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Everything posted by DragonGirl724

  1. ok heres what i would do. if i wasnt happy in a relationship or how i was treated in a relationship and after bringin it up to him and explaining how it makes me feel, and if he still doesnt respect me enough to change his ignorant ways...ID DROP HIM! AND!!! NEVER SAY YOU CANT LIVE WITHOUT HIM OR ANY MAN!! you need not be so dependant on him. you had a life before him youll have a life after him. get over this 'i cant live without him' crap first and foremost! put your hapiness and peace of mind before anything and youll have your answer what to do next. in my honest opinion he sounds like an arrogant jerk. -DG724
  2. dude, all i have to say is i dont know the FIRST THING ABOUT "i am talking about stuff like math -there is a problem solving component it requries u to think and use forumulas to solve the problem, programming-visual basic 6.0 requires u to type in code and make the simple program work and run, accounting has probles to solve for X and they give u this and that. this is at the college level and also at HS before i was slow.like phsics 11" ANY OF THAT! LOL!! I SUCK AT MATH! LOL i dont care if i have a higher or lower GPA than my BF or love interest. as long as he tries his best at all he does. then thats all i would ever want in a man. -DG724
  3. MY POINT EXACTLY! that was really the reasoning behind this post topic. shes2smart, you should have had 100 children! we need more of 'your type' roaming this earth. *kid/no kid section of restaurants*.........GENIUS! im a waitress & a bartender...i know all too well how much of a great idea that is. lol ill have kids one day, preferrably 3. most, if not all of them, boys . but until then i will stay on the pill until i am married, have a career, and have what it takes to be an awesome parent. -DG724
  4. hey rain, this post was for those who think that they can have a baby when in all reality they dont have the means necessary to. LIGHTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I DIDNT WRITE THE ARTICLE OKAY?!? if you want to, read it, if not, do us all a favor and dont. LMFAO do you think im a parent complaining about my kids or something??!!?! IM 22 YEARS OLD! I DONT HAVE ANY CHILDREN! ABORTION IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT TOPIC WHO THE HELL EVEN MENTIONED ABORTION?! you directed your reply to me so I ASSUME YOU THINK I MENTIONED ABORTION AT ALL DURING THIS TOPIC! WHICH I CLEARLY DID NOT! YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT PEOPLE WHO 'ASSUME' RIGHT? GREAT HAVE 50,000 KIDS WHO CARES. DO WHATEVER YOU WANT NO ONE HERE IS BASHING YOU OR YOUR DECISIONS. AND WHO THE HECK SAID THAT CHILDREN ARENT AWESOME?! you need to read before you reply. -DG724
  5. roofer girl, i agree with your post but maybe im just speaking for myself but i know i wont have a child until i have the money it takes to provide it with a home, food, clothing, diapers etc...its mucho dinero. and until those necessities can be providable for the child will it be possible to raise it the right way...(including endless love, devotion & dedication of course). -DG724
  6. true. but maybe next time that happens ill be on the opposite side of the spectrum. hehehe . -DG724
  7. you follow your heart & swollow your pride. if you love the person you will not be affected by them thinking; "pssshhh SHE came back after all..." make an attempt to contact the person you desire to, the original dumpee, & see how it goes. but if you get rejected dont dwell on it...move on. but before you contact your dumpee ex....ask yourself WHY? *are you doing it simply for comfort purposes? *nostalgia? *or do you just miss being with someone who hasnt broken YOUR heart..? all 3 of those reasons are not good enough for you to barge back into your ex dumpee's life. so really figure out WHY you have this sudden urge to contact him....and proceed with caution. -DG724
  8. NB, age plays no role. i know ive learned my lesson. i never got so bent about an ex before, not even the one i lost to a drunk driver, like i did that one guy. i let him screw with my head & i became so dependant on him...which post breakup shattered my world & i became obsessed for a little while about getting him back. well, a lesson learned. not everyone will repeat a mistake like that again. and in all probability theory, the chances are high for a repeated mistake just by statistics, but there are just some mistakes people dont make again. and when that happens, they arent mistakes any longer, they are lessons. and if you were smart youd learn from them & prevent them from ever happening again... at least thats just how i work. -DG724
  9. ok well for one id like to say you did a very wise thing & you are a bigger person for handeling it the way you did. MUCH PROPS TO YOU! and i HIGHLY DOUBT hed be able to 'deal with it, if roles were reversed'. hes full of it, hes just trying to make himself feel better about it. BUT...on the other hand, yes i understand the betrayed feeling & i dont think its BADDDD so to speak that they are now dating etc....its just HOW it came about. if they were decent people, he & her would discuss how its best to wait, let it cool down before them hopping in the sack, and if later they came up to you and expressed their feelings for eachother & explained that its not meant to hurt you, then that would be a different story. so i dunno what to say really i just think the way he went about it was shady, and not necessarily the fact that they are dating. if this is a thing he does...snag your exs, then dude all i have to say is this guy is jealous of you. big time! take that with you & keep your head held high. you are more of a man for how you handled it & your true character shows. smile and keep on truckin'. you can get through anything. -DG724
  10. NB, lol u dont have to tell me i was like that once before. but its a habit that CAN be broken if you put in enough strength & not find comfort in misery and false hopes. and instead just utilize that energy positivly & invest it in yourself. -DG724
  11. i just dont understand you use "NC" to make them "miss you"....well sorry but once they HAVE YOU AGAIN whats to miss??? ...then back to the same old crap. blah, after break up, dont dwell on it, go about your life & start your new life w/o the person in it. best possible solution. -DG724
  12. lol thanks Roy. boating is always a good time but illonois isnt on my agenda this summer. hehehe plus i dont think illinois can handle a dragongirl anyway. lol if you like this not knowing then lol sit back & enjoy it b/c the mystery will be there until you ask. have a good one. glad you liked the quote. -DG724
  13. well flora, the way you percieve yourself will more than likely be the way others percieve you. you are not a disease. you have a skin infection. if you had a wart on your finger & it wasnt transmitted from a sexual activity...would you still view yourself as a 'disease'? b/c im telling you the facts right now, its the same virus! just like 'herpes' is the same as a 'cold sore'...its just that when something is transmitted sexually..its viewed as taboo and dirty...and more than likely if your ex ever had a cold sore EVER in his life HE WILL TEST POSITIVE FOR Herpes Simplex Virus 1. so there. this is not a serious virus. its an inconvenience at times thats all. IF ANYTHING these VERY COMMON STI's are more of a MENTAL DISORDER THAN ANYTHING! just b/c of how people hate themselves for having it...when in reality youre right along side with 60-80 MILLION Americans who are positive for both Herpes & Warts. its not serious thank God. -DG724
  14. first of all..pretty steamy icon. hehehe and more importantly...give it time. dont rush into anything. if you feel like you could really care for this guy, take your time & let it flourish before you set apart him & his own blood. give your ex time to adjust to the breakup & then if desires are still there, then have your new crush discuss with him that he conjured some feelings for you. lol im dating my ex bf's friend. except i really dont care. lol take your time chica. -DG724
  15. you know what i was just thinking....all this NO CONTACT, this LINE OF COMMUNICATION SEVERED, this uncertainty or not knowing what the other person is thinking...(its a real shame we arent ALL mind readers )...dude, if it bothers you THAT much just ask her..be like...why did you call me? i think instead of beating around the bush & over thinking what she MAY BE THINKING etc...is so POINTLESS. YOU WANT TO KNOW...? ASK! -DG724
  16. oh and Quing, you TOTALLY BROKE NC WITH ME! you replying to my posts, is in a way indirectly talking to me and thereforeeee NC has been broken by you. "i win". didja break NC b/c you missed me or just because you couldnt possibly go on to live another day without hearing from me? -DG724
  17. my oh my...and its on the 3rd page already. lol well for one thanks Roy is a hottie it looks like, from her pic. im flattered thank you. and second i agree that the mystique of 'not knowing' and how it can drive a person's interests A LITTLE FURTHER. BUT THATS ALL IT CAN DO. but i know i can speak from personal experice as can others here that there are just some relationships that you dont pine over...some that you are just so grateful that they are over & you wish not to even ponder another second on that person or point in your life...a love form which you have moved on from. as for the clice' "absense makes the heart grow fonder.." id like to replace it with...."Absense diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, as the wind blows out candles and fans fire." - François, Duc de La Rochefoucauld SO BASICALLY! what that says is that if it IS a true love a mutual mature love then yes absense can rekindle old flames IF IT IS PRESENT IN THE HEARTS OF BOTH PARTIES! but if all it was, was a mediocre love, a one way love, or a love that cant be fixed or undesired to be replenished...then absense will do nothing. i feel that quote by Rochefoucauld really explains it best. sometimes you just got to leave it as that; SILENCE IS THE LOUDEST PARTING WORDS YOU NEVER SAY.... and just have to move on. -DG724
  18. NB, no offense but where are these stats in which you are referring to? dude what it comes down to is that people only come back to the ones they love if they love them still. not everytime they contact or dont contact a person will it make them love you again. and that needs no scientific proof, its just common sense. NB, if YOU ask yourself: "if an ex of mine that i was over & done with tried to use NO Contact to win me back, even though i dont want to be with her anymore, WILL IT WORK ON ME??" answer that honestly, come on, its not black magic, its quite rediculous to think elsewise. ive had exs all which NC was proformed and those without NC and ive had various outcomes. some came back, some didnt....both with & without "NC". its all about what the heart wants. and reguardless i took back none. just because my heart has moved on, along with a lot of other people's in the world. if someone "misses you" and wants to say hello. THAT DOESNT MEAN THEY WANT TO GET BACK WITH YOU. -DG724
  19. well i have done a lot of research on STDs and like herpes warts behave the same way. they lie dormant in your body, but the virus can still be shed. meaning become contagious w/o any symptoms. you could go years without an outbreak. you can have an outbreak & not even know youre having one. maybe this is just an outbreak. have you had a lot of stress in your life recently? hows your diet & sleep patterns? all those atributes can contribute to an outbreak, even if youve never experienced an outbreak before. i know someone who has warts & he has told me that he had them 'frozen' off. but that doesnt mean he is 'cured' of it. its more of a long term temporary fix but i heard it was extremely painful. so just a heads up. your BF sounds like a great guy & you are not alone. warts & herpes are the most common STD and HPV has been detected in up to 80% of young, healthy and sexually active people. *MOST OF WHICH DONT EVEN KNOW THEY HAVE IT* its just a social stigma that people hear ANYTHING REFERRING TO GENITALS and all of a sudden its considered taboo. hopefully through STD awareness (or now referred to STI *sexually transmitted infections*) people can break that stigma & realize this isnt the end of the world. knowledge is power. hey look at it this way, if anything all HPV & HSV is, is a skin infection. goodluck with your new man hun. -DG724
  20. well hun, he was accepting of you having HPV. and continued to have sexual relations with you. i understand how you will feel hurt & guilty. but he knew the situation getting into it & he obviously cares a lot about you. he sees you as a person, not a virus. he may have already had the virus himself. has he ever gotten tested in the past? i would inform him that youre having some uncomfortable bumps down there & would like to refrain from any sexual activity until it clears up. i have a question for you...was he sketched out about 'going down on you' orally knowing you had HPV? -DG724
  21. you are correct. and it would be up to you whether or not to give it a second whirl. take care, -DG724
  22. you answered your own question...i dont see what the deal is. i mean seriously, if he didnt give a dime about you, do you think he'd bother to contact you? -DG724
  23. I AM A STRONG BELIEVER IN KARMA! i never do things that will burn any bridges from anyone in my past. i have someone in my past who is kickin himself in the *** RIGHT NOW AS WE SPEAK for treating me the way he did because he is being found out by all of his friends! always be able to walk away from an experience with your head held high...IT WILL PAY OFF IN THE END WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT! TRUST ME! keep your cool man. its been over for a year. her returning your card is her leaving her past in her past. you REALLY cant blame her. shes dealing with this the way she feels its easiest & best for her. and moving on with her life. you did things that made you feel at ease so you can not expect for her not to do the same. how did you find out about her goin to this place? snooping? asking around? etc... dude, you can not let HER life consume YOURS! i think you need to find an outlet man. hang out with your buddies more & begin a new life all your own. oh, and dont bother returning her stuff...toss it in the trash. no one needs it any longer. -DG724
  24. would you be over analyzing ANY OF THIS if you werent interested in her? NO. youd probably see if for what it really is, think nothing more of it & youd let it go. so my suggestion is to look at it the same way. dont let NOSTALGIA cloud reality. -DG724
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