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Everything posted by skyteph

  1. I hope everything works out. A month away may be for the best, it gives both you and the twins plenty of time to think about the situation and move on if needed. Even if you feel that you have more chance with Travis, are you sure that you're emotionally attracted to him? As you said, it is a delicate situation.
  2. I hate to say it but sometimes it's no fun to have a boyfriend who's skinny then you, or one with a bigger bra size. You can always tone up, or gain a little body weight, but you should do this for yourself, so that you can gain self-esteem which I'm sure no matter how you look will lead to attracting girls. Do what ever you can to become comfortable with yourself.
  3. I don't know if my advice will be helpful, because I know that I am an outgoing person when I need to be. If I have a class and don't know anyone in it, I'll sit next to someone and make conversation. I have made lots of friends by simply being so straight forward and not caring about them possibly thinking I'm annoying or something for sitting next to them and having a friendly conversation. You have to be willing to take a chance, even if you could possibly make a fool of yourself.
  4. Maybe she is /just/ unsure about your sexual orientation! Maybe going to a gay bar has put little doubts in her mind and she wants to end it before she gets hurt..?
  5. I used to feel that I needed to get a boyfriend, and that I was missing out by not having someone. Almost every guy I talked to, to me, was seen as a potential boyfriend. But I realised that I didn't really have that much self-esteem and that having just /anyone/ wasn't what I should be focussed on. Lately since I've stopped being frantic about the whole thing, I've realised that I have a whole lot more self esteem and I love everything about me, and if a guy doesn't like me, he's the one missing out! I've also noticed that a lot of guys do try and chat me up, I just never saw it before. Maybe you should try this too! Stop worrying about getting just /any/ girl and what happens, happens.
  6. Being single is a nice way to pass the time. Just think about how great it is to be selfish! Other girls in relationships can't get away with only caring about themselves and perving on hot guys down the beach. And hey, sometimes if you just need some "attention" buy yourself a prezzie and pop in some batteries
  7. Most of us only think was are because it's a fact that girls mature almost 2 years ahead of guys
  8. If he's moving on, it would be a good idea that you did too. Just think about all the guys who are missing out because you're focussed on a guy who doesn't like you back.
  9. In short: Chocolate = God, it's like the most common thing craved by PMSing women, according to some Australian survey!
  10. People ask because they want to know,
  11. In a perfect world ShySoul, that might be how everyone is judged, but in high school that's not how it is at all. I think alot of people in high school are part of "cliques" because we all want to express ourselves, and since our friends or the people we hang around with have similar interests it gives the image that we are this little clique. However this isn't true for everyone. One of my friends has other friends from all differnt sorts of "groups" and gets along well with all of them as equally as the other.
  12. You're putting this girl on a pedistal. Just think about how she has bad hair days and used to wet the bed too!
  13. Lol, I don't think I know a guy that does better then me...actually when I think about it, I do, and I think he's the biggest up himself ERGH! Alot of the guys that don't do as well are more down to earth, and relaxed. Also, they make up for what they lack in grades, by having alot of common sense
  14. That's more then ignorant, it's straight out offencive. Are you sure you're not trying to convince yourself something there, that you're better then people who haven't kissed, because simply you aren't.
  15. To be blunt, she doesn't want to date you man, move on.
  16. Be a man and dive right in, trust me, if she isn't ready you'll be hearing from her hand soon enough
  17. Excuse me? I am not looking for anywhere to have sex. In fact I doubt I will be for a long time, I just found a previous post amusing so I replied to it.
  18. Teenage guys probably would opt for more of a number 1, considering they all seem to be just in it for fun, but there has to be the occasional mature-beyond-his-years one that knows that number 2 is where it's at
  19. I don't think its about getting more guys, as much as it's about getting the right sort of guys!
  20. I don't think I've known a girl who doesn't want some sort of attention when she twirls her hair
  21. Anorexia will never make you feel better about yourself in the long run, the only way to get the perfect body is to simply except and appreciate it!
  22. Just ask her if she wants to go for a walk with you or something like that to get her away from her friends, if she says no then well, maybe it's for the best that you didn't ask her out anyway
  23. Alot of girls around here have and keep straight hair (including me) I'm pretty sure that it was the fashion somewhere along the line, and for me and alot of girls I know, it's stuck.
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