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Everything posted by Anamarie89

  1. I think your friend has some mental issues... I don't mean that like being gay is a mental issue, just that he likes to make girls cry and touches you strangely. I obviously don't know the whole situation but that's the impression I get. He probably doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. Or maybe he knows its wrong, but he shouldn't get pleasure out of making girls cry, even if he is gay!
  2. Thanks for all your advice, I'm going over to her house right now and I'll take your excellent advice to heart. Thanks a million, everyone.
  3. My friend called me just now... I think I handled it all wrong, I think I said all the wrong things. I just wanna know... How would you handle a very depressed friend who called you with suicidal thoughts? Please respond asap...
  4. That stinks. It isn't fair that you have to effected by someone else. but it is all up to your bf if the relationship is worth it, after all, he is the one closest to her
  5. I agree with the intent, but don't send it. It won't have the intended effect, and you'll wish you'd ripped it up. Instead of sending it, make sure it says exactly what you want it to say (edit it if you have to) and then memorize it. Then if you ever get into a conversation with her (not one about the weather, an actual conversation approaching the topic of your break-up), bring up the topics in the letter Unless she initiates or consents to such a conversation verbally, don't think about it or talk about it to her. Easier said than done, but there is a very high chance that you will regret sending that letter. If you're willing to bank on the small percentage of chance that the letter will be good enough, then whatever, it your life. But remember, it is a lot easier to write off and ignore words on a page than a living human face. And thats the best advice i can give.
  6. Ont he first day of school, i'm embarrassed to admit, I wore a water-bra. And now, afraid that somebody would notice my boobs shrinking, i'm continueing to wear it. But its getting annoying, i'd rather stop wearing it, but i don't want any weird rumors getting started. (which they probably will) so... what do i do?
  7. This is going to sound juvenile, but deal with it. My problem is that I have major issues talking to people (not just guys, but mostly) under most (if not all) circumstances. The one incident that happened today really alerted me to my problem. I wait with my friend and her two friends (both boys) My friend (who isn't exactly my best friend but i've known her awhile) was paying a lot more atttention to her friend than me (they were having some sort of 'fight' over a pencil, i think... whatever. doesn't matter.) i felt really awkward just standing on the sidelines, stiff as a, well, pencil, while i was basically watching their fight and trying to laugh along. Um, not exactly a desirable position to be in. I felt left out, but i didn't mind not being paid all that much attention to. what would have been the best way to make this situation less awkward for me? I know my description is a bit fuzzy, just ask if you're confused I mgiht be able to word myself better.
  8. Lol. Sorry B4 i got kissed (very recently) I couldn't imagine the whole taste thing either, why would it matter if you had bad breath? Ha... how wrong I was...
  9. It makes me feel like... dancing rainbows... and unicorns... can you come be my boyfriend for a day... or fifty?
  10. I'm Catholic too. Personally, I don't get why would there be any confusion about our religion, but I do understand why there would be prejudice against it (looking back in history to the original Catholics). We believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, we believe in one Savior, Jesus Christ. We believe in one holy Catholic and apostolic church, we believe in the forgiveness of sins, we look for the resurrection and the life of the world to come. At least in my church, we recite something that's really close to that every Mass (and a lot more, of course, it's like a page long). Anyway, I don't really know any other religions so I can't say what would be different about ours. I don't really know why I'm posting this, because I barely know what i'm talking about, but I guess I just identify a bit with this board, so what the hey.
  11. ok, i know (or i hope) a lot of people have been here. you know, where you go to get your hair trimmed, and it gets butchered. i'm really really freaking out here, and even though i recognize that it's irrational to feel so CRaZy about it, i can't shake the feeling that EVERYBODY will notice that my hair is completely different on each side! can anybody offer some small words to try and calm me down? or am i being completely juvenile? should i go back and try and get it fixed? it isn't that bad, but when i go to school like this, what if they notice? (argh, i feel really stupid posting this on the same site where people are posting things about relationships and marriage and sex but this is emotional as well... i guess)
  12. Mar gives some awfully good advice, listen to her My advice, however inexperienced, is a couple things. one, There isn't anything wrong with staying in the background of a conversation, none whatsoever. (gosh knows i've done it too many times to count) Just follow the conversation and put your two bits in AUDIBLY. (This is from personal experience, i was in the background of a 3 person conversation and i was giving little comments on each of the things they said, when i at the end one of the guys goes "MAN you don't ever say anything, do you?" but i was talking the whole time! i was just talking so quietly no one heard) I can also identify with your feeling that you didn't get the same social foundation as "everyone" else, but even if thats true, you can't harp on it. you've got to change what is going on NOW, not what happened 10 years ago. i really hope you find some social skills buried deep within you, because i promise, they ARE there! and laughing. if you can laugh at the right times, you've got it all.
  13. I read a really good definition of the difference between love and infatuation before, but I cannot remember most of it at all! Some of it was about with love, you want the other person to be happy and you aren't thinking about what you want. Does that make sense? Like if you're "infatuated" with someone you only want them for what they can give to you, but if you "love" someone, you want them for what you can give to them. Am i ringing bells here or making you more confused?[/url]
  14. Wow. This problem is so common. I mean, I honestly wish everybody (including me) would stop being so crazy about being shy. I mean, whats the worst that can happen? I always ask myself that, and it is always um.... nothin.... but i can never do anything. so, basically, i have th eexact same prob as you, only at this point i've become so frustrated with myself that i'm always mentally telling myself to talk louder, talk faster, butt into conversations... all the things that i was so scared of before. and its working well, but MAN is it hard! so i can't really give you any advice except specifically regarding your post. 1) Her having friends there is BETTER. Do you seriously think it would be easy to talk to her if it was just you two? awkward silences would be inescapable. 2) topics to talk about? ANYTHING. I mean that. Teachers, classes, people, the news, the freaking WEATHER i you have to. get her to laugh, smile, and then at the soonest possible time, say "i gotta go!" and then go. don't drag the conversation out.
  15. It makes you look older, and if you're young, older isn't all that good. for older guys, like my dad, it makes you look more distuinguished, i guess, so older. if thats the look you like, go for it *shrugs* i personally don't think a lot of facial hair is good, the clean-shaven way is a bit safer.
  16. Doubt it is anything personal, she probably just doesn't check her email that often. All I have to say is kudos to you for recognizing the signals while u were at camp! Wish everyone would notice that... There's no harm at all in sending another email! Maybe she didn't get the first? And it wouldn't look desperate unless the email said something desperate.
  17. I must be going about this the wrong way. I told 3 guys that I liked them and was interested in getting to know them in three different ways, but they continue to basically ignore me. Here is the pertinent details: 1. I told directly to his face. He isn't in any of my classes, thankfully but he ignores me at lunch and other times i pass him in the hall. 2. Through a note, which note he then proceeded to show everybody. And i found that out through my friend, he didn't even bother REPLYING to my note. 3. Through a friend. He is in my english class, and manages to somehow look through me, even when i'm right there. Bugs the heck out of me, but I'm not about to make any move in their direction (by move i mean literally, a move, as in shuffling my feet in his general direction) if they don't even bother to acknowledge my existence. None of these three I knew very well, so I probably freaked 'em out. (#1 i KNOW i did) and it is really embarrassing to remember them, but I'm trying to learn from my mistakes. Can you give me any advice, thought, or even scoldings? I feel like such a loser.
  18. o... well that makes a lot more sense. then by all means, talk 2 her &tell her you might have surprised her, have a good laugh about it... but probably don't try and ask again unless she brings it up
  19. Agreeing with Nifty Swifty. From what you've said, you are not in the wrong, but we don't know the whole story. Which is all too often the case on this website.
  20. this isn't really a job for us on the site, because we can't get all the details, but u mentioned the car accident, and how it happened right aroudn the tiem she got bad skin. maybe she's accidentally criss-crossed the two in her mind? it doesn't mean she crazy, she just had a hard time coping with the accident, and then something else happens on top of it to make it worse. thats all i can guess
  21. the timing when u asked probably doesn't have anything to do with it, she could have said, 'wait ask me later, i've gotta go'. and she didn't say "no, i can't, i ahve homework" she said "i have a volleyball game" when her volleyball game was at a different time. but yeah, now that i think about it, that could have been why she said she couldn't go, but then that doesn't explain the looks she gave you afterwards.
  22. I'm not very experienced in the kissing area, but it seems to me the easiest way would be to ask your kissing partner for advice, not us Just after one kiss, ask if you want to try tongue. If your good friend doesn't know how either, you are in the same boat and all mistakes are null! Otherwise they'll teach you For length, its all about personal preference. I'm sure tons of people would love to have an hour long make-out session, but others might be worried about chapped lips after only 5 seconds
  23. i can't see why ur still on about this girl! you asked her a reasonable request, and she didn't have any right to act like she did. you should not be apologizing to her, she should be apologizing to you! possibly what you could possibly do is ask her cousin 2 ask the girl why she said no, but i doubt u'll get a very successful answer.
  24. thats what i thought about the first big dance, so i skipped it. (it was saturday, and i also didn't ahve a date or even a possible date)i turns out that i could have found a group of just people to go with and would have had a blast, even if half of them were in couples, because one of my other friends did this. i regret not going so much, i could just die. but you know what? its over, and i'll know better for next time. and don't let that happen 2 u, regretting not going. but if u REALLY don't want to go, don't say that because everything will be about couples, because isn't a very good reason.
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