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Everything posted by DragonGirl724

  1. lol your grandfather has a good idea! the ideal situation would be a happily married, healthy, clean, drugfree, alcohol free couple. in the mid to late 20s financially stable, and you have to take a test issued by the government, if you pass the test you are allowed to have 1 child...a year later you have a follow up exam seeing how the first run went. and according to your test scores & financial situations will you be allowed to have a 2nd baby. *sigh* what a better world it would be.... -DG724
  2. day walker, i admire your reply. it makes sense BUT the motives behind having sex at 15 are usually out of curiosity, rebellion, seeking the wrong kind of attention, to have an 'ego' in highschool, and "love" at the ripe age of 15 . and yes people do it for all those reasons at the age of 30 as well. but, (unlike skydiving, which i personally couldnt care less if people do, b/c theyre putting THEMSELVES AT RISK, and no one else..) im more concerned with the consequences of getting pregnant & spreading the AIDS epidemic & other diseases onto the youth of the next generation. and there are so many damn pregnant teens now-a-days its discusting. most of the time they feed off the government & "raise" children the wrong way. and YES there ARE ADULTS WHO DONT KNOW THE FIRST THING ABOUT RAISING A CHILD AS WELL. and by all means those who lack maturity (young & old) shouldnt have them! but im sorry 15 year olds fit into the same category as them in my honest opinion. and your absolutly right, with age & experience, love & what you view as love, should MATURE AS YOU MATURE. and at 15, im sorry, maturity...and adolesecence dont even fit in the same category.....at 15 they need to focus on school & having fun in their youth not screwing their classmates! -DG724
  3. exactly! PERFECT EXAMPLES i had an ex i did NC with without knowing about "NC" all i knew is that i just stayed away b/c he pissed me off & i didnt want to talk to him...then yes he came crawling back about 4months later. BUT! I ALSO HAD TWO OTHER EXES I STAYED IN TOUCH WITH! and they wanted me back as well!!!!!! (explain THAT, "NC" junkies! lol) then i had an ex i did "NC" with half the time & the other half of the time we would talk. and we didnt get back together. TAKE NOTE I NEVER GOT BACK WITH ANY OF THE EXES LISTED HERE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE! SO IF THEY WERE TRYING A "METHOD" TO WIN ME BACK I LAUGH AT THEM BECAUSE IT DIDNT WORK! NOTHING THEY DID OR DIDNT DO WAS GOING TO CHANGE HOW I FEEL ABOUT THEM. SO UNDERSTAND THERE IS NO PATTERN! THE HEART WANTS WHAT THE HEART WANTS THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!! -DG724
  4. i think the divorce rate is so high b/c people are getting married for the wrong reasons...not to mention at least here in America the economy, jobs & financial expenses are all haywire and it causes a lot of stress onto a couple & money problems lead to many of the divorces here. -DG724
  5. Not everyone plays games. Personally I got sick of the "is he interested/does he like me/playing hard to get" types of games very early on. From that point on, I have been straightforward about my interest level and intent. .......It takes two to play the sorts of games you're talking about. I simply refused to play because I think it's ridiculous, not to mention somewhat deceptive....and I've done just fine in the attracting and keeping a mate department. IM RIGHT THERE WITH YOU SHES2SMART! IM DEAD*** HONEST WITH THE PERSON FROM DAY ONE! if i liek them alot, i show it, if i dont, i show it. game playing is for those who cant deal with their emotions. -DG724
  6. IMO, when you discuss SEX, pregnancy & diseases go hand and hand (as the 2 main consequences of HAVING SEX!) and thereforeeee need to be addressed in order to have a fully well rounded discussion on the topic. -DG724
  7. I think its arrogant to relate everything back to your own personal experience. However, I can see your point, but with your statement you are placing your views on other people. I dont think thats the best way to solve this particular issue. KSKM IS DOING THE RIGHT THING! hes thinking back now & seeing damn...i wasnt ready for it...IM SURE A LOT OF CHILDREN AT 15 WHO HAVE SEX AT THAT AGE REGRET IT AFTERWARDS WHEN THEY GROW UP. i dont think its arrogant at all, hes basing his opinion on solid experience. KSKM someone like you can get through to these kids. -DG724
  8. with the average adult, with age comes experience & knowledge. at 15 it is the beginning to the mid stage of adolescence, the CHILD is still growing, and most importantly the CHILD thinks they know EVERYTHING at this age...think back to when you were 15 if you could.....YOU KNEW EVERYTHING, MOM & DAD WERE STUPID, THEY DIDNT 'UNDERSTAND' YOUR WANTS & NEEDS, THEY WERE SO MEAN FOR NOT LETTING YOU STAY OUT, OR GO TO THAT PARTY, OR HAVE SEX! then once the CHILD WAKES UP ONE DAY & realizes...holy crap mom & dad were RIGHT ALL ALONG! good thing i didnt have sex & instead i saved it for a real MATURE love, good thing i didnt go to that party where everyone was underage drinking, good thing i listened to them....meanwhile they HATED them at the time! with sex comes great emotional, mental, and physical change...in the adolescent stage the body is going through very big changes all on its own. the CHILD needs to grow mentally & emotionally in order to have sex in my opinion. i was 18 going on 19 at the time when i lost my virginity (my bf at the time was 20 & we both lost it to eachother) THE BOND WAS LIKE NOTHING I EVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE IN MY LIFE! im sorry but "love" at 15 is NOT love at 18!!! and there is no GOOD REASON for a CHILD at 15 to be having sex!!!!! its usually a desperate cry for attention which is lacking in the family department. please, at that age i dont think they are fully aware of the consequences of their actions. it is a very nieve & rebellious age and NOT TO MENTION...HELLLOOOOOO...if the CHILD got pregnant & the baby got sick....they arent even old enough to DRIVE their baby to the doctor's office. and good luck PASSING HIGHSCHOOL inbetween ALL THOSE FREQUENT VISITS TO THE DOCTOR MISS PREGNANT 15 YEAR OLD! and if the child doesnt even have a GED or highschool diploma, good luck GETTING A JOB with neither! (you need $250,000 to raise the average child! link removed ) or if they did continue with Highschool then guess what, more than likely THE CHILD'S parents will be parenting the baby not the CHILD who had the baby!! b/c "mom" will be learning alegebra while "grandma" plays PARENT AGAIN!!! the truth of the matter is a 15 year old does NOT have the mental capibility, the financial stability, the driver's license, the job, the ANYTHING to care for a baby or deal with the responsibilites & consequences that come with having sex!! END OF STORY!!! link removed -DG724
  9. and aren't ready for one....... BEFORE HAVING A BABY TAKE THIS INTO CONSIDERATION: link removed THE AVERAGE CHILD COSTS $250,000 TO RAISE! not to mention endless hours a day paying the utt most attention to your baby, b/c in a split second he/she could fall out of a crib, wet themselves, get hungry, get sick...you name it! i suggest before having a child, attend a planned parenthood class & sometimes they offer those 'fake babies' that act like children. they cry just as loud & just as frequently as a real baby and you have a special key on it so when it cries you have to tend to it & put the key in the baby's back in order for it to stop crying...i heard it works wonders. and there is a chip inside the doll that can report abuse, and it records how long it was crying before you actually got around to tend to it. its a real reality check for those who want to have a baby especially if you are not sure you are quite ready for one....if you want to be a 'mom' or a 'dad' so badly...i challenge you to the "fake baby" first! -DG724
  10. personally, i believe, it is "absense diminishes mediocre passions & increases great ones...as the wind blows out candles yet fans fire..." meaning that time apart could ENHANCE 2 long lost loves, if the feelings are MUTUAL & it can burn more passionatly than ever before due to the time apart...BUT if it wasnt real love & if its not MUTUAL any longer, than it will burn out just as a candle in the most gentliest breeze....and it wont bring it back. if its not real guys, they aint coming back....reality is a ***** sometimes. but thats life. -DG724
  12. wow...this is a very serious issue...why does she feel so guilty about her death?? and when someone says the things she has said 'the world's better off without me in it...', then yes those are suicidal thoughts & they are not to be taken lightly. she needs to open up to help, alcoholism is a disease...and she needs to get treatment & not her own self inflicted form of 'treatment' from the bottle either she needs to get mentally & physically evaluated. i wish i knew what to say exactly but its hard to help someone who cant respond back to us with exactly how SHE feels...i hope someone can help you here...just show her endless love & how important she is to you & how seeing her like this hurts you & the rest of the family. try explaining to her that of course this wasnt her fault, God has a time for all of us to go...and instead of feeling sorry for herself over the life that is lost...she needs to appreciate the life she HAS! death is not supposed to send us plumiting into a pit of despiar...instead we need to rejoice & appreciate the gift of life we are granted each day. i hope you find the answers you long for to help your Aunt. -DG724
  13. lol.... let us know how that goes...... -DG724
  15. well i think a lot of it is who you are as a person...if you are a more passive lah-di-dah kind guy then youre humor is more than likely going to be dry..if you are very in tune with your wits & are usually very sharp then you may have a more witty sarcastic wise*** sense of humor 8) ...there is an ocean of 'types' of humor...just look at all the different kinds of comedies. slap stick humor, dry humor, witty...it all comes from within. i guarantee you have a sense of humor, but youre just down in the dumps right now so its not showing...so my suggestion is to get that confidence back & think positive...once you do that youll find life to be a lot more humorous ...when youre not taking it so SERIOUSLY! smile buddy, ....thats always a good first step. be more out going & dont let your breakup consume you... -DG724
  16. rock on. very well said. couldnt agree more. -DG724
  17. he probably just hit your vaginal wall. excess amounts of sex...especially rough sex and/or complicated positions can do that to ya. give 'her' a minute to recoup before goin at it again. lol whoa holy heck...15 huh....... -DG724
  18. whoa...were you definitly pregnant? some people still have some bleeding even though theyre pregnant but nothing hardcore or heavy, if so then theres a problem....IF YOU DEFINITELY WERE PREGNANT GO TO THE HOSPITAL! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU WAITING AROUND FOR?! -DG724
  19. i couldnt agree more. i was dating a guy & went to his house & on his calendar i was bored & i wrote "his name, is HOT!" and the next time i was there a messege next to it read; "he sure is!" and that caught my attention to something written in on one of the dates..."the shore with "his exs name"....i questioned him about it & he said they had plans to go. meanwhile i didnt care that they were friends but i had a bigtime gut feeling that there was more going on there. for one reason or another i dont think they went...weather or something. but still i didnt bug out about what i read...but my gut was saying elsewise...low & behold a few weeks later, (i still dont know for sure but i really dont care) his sister tells me that hes been cheating on me with his ex....i found out, CALMLY confronted him on it, & HE BROKE UP WITH ME for no explanation right then & there! lol. he jus picked up the phone, said we through & i never heard from him again....(lol, well until 5months down the line when he came crawling back ) but still i feel that reguardless of the evidence & i was totally chill about the situation BUT my gut said elsewise and now we're casually friends, & he still denies to this day he never cheated on me...but hes cheated before on a previous ex of his...so i figure...once a cheater always a cheater. does he have a bad track record? it just goes to show you your gut instinct shouldnt be ignored. BUT you have to weigh it out for yourself. how much is this plaging you? is it burdening your trust in such a way that you cant believe any of his explanations as to where he is or who he's with? is it consuming your relationship? if so you 2 need to calmly talk this over. and i stress CALMLY because once one person blows their top then the conversation it will just spiral downward into this pit of disaster....so goodluck & i hope you find the answers youre looking for. ps: welcome to the forum. -DG724
  20. youre not stupid for the way you acted. if you learn from it, then you are far from stupid. if you continue to make the same mistakes, then yes that is stupid. but it seems that you are willing to learn more about yourself to fix this little flaw in you & im sure once you get a hold of yourself & what you want out of this relationship & can find the method of explaining yourself better to him, you will be a top of the line GF. if you have a hot temper, relax & breath before you make a shrude remark & blow up for a reason that can be diffused & discussed like adults. i too have a temper at times & i give myself a pat on the back when i bite my toungue. lol soon itll become more routine for you to not lash out & itll be a new way of life for you. and youll see, in the real world (outside of relationships) cooling your temper is a very beneficial 'people skill'. so calm down & chill out a little bit & find a common ground w/ your mate where you 2 can dicuss things that are very important to your relationship...without interrupting eachother & creating World War III. you can do it. -DG724
  21. first of all... you got involved with her when she had her last BF...leave this one alone ok! dont push yourself into her life. let her live hers. if down the line feelings emerge fine..but if she cheats on this guy too then she definitely isnt worth getting involved with b/c she'll cheat on you too. yea its normal to have some "love" or lust feelings for her here & there partially b/c you are attracted to her. so let it be at simple attraction and nothing more. dont get any further involved with her. you dont know how 'perfect' you 2 are for eachother...only time will tell that if & when you get married & have a long healthy happy life together. her being with someone shes happy with is ideal for her right now. whats ideal for you doesnt necessarily mean its ideal for her. shes happy with him, let her be. -DG724
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