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  1. Oh yes, I agree, this is a definate call for professional intervention, especially with a child on the way. YOu can't afford not too. You have to be very careful with cheaters, more than not, they are often repeat offenders, it's like a friggin disease!!! Get some help, you need to deal with this sooner than later.
  2. I'm 36yrs old, I was seeing this 40yr old man for the past 8 months, only recently I had learned, he had a girlfriend of a year and half the entire time. I was completely devasted as I had developed strong feelings for him. He hid it so well. I ended up finding out about her by him leaving his cell phone around. After trying one of the numbers, I called and reached her. She told me who she was and I told her who I was, needless to say we exchanged stories both in disbelief. After all that has passed and letting him go, I found out that she is still with him after finding out he cheated on her with me for eight months. It angered me and still angers me because I believe women should stick together to set an example that women don't take cheater's period!!! I'm hurt and angry and I feel like I can't get past it....what can I do?? Any advice would be great appreciated. Thanks
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