to apply the same logic to the whole of life and relationships is futile and destructive. Shouldn't the people who have the WRONG ideas be the ones that change their attitudes and opinions? It is hard to break many years of stereotypes and beliefs, but we as a culture cannot progress much further without them being dissolved, and new and more positive attitudes and beliefs being adopted. We need to keep OPEN MINDS, especially when it comes to love and relationships. That so many relationships are splitting up all the time, again and again, says that we have a major problem on our hands. (People beliving lust/sex=love, the chemicals fading after 18 months and people think they fall out of love, etc.). One thing I have noticed is that many people who are younger, if they like something that isn't stereotypical, they tout their age - they say "Hey, I like this music, and I'm only 16". It is sad that people have to resort to this to feel validated or accepted in this world. Ageism is one of my personal favourite rants, because I have said beore hand about how dating and relationships revolve mainly around age, and because I personally encounter diabolical difficulty. I either have to wait 10 years for someone who doesn't care about age to come along, or settle for someone my own physical age who doesn't share anything in common with me. It's so depressing...
  7. It amazes me how so much of this world still discriminates based on physical age. Sex, race, disability discrimination are all illegal and considered wrong. Yet ageism - it's still legal, and few people consider it wrong. There are a lot of topics in this forum about age - I can't believe that people ask if a couple of years between them is a problem! Physical age is not an indicator of maturity, intelligence, responsibility, awareness, capability or worth. Our world is far too focused on age. It is the primary identifier of virtually all people around the world (usually after gender). Of course we must have some regulation based around age - for example alcohol legislation. But concern with age is carried far too far, it causes stereotypes - fundamentally the old verus the young: You're either one or the other - old or young, mature or immature, intelligent or unintelligent, committed or uncommitted, faithful or unfaithful. This is absolutely crazy!! Stereotypes are so successful at persisting, because people have so little time to work out things for themselves (or get to know people properly) these days, that they use 'short cuts' to assume things about others. And these assumptions, about age, are often completely unfounded and wrong. The old are mocked. The young are mocked. Every 'age group' has been targetted and humiliated by society. It used to be the 'old' that used to be prejudiced against, insulted and made fun of, the butt of countless jokes. Then it was people in 'middle age' - they were having 'mid life crisises', having divorces, always splitting up, getting restless. Finally it was 'teenagers' and 'those in their 20s' - 'useless layabouts', 'good-for-nothings', 'immature, unfaithful, uncommitting, unworthy, unthoughtful, unemotional, materialistic, worthless puss-balls on the anus of humanity'. The young and old are constantly pitted against each other, in some kind of unspoken, unconscious battle. We can either be young, playful, innocent and immature. Or we can be old, serious, faithful and worldwise. There is no middle ground. It's not fair. We are all humans, no matter what our age. And our age is just a number. Age is just in the mind. True maturity comes from within. How does this affect relationships? Well, for a start, it makes people unconsciously search out a mate of similar or same age. Look at any dating site - you will find that the search function is based on age. Not on interests. Not on hobbies. But age. (True, a few do have searches for interests etc., but AGE is the primary search factor). When people have interests and hobbies that are shared by people usually outside their age range - they are in trouble. They will just be passed by on these dating services. I have plenty of first-hand experience of this. When I put my real age down, I got no replies. When I put down an age similar to people with the same interests, I got replies. I think this speaks for itself. When people base their relationships firstly on age, then they are going to have great difficulty in finding a compatible partner and lasting relationship. People somehow assume that if someone is the same age, they will have the same interests, beliefs, maturity, goals, dreams, hopes, etc. This is all wrong!
  8. LOL - that's the worst. There's a book that this reminded me of... It's called "What is Love? A simple Buddhist guide to Romantic happiness". The guy who wrote it - he found a woman like you did - they got on so well, but yet she turned out to be more choosy then him and so he lost her. Sometimes it can be OK to be picky. We just have to have the right things to be picky about For example, deciding that you only want someone based on a physical factor is not enlightened and can lead to disappointment. We're only human though - we all have some prejudices and some pickiness! But to decide primarily on physical traits is wrong. However, deciding that you want someone to share the same interests as you, and the same beliefs - that's good! Physical factors in the end don't really contribute to successful relationships. If you have the same interests, well, that is much more conducive to a successful relationship.
  9. The film business eh? Don't let them take your soul I think a lot of actors and actresses have to go through a LOT of rejections before they get 'that part'. Perhaps it's similar to relationships - work your bum off to find one, and you get no-where, even when you show your true colours to all and sundry ! But when you just give up looking, then somehow it finds you! My best friend is a film extra - he's done quite a few films, including Alexander and a new one Derailed. Have you thought about doing a bit of extra work in the meantime?
  10. This site isn't about helping people to get back together with an ex. Rarely does it happen, and often it will hurt even more when inevitably you break up again. There is nothing on this planet other than yourself and your ex that could get you back together again. To place hope onto a website, or anything else, in helping you get back together is misguided. Sorry to be so blunt - but this site is more about helping people recover after broken relationships, or advising them on current relationships. I can sense you're angry and upset, and perhaps bitter - and looking for something to blame. I have been the same in the past, and I think most people do go through the same emotions. The spirit of this site is to remind people - they aren't alone in their aloneness.
  11. Here's one of my favourite poems (not by me).... SADDEST POEM I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. Write, for instance: "The night is full of stars, and the stars, blue, shiver in the distance." The night wind whirls in the sky and sings. I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too. On nights like this, I held her in my arms. I kissed her so many times under the infinite sky. She loved me, sometimes I loved her. How could I not have loved her large, still eyes? I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. To think I don't have her. To feel that I've lost her. To hear the immense night, more immense without her. And the poem falls to the soul as dew to grass. What does it matter that my love couldn't keep her. The night is full of stars and she is not with me. That's all. Far away, someone sings. Far away. My soul is lost without her. As if to bring her near, my eyes search for her. My heart searches for her and she is not with me. The same night that whitens the same trees. We, we who were, we are the same no longer. I no longer love her, true, but how much I loved her. My voice searched the wind to touch her ear. Someone else's. She will be someone else's. As she once belonged to my kisses. Her voice, her light body. Her infinite eyes. I no longer love her, true, but perhaps I love her. Love is so short and oblivion so long. Because on nights like this I held her in my arms, my soul is lost without her. Although this may be the last pain she causes me, and this may be the last poem I write for her. Pablo Neruda
  12. Oh it does matter... If we can't even afford to even rent even a cesspit-flat in this (UK) country, then how can one even think about ever having a partner, or family? Families and relationships are essential for our health and wellbeing. If we can't have them because of our monetary situations, it leads to depression. I know you'll rebound this with saying "Oh get a better job... get more money". Well, sometimes we CAN'T. We have to put up with a dead-end job because we weren't fortunate enough to go to university and have some meaningless degree. Don't talk to me about 'chances', 'opportunities' etc. Some people have to work 2 or 3 jobs in this country - working 60, 80 or even 100 hours a week just to be able to afford to live in their own place. And no, these aren't luxury apartments and luxurious living - this is just scraping by on the edge of poverty. You have the luxury of having tons of places to go to in the US. I think you're just making excuses for not moving somewhere else where there are more people. Not only do we have to contend with crap pay, crap prices and crap everything in the UK. We have to put up with crap people too. Most people couldn't give a flying fart about anyone but themselves here. This is why it's so damn difficult to get to know anyone here, and especially depressing for people like me who are shy. Most people here expect something from you in return - unconditional love, friendship, sincerity, selflessness, altruism, and hospitality are words that seem to have been deleted from our British dictionary. Our country is overpopulated, overcrowded, overworked, over-rated and dying. And we've got a corrupt fool running the whole show. I've been to the US a few times, and it's a whole different world - people are so more optimistic, friendly and open. I could talk to complete strangers in the US, but not in the UK, for fear of them running away or getting a slap in the face. People have so many hang-ups here it's unbelivable. Hey al7 - wanna swap places? I am saying that if you pay $10 for a shirt or $20 it doesnt matter much. You have all you want: family, friends, shirts (not all expensive and fancy, but it is not a point to cry about rigth?), education, opportunity to have a job etc etc. Plus people who live around you have approx the same situation: you feel like a decent member there. What can I say: It is all different for me here: no friends\family etc etc and my pay is like 0.4 of an average one here. Thats not something I would wish to you. So in fact you are right: it is better for you to stay where you grew up. What I was talking about is people as potential firends or just social companion. You have that, dont you? In my area you can just forget about people, work-home, work-home is your ususal route.
  13. My parents have got a 12 year age difference between them (my Dad older of course). I'm not interested whatsoever in girls my own age - they are mostly all into getting drunk, behaving like sl*ts, totally materialistic. It's much harder to find a younger man and older woman relationship, as so many people stereotype that kind of relationship as not serious and just for fun.
  14. Quite an uplifting poem, I must say LOL. I'm strangely interested and intrigued by nuclear war films like Threads and documentaries. Don't know why. Just amazing how the smallest handful of nuclear material can create such a devastating explosion - the energy of the atom!
  15. You folks in the US moaning about choosing where to live! Come to England for a year and you'll know what real living is all about....Here's the lowdon.... The cheapest house in a hundred miles radius of me. Repeat hundred miles radius of me. CHEAPEST HOUSE is about £120,000 - that's almost $250,000. To even RENT is unbelivable here - you're luckier than a guy winning the lottery ten thousands times in a row to get a SINGLE TINY pile of poo room in some drug-dealer's den for less than £400 ($800) a month. We pay over £4 ($8 ) per Gallon of fuel. We pay £12,000 ($24,000) for an average rubbish new car. Mostly everything over here is almost double what it costs in the US. And our wages suck in comparison too. The average is about £15,000 ($30,000). That's what I earn. After tax it's about £10,000 ($20,000). To rent out the tiniest of rooms or flats, to pay for gas, water, electricity, tv, car, insurance, telephone would cost more than £10,000 a year. I for one, on my money won't be able to ever afford my own place in this country. It's impossible to live here without getting massive credit card debts and unpayable mortgages here. Some people have mortgages they will be still paying when they're 70 YEARS OLD! If they ever get there! LOL! So count yourselves lucky in the States! LOL, I'm trying to move over there any way I can!
  16. Hey... physical age has nothing to do with maturity . Only our society's stereotyping makes many people *believe* it does, and so a lot of people *do* follow stereotypical roles due to pressure etc. I know some guys in their 40s and 50s who behave immaturely.
  17. Here's a positive one I wrote last year... To My Muse [september 2004] I have waited more than my lifetime For my Muse to come along. At first, my soul dreamed of grand Meetings, and electric encounters: Serenades, and signs, synchronicities, And songs, so my heart held no doubt. My memory fails me, when I try to Remember a time that I did not Yearn for an Anam Cara on the journey Of my life - a true Soul-friend. From early on, Truths about How things really are, came from Within me - yet it took some years Before I could grasp what they meant. A silver screen played in my mind, Day and night. I starred in the story Of my life, with my beloved at My side - hand in hand. Yet, those stories never had a Happy ending - for always deep Down, my essense knew that Fairy-tales never came true. Late at night, I would craft Works, of verse, and of Song - all my soul would Go into my arts. I never knew that I would face Such loneliness, and such harrow. But then, nobody chooses unrequitement - It chooses them... I got angry at the world, I would Cry late into the night - feeling such Cold fire within - screaming out For my beloved - any beloved - to cure me Of the disease, that ate the lightness Of my being. I was so afraid of the dark - even In the day, I couldn't stop it's harsh Progress - trembling and shaking, Surely one soul shouldn't be able To take this suffrage, let alone Deserve it? Such was the honesty, and intention Of my quest - all that I sought was To open the eyes that were closed, Through the arts, that my Muse Would inspire me to form, From the awe of her beauty, The passion of her hold, And the kindness of her lips. But where could I find her? My soul came up against such A dreadful opposition - it was Punished for what it was outside, Even by those who claimed that Only that which lied beneath the Surface truly mattered. In these times, it felt so alone. How could it find a chance to Extol it's true nature - a deep And rare goodness, that so Many look for, yet so few find? Where others might have half-a-heart; It would give every beat, and every Drop of life unto it's beloved - We would share a special vinculum. Where others might never find a Steadfast connection - always moving On unfulfilled; it would stay with Loyalty and veracity - to the end and beyond. Where they just say words and Promise deeds out of love's expectation; My soul would fill it's liebling's life, With a dedication of spirit. Where they just argue, and fight; I would learn about myself from looking Into my Muse's eyes, and share with Each other The Most Gentle Softness. And where others plainly cheat, lie, Deceive, forsake and take for granted; My Muse would never face any of The disappointments they dish out. Many years have passed, since that Which was within my soul awakened, Knowing from beyond, that a special Task on this Earth awaited it: To walk the path of my life, with A special love in my heart, shared With a special love by my side, Sharing that love with the world; To together open those dreary eyes, That so long for some light and hope. To heal a little of the darkness that Has engulfed so much of our lives; To perhaps bring an enlightened Life into the world, to continue The good work, once together We left for beyond; But first to wish, with every fibre, every Drop of essense, every thought, every Hope, every dream, every deed, that One day, my Muse would find me... I prayed to the universe, to Goddess, That my wish might be fulfilled. Finally I have found you, Will you be my Muse?
  18. I agree ... possessions mean nothing if you have got no-one to share them with. The funny thing with emotions, feelings and attraction - we can't turn them on at command. We can't just suddenly decide to feel attracted to someone, or love them - it just happens. Plus we can't just turn off our feelings on tap. It's one of the greatest mysteries of love and life, and perhaps is why it makes it so exciting when it does happen. 1 Week is FAR TOO SOON to truly get over someone and start a relationship with someone else. Especially if your ex played with your emotions. I'm still not over my ex after almost 3 months, and she played with my emotions. I also agree that others shouldn't decide things about your life or relationships for you. By all means listen to advice, but don't base your path entirely on what they say. It's your life By all means remain friends with this guy - in fact this is a perfect juncture to find out his true colours. If he really is a genuine, good, caring guy, then he will underdstand when you explain to him about the situation with the ex. Explain to him it's too soon, you'd like to go a bit slower, that you were hurt etc. If he doesn't want to see you again after that - then HJNTIY (He's just not that into you). It's crazy how many people will continue a relationship even if they don't feel any (or as much) attraction to someone as vice-versa. I believe it's down to the fear they won't find someone else similar or better.
  19. It takes great courage to say that... That really is the only option though. It is clear she doesn't truly love you, or she wouldn't be hurting your feelings like this. She is playing games. It may be hard, but tell her you don't want to hear from her again. Don't contact her yourself either - otherwise you'll just end up getting hurt.
  20. Traditionally, men have been thought of as the breadwinners, the defenders, the warriors, the gatherers, the fighters, the protectors. (ie: Physical, 'Earth', 'Dark'). And women, the nurturers, the healers, the comforters. (ie: Spiritual, 'Heaven', 'Light'). Althought we like to think we have evolved beyond those two most fundamental roles that have dominated humanity since time immemorial - whatwith all our ideas and ideals about 'equality', battle of the sexes etc. - in the end, the majority of humanity still acts out those roles, often unconsciously. The majority of women primarily want a traditional man first, but they also want him to have feminine qualities too. On the other hand, I don't know many men that want a woman with masculine qualities But I do believe there are women out there that don't care about money, status etc. first, and do care about the heart and soul of a man! They're just damn hard to find. Biologicaly speaking, women are superior to men. (Men have X and Y chromosones - they Y being half an X. Women have two XX chromosones). Over time, the Y chromosone of man will deplete and in the far future, will no longer be viable, and all humans will be female! I know this is getting a bit deep, and philosophical but what I'm saying is that I believe over time, humanity as a whole is heading towards the feminine, and that in the end all humans will embrace feminine qualities rather than masculine qualities. (Gentleness, calmness, tenderness etc.). Getting back to the point in question - I wouldn't call it social pressure, but societal pressure - that we as males have pressure from society to fulfil it's requirements of masculinity. And that if we deviate from a typical masculine role, then we might risk being labelled 'gay', 'impotent' or 'weak'. I'm a gentle male, and I don't want to have to turn myself into the traditional male role just so I can one day get a wife. I am who I am, and if a woman can't accept that, then I'm not the one for them. I too like you don't own a house (I live with my relatives), I don't have that much money either, I do have a company car though, but I don't have anyone to visit! I do feel like sometimes these factors dent my confidence, but again I say if a woman can't accept me for who I am, then to hell with them! It's not what's in the face, in the wallet or in the brain that truly matters... but what is in the heart! Watch Forrest Gump or again if you already have seen it! It's a truly inspiring film - if he can get a woman, then you can and I even I can!
  21. Here's one I wrote a few years ago... The Death of Love (For Sophie) [November 2002] I truly fell in love with you, Yet my gentle nature would Not let me tell you how I felt. I cried inside, and too Salt did fall outside, because My feelings came from within. For two solemn weeks, I endured purgatory - constant Wondering of what you really felt. In my soul, all I could Believe is that your feelings And thoughts were of me. Yet, in my mind, my Natural pessimism sentenced Our chance to doom. Beyond our first tender Osculations, empty messages Were all we seemed to share. In the second week, I drove myself to madnesses' Brink trying to reach you. My courage had been eroded By such terrible unreturned Love in the past. I couldn't bring myself to Press that button which Would connect us. Yet late at night, I found Strength from somwhere, To finally press that button. I was disappointed, for My brave efforts only Found myself listening To a feelingless reproduction Of your voice. Stupidly I felt hopeful. "Tomorrow..," I thought, You would answer, and My bravery would be rewarded. The day came, then the evening. And again, I felt fearful. But I found strength again. Once more I valiantly pressed that Button - and waited. Yet my connection Was nothing but diverted. One last message I send To you, telling you clear Of my quixotic intentions. But I receive no reply, Until the most dreaded Words of another. Immediately, I rediscover The age-old unfairness of Love. Another which deserves you Not, posesses your affections. Perhaps my love was too Slow to reach you? Or maybe I fell for a Flagitious trick. I feel nothing now, though. This cruelest unrequitement, Would ruin most souls - Dante himself would have cried. Yet, I feel nothing. Anger has left me, so too has love. Am I in denial? Agony surely, I should feel. Tears should be running down My long afflicted face. Someone else's similar Pain, would have driven them To the end of life. Yet, my ambivalence strangely Betrays what I have felt - the Death of Love...
  22. Agree with you wholeheartedly on Valentine's Day. Perhaps it's because I've never had a Valentine, and last year I got spurned on Valentine's, but I've always thought that VD just makes those of us who are single feel like we don't deserve to exist. Some people reserve this day of the year as the only day to express/show their love for their partner. If you really love someone, then you'd show them any and every day of the year! I also find it sad that people resent their partners if they don't do anything special on VD - some feel like they don't love them, if they don't do something!
  23. I was sick of waiting when I was 14 lol . Gawd.... it seems like this... the women who have the same interests as me are few and far between already, but they all seem to be taken too!! Last week, I got a message out of the blue from someone nice on a dating site I had been on for a while. So I got chatting to her, then find out she already has a date at the weekend. I mean WTF, FFS ARRRGGH?! Why bother to contact me if she already has a date? They do say good things things come to those who wait, but bad things happen whilst we're waiting like manic depression and frustration! And in the end, there's no guarantee of anything. Like everything in life, I suppose. I amazingly find women who share my interests, but amazingly they are all taken by boyfriends or husbands. It's like every girl that I meet who I like and who I connect with have someone else to begin with. They say good things come to those who wait, but I'm 31 and I am sick of waiting.
  24. LOL - I used to archetype myself as a kind of Knight who would fight the 'Unworthy' (men who treated women badly), and 'rescue' a fair maiden from their clutches, and give her what she truly deserved. I believe the 'rescuing' role is a common thing that men act out.
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