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Everything posted by DragonGirl724

  1. Interesting, although for full "effect" I think you need to post a pic of yourself wearing them. Sorry, it's just the in me that comes out from time-to-time. lol youre a nut. -DG724
  2. buy a pair! they look hot on a lot of diff figures!! & VS sizes run big. so going by your weight youd probably fit into a medium. i was about 125-130lbs when i bought them & usually im a medium, but the sales girl explained how the sizes run & i got a small. just a heads up. -DG724
  3. glad it helped you. if someone had told me that advice when I was having a situation like this in my past i would have been able to stop it dead in its tracks & fix (within myself) what wasnt working. it wasnt until after it effected my relationship did i realize how serious & detramental it could be on a relationship. and if i can help someone by helping them understand what i couldnt understand at the time im sure as heck going to do it. i appreciate the positive feedback. thank you. -DG724
  4. TANGAS THATS IT!!!! thats the ones im talkin about. theyre so hot. the black ones on the link removed websyte are tangas...thats what i meant. lol im an idiot. yes TANGAS ALL THE WAY! -DG724
  5. doshi, check out the link: link removed its the lacy black ones on the left hand side....i have that pair except mine dip a little lower on the back. trust me, there is nothing UNSEXY about them. hotness! -DG724
  6. its b/c when things like that happen, it means they are not the right person for you. the right person will treat you the way you need & deserve to be treated. and when you find that person usually you treat them better than 'gold' & it goes BOTH ways not just one way. it actually does happens. -DG724
  7. i agree with punchy. this dude may never be satisfied in life or in love. he wants what he cant have. and this is his prime right now. hes got a girl sweating him & hes got a girl to chase after...he'll lose interest if both werent going on at the same time. if he was a decent guy he would have broken up with this girl by now. poor thing, she has no idea who shes involved with. if i were you seeing it for how it is right now id run the other way. and dont be surprised if the further you distance yourself from him the more he pursues you...dont fall for it. -DG724
  8. Bisquit did that link i gave you help any?? maybe youre just one of those people that like drama in their relationships b/c it expresses passion & when you start a war you want a man who can keep it up otherwise it pisses you off more without any 'satisfaction'. or maybe you find it frustrating to have a guy who cant or wont fight back...is he too passive for your taste? a maybe a guy whos more confrontational would suit you better? -DG724
  9. i feel bad for his gf....he uses people. ugh . terrible. why did you guys break up? and what does you heart say??? screw what he says...could you be with him again? and if so is anything going to change the 2nd time around? i hope hes not coming back to you b/c the girl hes with isnt right for him. ive had almost all my exs come back for one reason or another, but i never took any back. i saw the same problems just continued..... -DG724
  10. i commend you for dealing with this so well...and maybe, she knew about you all along & played it off like "it was breaking news to her." or maybe shes very insecure & allows herself to 'love' someone like this...either way, as much as it befuddles you, dont let it plague you any longer. if shes with him, shes asking for a lot of trouble. we cant seem to find reason in people's stupid behavior sometimes....so why bother trying? -DG724
  11. im going to link you to an enotalone post i think you should check out: link removed read my advice on there, i posted a few replies...it helped her out right away, maybe it could do the same for you. and in the mean time put a leash on that toungue of yours. one day you may not be able to take back what you said & you may lose a wonderful person. -DG724
  12. i was in THE EXXACT SAME SITUATION AS YOU...TO A TEE!!! him being cool w/ her may be a multitude of reasons.... *maybe he lied about all the things 'she did to him' to receive sympathy from you. *maybe if she did indeed hurt him til no end, maybe he feels he deserves to be around a person like that. *no offense, but maybe she played a more important role in his life. may be hard to swollow but hey it could be a reason. *maybe he senses how you feel about him & feels its best to just let it die out. *maybe, this could be far fetched, or it could not, but dont dwell on this b/c it may make matters worse....MAYBE he feels guilty about hurting you, maybe he still has a tiny bit of feelings towards you left, b/c they say you cant be friends w/ someone you love, maybe hes competely over his ex tasha & thereforeeee there is no emotional anything left & a friendship IS possible. the truth is, you may never know the reasons so stop dwelling on all the possibilities, (there are way more than just the ones I listed, you have NO IDEA what they discussed when they rekindled this friendship)...you CAN let this go if you say to yourself your fed up with it all. my ex 'hates' 'hated' i dont know which tense to use, but he has no reason to hate me either. i treated him like gold when his ex before me 'was a psycho'. (which he NOW tells people I was a PSYCHO!) lol it may just be something your idiot ex does to justify it to himself why the 2 of them broke up. its childish & rediculous if you ask me. and dont be surprised if he says the same things about you down the line...it happened to me. the way they treat their exs is usually how theyll treat you as their ex when the time comes. so all those 'hurtful stories' he told you could have been lies. usually when someone hates you for no reason its bc theyre hiding their true feelings, & hate & anger is a heck of a lot easier to express & justify over other feelings...such as: guilt, lonliness, sadness, regret etc.... i know how you feel about 'her winning his friendship' & youre kicked to the curb when in all reality it should be vice versa in your mind...but this shows the kind of person he is. and people come & go in our lives with & most of the time, without explanation. im sure his ex gf has people in her life that had done the same...so let it go ok. let it all go.... and to answer your question: "Why is it so hard to just hold up your head and say I dont care anymore? b/c not caring anymore doesnt come from your head...it comes from your heart. you have to TRULY feel it before you can think it & act upon it. and that day WILL COME. -DG724
  13. wow...well first of all...are you 2 an official couple? and 2: i think YOUre the one not over his ex, not him...if he got really hurt by what you said you must mean more to him than anyone else he knows. when some people have sex with someone they give them their all, they feel vulnerable and succomb to the other person, trusting them with their heart, becoming emotionally & physically attached to the person theyre intimate with, sharing a bond of passion together & having part of themselves given to the other person........ .....and then you say something like "we're just F-Buddies!"......ouch* id say. i cant blame him why hes so hurt. once you invest so much of yourself into soemone else & they bark at you with a comment like that...its heartbreaking. -DG724
  14. check out those lace boy shorts...they show an eyeful. and DAMN THEY ARE SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they hide just enough to intice the mind & make the guys thirst to see more...& they expose enough to drive them wild at the same time! and thats a very fun combination. -DG724
  15. in response to the previous comment. if i was a guy i would be turned off by fake boobs. theres nothing flattering about boobs that dont move like boobs & stick out like 2 snowballs on top of her chest. i think boob jobs look terrible. no matter how "good the Dr." b/c its stretching your skin & it just doesnt look natural. but you do what you got to do...im glad that guy is your EX BOYFRIEND. but like it was said before this isnt going to work 'magic'...work on your insecurities first. b/c lets say u are uncomfortable w/ your body...you get a boob job...next thing, youll be insecure with your nose, your butt, your theighs etc.....as the cliche' says; beauty comes from within. and mind you there is also health risks with this operation, not only with the chemicals they use in the implants, but people have died during plastic surgery...my opinion is never go under the knife unless its life threatening & you have to. and just a heads up, my mom was flat when she was young & 'the girls' grew bigtime once she got pregnant & stayed with her for years!!!!!!!!! now that she lost some weight in the past 2 yrs theyve shrunken & are average size now but just take into concideration. oh & if/when you get pregnant 1: you are NOT allowed to breast feed & 2: they may grow on their own (and may not only be temporarily). and 3: what happens once you get older & your skin starts to sag....how would they look then???? this is a lifelong commitment unless you pull a Pamela Anderson or a Britney Spears & get them removed, but if you ever plan on getting them removed or get them smaller...why do it in the first place? just a heads up. -DG724
  16. g strings & thongs....arent they the same thing? i hate those thick thongs..not only are they unappealing & a cross b/w granny panties & a gstring but talk about uncomfortable!! -DG724
  17. lol VS has all the answers youre looking for. even if you cant get to a VS you can look through their catelog & go to a lingerie shop & find something similar. link removed those sexy lace shorts on on the main page. i bought those exact ones...they are hot. or: .link removed.jsp&event=display&prnbr=QP-163683&cgname=OSPTYBOYZZZ&cgnbr=OSPTYBOYZZZ&rfnbr=1926&page=1&cgname=OSPTYBOYZZZ or: .link removed.jsp&event=display&prnbr=QP-163632&cgname=OSPTYBOYZZZ&cgnbr=OSPTYBOYZZZ&rfnbr=1926&page=1&cgname=OSPTYBOYZZZ 3 very sexy options in my opinion! rorr! -DG724
  18. Victoria's Secret get those lacy boycut shorts half butt cheek hangin out hot undies! thongs are hot too. get matching sets bras/undies or get Babydolls from VS! those are hot as hell!!!! HAVE FUN!!! -DG724
  19. we cant tell you what to do & you shouldnt really ask b/c when you 'plan' how things will go it usually doesnt go that way. go with the flow. dont worry so much. dont worry about how he should react, dont worry how youre going to act next week. just enjoy it & stop stressing. -DG724
  20. thats good man. you learn a lot about yourself when you go through something like this. sometimes unfortunate circumstances are blessings in disguise. 8) just take that growth of yours & steer in the right direction. focus on you now & what you want for yourself. have a good one buddy. -DG724
  21. it really does something to the soul when you help someone out. glad it gave you a little upper in your day. thanks for your kind reguards. -DG724
  22. Hmmm, what happened with that guy friend of yours? I guess it's still unresolved? hey doorik, sorry it took forever to reply. i have been bombarded endlessly with finals! but the semester is finally over. well i never pursued anything with my boy & in a way it faded. lol plus im really focusing on my career now. i have an interview coming up to possibly illustrate at a top of the line childrens book publishing company ive learned to leave a lot of 'love' up to fate....im on God's watch...when its the right timing, itll happen with the right person....whenever...whoever that may be. PLUS ITS SUMMERTIME NOW!! 8) WHO WANTS TO BE TIED DOWN DURING THE SUMMER!! hehehe thanks for asking tho. -DG724
  23. trev, you have the right idea. expect ups & downs. a passionate romance isnt just going to end cold turkey for you. but to be able to turn something so traumatic into something so self-rewarding is what life is all about. you can do it if you keep this mindset. chin up bro. it may help talking to someone about all this. but other than dwelling on her & moping constantly to your buds, entertain yourself with friends & lay off some of the booze. its a depressant ya know... -DG724
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