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Everything posted by JynX

  1. Being upfront and direct never hurts...so I say go for it and just ask her if she wants to be friends or more. Dont take a "I dont know" for an answer...because that just says she doesnt want something with you right now, but is still wanting to keep you around. Thats not too good. JyNx
  2. I think you should ask her out in person, not over the phone. The phone is taking an easy way out, plus if you do it in person, she'll see you have guts. Good luck! JyNx
  3. That depends on what both you and her like. I'd say ask her to the movies and then pizza or icecream. Just say something like, "There's this great movie out this weekend, (name of movie), would you wanna go see it with me?" Or something of that nature. JyNx
  4. Sure it's okay to be into another girl...but it's not the best move to tell her that, even as a joke. Girls take those things seriously. But by blowing up like that, I'd say she has feelings for you that are a little bit more than friendship. JyNx
  5. The1 is right. Confidence is the key. Try and start conversations with her, compliment her, show eye contact - do something to let her know you're interested. If you want to get over your shyness, pretend you're not shy. It'll take some time, but it will eventually become second nature. You should really try it, it worked for me. I'm no longer a shy girl! JyNx
  6. I dont mind it at all. It's actually kinda cute if you mix that in with the expression guys get...priceless. JyNx
  7. I'm a freshman...my boyfriend is a junior. Trust me, the age doesnt make one bit of difference. When he and I met, things clicked and went right straight off the bat. We've been together for 3 months now and things are going great...except for my parents and their rules, but wont get into that lol. Although your parents may not approve of the age difference at first, mine didnt either, but with time when they get to know him, things will smooth out. It's not at all uncommon for freshman to go out with juniors, at all...so dont let the age interfere! Good luck! JyNx
  8. Seeing someone you love with someone else will always hurt. From what I understood you two broke up a month ago, right? A month isnt nearly enough time to get over someone. Give this more time. It would help if you avoided her and that guy until you feel comfortable confronting your past. From what I've read it also seems like he's buying her love, not earning it. There's a big difference. You two stayed together 5 years-thats love. Him buying her gifts and things like that isnt. Just dont beat yourself up for not being able to buy her more things, it isnt about that. Sure, gifts are nice to receive, but personally I'd choose love over any gift any day. Keep your chin up, beco. It may not seem like it now, but things will get better. Try to hang out with your friends and get your mind off of this. JyNx
  9. I'd say hang out with her more during school...like at lunch. Get to know her better and then just go for it and ask her out. Just make sure she doesnt have a boyfriend, I've seen alot of my guyfriends run into that problem. If for some reason she says no, be her friend anyway. But the key to relationships and their success, as I've learned, is being good friends first. Hope this helps! JyNx
  10. Drahcir - from what I've heard about my bf coming from my parents, they like him. He used to come over to my house all the time, or atleast pretty much every weekend, up until this new "you can see him once every two weeeks" rule kicked in last night. I really dont see why they'd say that now, if they already like him, our parents are friends, and he and I already spent time together. It didnt seem to bother them then. OldGuY - I'll try what you sugested when the right opportunity comes up...we're supposed to all sit down and talk about "rules" sometime soon anyway, so I'll bring it up then. Thanks! Hopefully things will change a little bit. JyNx
  11. Hey, no prob! Glad I can finally put myself to use some place instead of just around the people I know. If you need anything else, feel free to PM or email me. JyNx
  12. If she likes both of you and you made the first move, you have the upper hand. On the date, compliment her, keep eye contact, flirt - the usual. If you want to take a more direct approach, I'd try saying something like, " One of my friends told me you had a crush on whats his face (dont say that..but you know what I mean). do you still have feelings for him?" Of course, I'm not sure if that'll work, but atleast it'll get you talking about the topic. If not that, then ask her for one more date. If she says yes, you'll have the even bigger advantage. Also, so that this "friend" doesnt ruin things, I'd talk to him about this, too. Good luck! JyNx
  13. In my previous experiences, the direct approach always works. Before my bf and I started dating, he and I both asked each other about our past relationships and what has gone wrong in them. That way, we both learned from our mistakes. It also takes away all the secrecy some couples have with their ex's. But, Protex has the right idea. If you're not comfortable just straight out asking him, her way will definetely work. JyNx
  14. I agree with Raptor. Also, if the silence falls after you talked about the movie, try complimenting her. That always works for us girls. Ask her about her favorite music, foods, hobbies - basically, try to find some common ground both of you can feel comfortable talking about. Something my boyfriend and I always talk about when the silence falls is our childhood...yes, that includes all those embarrasing stories about barbies and whatever else you wouldnt be caught dead with today. Those funny stories are always a good way to break the ice. I used to be very shy myself about a year or so ago. If you want to get over that, pretend you're not shy. It'll be hard at first, but after some time it'll become second nature and poof, there goes your shyness. Hope this helps and good luck! JyNx
  15. First of all, if he's really your friend he's never try to take a girl you like from you. Thats not something friends do to each other. I have a question. How does she act around you and your friend? Does she act differently with you than with him or vise versa? Is there any eye contact, flirting, or is it just a friend situation? JyNx
  16. Thanks for commenting and yes, I'm pretty sure I have the guts to do almost anything. Ask anyone that knows me and they'll say I'm the type who'll try anything once. So I'd really appreciate your hints. Thanks again, JyNx
  17. I understand that my parents are trying to protect me, but I think I'm old enough to be trusted. After all, this is my life, not theirs. They got their chance, now its my turn. This new rule of theirs cant be because they dont like my boyfriend. Ironicly, they really do. Even both of them made it perfectly clear that they think he's a very nice young man and they're glad I met him. (wouldn't agree with that right now). My mom's bf told me last night that he trusts him, but he'll never fully trust him. I get that. No parent will ever fully trust a guy, no matter who he is or how old he is. In my previous posts I've mentioned that my parents have issues with me growing up...and since this is my first real boyfriend with whom I actually go out and do things with outside of school, that might be the case. Also, when I first introduced him to them, they said he was too old for me to date. Now, however, that doesnt seem to be the problem anymore. (he's 16 right now, but will turn 17 in february) We're only a year and a half apart...so its not a big deal. I just dont know how to approach this subject with them. It seems they've already laid down their rule. Any ideas? JyNx
  18. I dont see how ANY guy would pass up a possible make out. You said you two used to make out all the time, but now you dont. What changed since then? Have you gotten into fights? Do you still feel like both of his and your feelings for each other are still the same? What happens when you two hang out together? Do you just hang out as "friends" or do you kiss/cuddle/etc? JyNx
  19. Last night my parents finally let me go over to my boyfriend's house after over a week of not seeing each other. When I got home, they told me that I'm only allowed to see him once every two weeks. Does that even seem fair? Our two best friends are together and they see each other every single day. Is there something I can possibly say to them to make them lighten up a bit? Do I need to stand my ground on this with them or just let them win? Please help! I'd appreciate any advice you guys have... JyNx
  20. I wrote this when I was thinking of how it'd be like if my boyfriend and I broke up...please let me know what you think of it! Drops of sorrow hit the floor Now that you've walked out the door Tears fill the empty space As they silently splash down my face I will fight this till the end Tow whatever destiny will lend I long for a day that's gentle, soft, and kind A day when these thoughts free my mind I wish this pain would fade away All day I sit and pray Please, fade into the dark of night Leave and get out of my sight I'm crying, screaming silent words So afraid to show these fears No words, no shouts, no sound - My despair is now so tightly wound JyNx
  21. I'm thinking that maybe if one day you ask him if he's seeing someone, that might give him the one clue he needs to know you're interested. Depending on his answer, make your plans from there. If he isnt seeing someone and doesnt really say anything to hint that he has feelings for you, maybe he doesnt want a relationship. But like you said...why would he tell you all those things if he wasnt interested? I now understand where you're coming from...this is quite confusing. My advice would be to take a direct aproach to the situation, instead of just wondering and guessing. You know? JyNx
  22. Vixen, I'd say once class is over and he hasnt made a move or showed a sign of any type, you make the move and ask him to go out somewhere. Drink, movies - whatever it may be. After all, what do you have to lose? Also, do you know if he's seeing anyone right now or is he single? Because if he is seeing someone, that might be a factor in why he's playing it safe with you. JyNx
  23. Those were great quotes...thanks! JyNx
  24. From what I've read it could very well mean that there's some chemistry between the two of you. After all, you dont see every teacher making eye contact and getting close to you. If that's the case, then like you said, keep your distance until class is over. On the flip side, this just might be how he is. You may not be the first girl he's acted like this with. There really isnt any way to say for sure if the feeling is mutual or not. That'll only be seen after class is over and how he reacts to it. Sorry I couldnt be more help...good luck! JyNx
  25. JynX


    Best things come when you least expect them. Try not to see your situation as "I must have a girlfriend" but as something like "I'm fine where I am but I'd like to have someone". As for sparking a conversation...I'd say be yourself. Compliment the girl, ask her about her favorite movies, music - just whatever suits the conversation. Smile alot and keep eye contact. Those usually work. Hope this helps and good luck! JyNx
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