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  1. I'd like to know if it'd be to weird for a guy to answer if he's had any previous girlfriends.....especially if I weren't going out with him. I kinda wanna know if it would make him react in any way if I asked him or if it would be wrong. If anyone has any info on if this is such a good idea or not or how I would go about asking him, then please post any advice you can. Thanks a bunch.
  2. If you think she's shy then you should try to make all the first moves. Maybe lightly nudge her with your arm or offer to give her a hug. Perhaps that could get somthing started.
  3. Smile at him when I get the chance, maybe ask him silly questions or play with his hair. Occasionally I may hit him on the arm or laugh at him even when he's not really funny. And I'll always find a time to talk to him or just wait around to walk with him.
  4. From my experience as a girl I'd say this girl must like you if she smiles when you ask her something and turns a bit red. You should ask her out...or at least have someone ask her if she likes you. She may not give a clear answer, but it will at least give you an idea. Also, girls love it when guys make the first move so you should most certainly ask her out when you think is best. Hope everything goes great.
  5. As of right now I don't think I'm as confused as I was a few days ago... Unless I'm mistaken a guy who wants to hang around you all the time is a good thing, right? Also, I'm not totally clear on this one, but say if one of your friends asks the guy you like if they like you and he tells you about it and gives you a silly response does it mean something? And lastly, .....hmm.....gotta think of that last one....oh yeah. Should I make the first move if I think he really likes me or I wait for him to make the fist move? I guess I'm a bit anxious cuz theres a homecoming dance coming up in a week and I was kinda wanting to go with some else besides just my friends. All your replys, big and small, are greatly appreciated.
  6. Hey everyone! I also have another post at the end of some questions that are confusing me. Please if you could, would anyone answer them for me? Thanks a bunch. I am very confused with this dude...and perhaps if I get a little help it will make this more clear to me...so here it goes... This guy I know is someone who is normally nice to just about anyone. I talk to him often and when I say hi to him he makes a point to actually walk in the hall with me. He's not exactly shy, but talk softly and normally only talks if someone starts a conversation. He originally find out who I was through my cousin and since then we've been talking everyday about several things. He talks to everyone though, and talks the same way to anyone, girls and guys. So why am I asking this question? I'd like to know if the following things listed below are any signs of him liking me. And if so, how do I show him I like him? 1. Staring at me, but turning away as soon as I look. 2. Getting in front on me everytime I try to go a certain way (how do you say it...mirroring every direction I go) 3. Punching me in the arm. 4. Sits by me when I ask him to. 5. Sometimes comments me on how I look. Please, if anyone can give even just a bit of advice, all of it would be greatly appriciated. Thanks in advance. [/i]
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