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  1. HI, ok try to follow me. Two days ago in my Spanish class on Thursday I meet Sarah. We where playing a game to help increases our vocab, and right off the bat we started flirting. After class she was going to her next class which is two rooms away to my next class so I told her that she was stocking me she laugh and we talk tell she got to her next class. The next day I waz teasing/flirting with her again saying that you're still stocking me and we talk and she laugh at my funny jokes… So the problem that I'm dealing with is that I don't know what to say or do to tell her that I like her? How long should I wait to ask her to gou do something? Should I start by asking her out to lunch with her and her friends and then ask her if she want to go do something by ourselves? Need help fast, thank you…
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