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Everything posted by Anamarie89

  1. There is this guy I like, but I'm afraid he might be gay. What do you think would be the best way to find out for sure? I don't know him well enough to ask him straight out with blushing uncontrollably.
  2. you didn't do anything wrong. I'm guessing that, as your bro is 18, you probably dont know every single aspect of his life. it isn't you, it is part fot hat life you don't know about that made him move out.
  3. I could give you some standard advice that everybody uses, but I'm going to say something weird. At night, before you go to bed, write down some things that happened recently that you haven't already talked to her about. Like what your chemistry teacher assigned, like did you hear about that thing downtowm where the guy did this thing and whatever? I think that's crazy, what do you think. I know it sounds stupid, but you can always revisit a topic you talked about before. and small pauses aren't bad, you are obviously just thinking. stick to neutral topics, or ones that she is interested in. tell stories about your day. ask her if anything interesting happened to her that day. basically, think fast, and remember your list. you don't have to ahve the list in front of you, just writing it will help.
  4. just right out kiss her after you ask? that might not be so good. i know it'd freak ME out, persoanly, but i dunno the relationshiop between you and this girl. and yeah, no need to be more romantic then that but you need to ask soon before she gets the wrong idea, since you said no to the game. and what do you mean "good girls"? i find that mean! every girl is good for SOMEONE, just not always you.
  5. being shy is badbadbad.you'll never know if she has a bf unless you ask. that is a majorly no-risk question! itll go something like this, "Hey, do you have a boyfriend?" "No" or "Yeah, why?" Then no matter what the answer is you say "Cool" and walk away. That's it. DON'T act embarrassed, that's a dead giveaway that you obsess over her. Or you can ask someone who knows he if she has a boyfriend, but that's the chicken way, and there is always a chance that person'll lie. g'luck!
  6. My best friend has been my best friend for two years, but lately she is getting on my nerves. Not purposely, of course, but just her personality. I think we are growing apart, but I don't think she sees it. She still thinks she is my very best friend, and she isn't at all, that position's been usurped by my other friend. So what do I do? I DON'T want to hurt her feelings because it isn't her fault, it's mine. And I don't not want to be friends with her, because she is in my classes and itcould end up being really awkward. P.S. things about ehr that annoy me: she takes a 3rd grade approach to dating, meaning she nevers even THINKs about venturing past crushing, and thinks I'm odd because I do think about kissing. She giggles constantly and disses me *unintentionally* (it used to be a game we played, but now it is getting on my nerves). Also she can't help me when I have a problem, she just goes "Well, what do you want me to say?" or "i don't really know what to say... 've never had that problem..." which is why I've turned to my other friend, who understands. So what do i do?
  7. wow that sucks your bf says that stuff! if i were you I'd yeell at him. "First of all, how dare you say that about me? Second of all, you KNOW I'm inexperianced, yet you do nothing to teach me! And last of all, I like you, I like you a LOT, but if you saying bad things about me behind my back, I, I just don't to what to think! I love kissing you but I want it to be fun for you to!" Slowly break out into quiet sobs. Make SURE he knows you like him a lot and you DON'T want the relationship to end. Mostly ask him to tell you what he wants. p.s. also i so agree with hamlethunktoomuch (except on his screenname, yikes) because i have only kissed 3 guys during one truth or dare game, adn the worst kisser kept his tongue way in the back of his mouth, the middle one moved his mouth open and closed, and the best one followed hamletthunktoomuch's advice. even though his lips were chapped i didn't really notice
  8. Wow. I was in your exact same position. (I'm just turned 14) My friends at camp were really presuring me to be kissed, but I said no anyway (I have a post on it called was he right or wrong to ask for this kiss?) The answer isn't that you aren't ready, (like so many people are saying) its that you don't know what you're getting into. (Right? That's how it was for me, at least. I had my own idea of what it would feel like that was way off the mark). Just keep in mind as well that eventually there'll come that guy that you want to kiss, but if you don't know what to do, you'll be a bit stuck. However, I promise your friends are making a big deal out of nothing.
  9. dude, you'd be surprised. your joking around has probably got a lot of girls with crushes on you. pay more attention to how they act around you. if i like someone (for example), i'm a little bit more reserved around them, and i pay a little more attention to them then anyone else in the group. (to compare, watch them with their friends and compare) it's really subtle, but it's there. then if you have a suspicion someone likes you, ask them out (in person, not in a note or anything, just really quick, like will you go out with me? and then they'll either say no or yes)
  10. If you say those exact words youw rote, you might freak her out a little. Sure, be honest, but keep it simple and test the waters before diving in. You can try and judge how she will respond to the full-out confession by leading into it. If she responds positively to that, then go for it! If she's known you that long, I doubt she even notices your looks. And also she doesn't sound like the sort of guy who'd go with someone just because they're gorgeous.
  11. i had a friend who went through the same sort of thing, and i couldn;t relate to it at all. but i was just there for her, told her i cared for her even if no one else does, and that she could always come to me. also, councilling does help over time. the councillors are trained to know just what to say, but just make sure you are there for her. and don't grill her about it, but when she feels like opening up, encourage it (yes, that is the right thing) because it might not come out that exact way again. make her feel loved, and if she says she can't go on a date with you because she has to babysit the kid, offer to help. that will mean EVERYTHING even though you don't want to.
  12. Argh!!!! Stop saying that!!!! That is so not true! Sure, I agree witht he get to know her better, but I do NOT go for looks, and any self-respecting ninth grader would love to go out with someone who asked! but, then again, if this girl has had a lot of boyfriends before, esp. if she is really popular and pretty, then she might say no because she is holding out for another guy. popular girls are b****y like that. but the reason she is saying no is DEFINITELY NOT because of your acne. NOT NOT NO NOT NOT NO.
  13. i have a decent sized bust, but i like to wear my padded bra because i have a round stomach, and i feel my bust should stick out quite a bit from the edge of my stomach. like, i don't mind the layer of fat on my belly, but even if you stripped all that away there would be something sticking out, it is just the shape of my stomach. i've recently been trying to to do situps, but i dun have a routine or anything. also it is rounder after eating, of course. is it alright to wear the padded bra and stop stressing over it? it looks natural, no one even notices but me. but my friend did notice my stomach and she thinks i should work out a lot, but i don't have the stamina, well i mean i've never tried.
  14. ugh no. i've done that (only to guys) and lets just say that if i had been brave enough to ask in person, I wouldn't have gone through all the hell i did. he read it, printed it, showed to everybody, laughed about it, said i was a freak, and now whenever he passes me in the halls, he compltely ignores me. my advice is: hang around with her friends. bring on of your friends with you for moral support. hang around her friends for a couple days, like a week or two, then when you are really comfortable talking to her and her friends, ask her out. it doesn't matter whether there are other people there or not, she'll still say the same answer. trust me, trust me, trust me, this will work a LOT better than an email!
  15. dude, ask him. in private. and i'm dispointed that you listened to your friends gossip in the first place, you probably really hurt him and he's really confused. he probably thinks you hate him, and he is staring at you because he is thinking about you and trying tog et up to courage to ask what happened to your friendship?
  16. EQUAL? Ok, you try and have a kid. Then we'll see. Jk! Thanks for disagreeing, I really am open for new ideas. And I was right about being wrong, my ideas are very warped.
  17. there are guys on this site posting about how they asked someone that was their friend out and they said no, and you are saying that you denied it and are mad! this is probly what is happening with you! so put yourself in his shoes... what is he feeling? he would LOVE it if you asked him about it!
  18. To me at least, acne does not matter. However, if your general face shape is ugly, then try and get your hair to complement your face. Then anyone can look reasonably handsome! And nuts to the person who said 14 years old is not mature enough to look past your looks. Sure, we hae crushes on cute guys, but that don't mean we don't notice you not-so-cute guys. Right now, in fact, I have a crush on a guy who has a) acne (all over), b) glasses, c) brace and is c) bone skinny. But he's cool, and his face shape is tollerable. So just ask! Don't be scared because of your acne, be scared only if you treat her or her friends (yes, any of her friends!!) badly, or rudely. Also, she might say no if one of her friends has a crush on you, but she won't tell you that. You'll just have to deal with it. God, I wish someone would ask me... P.S. If you do ask, will you post something about how it turns out? Thnx!
  19. Of course she likes you. As one of her best friends! Be happy with that, and move on. By the laws of probability, there has to be at least one or two other girls who would love to go out with you! (Even if you are the ickiest guy in school, I myself have been strangely attracted to them. Well, not the ickiest guys, but the guy with acne and a unibrow.) By concetrating too much on one girl, (and being rejected more than one for your efforts), you aren't opening your eyes to other possibilities that could work as just as good, or better.
  20. I'm a girl, a girl who really wants a boyfriend. But no one, not even the ickiest guys on the planet, ever ask me. (And I swear I'm not ugly!) It really bugs me when guys are all scared to ask a girl out because they don't think she likes them. The problem is, you DON'T know until you ask! Sure, she might think you are the scum of the earth and say no, and then laugh about it to her friends behind your back, but big deal, she might say yes! If she says no, there are plenty more fish in the sea, and you might just make some poor girl's (ME!) day. Now, I might be a hypocrite because I could never ask a guy out, but then again, by tradition, it is SUPPOSED to be the guy's job. You're stuck with it, but we gotta live through childbirth ripping our bodies apart. I think its a fair trade, don't you? Guys, girls, anyone, post if you agree or disagree! I have the feeling my ideas are a bit warped, but I need someone to prove it to me.
  21. Ok, I have an overactive imagination, but I'll tell you what's going on in my brain. There is this guy I want to ask to the next dance, but I don't really know him that well, and he might be going with someone else. I'm pretty sure he isn't going with anyone, but I'm not positive. Should I still ask? Will he think we are "going out" as in officially dating or will he see it as just going to the dance? How should I phrase it if I do ask? Should I just out and ask him or lead into the topic first, and if so, how? What if he is going out with someone else, what should I say? And I'm a girl, is it all right for girls to ask guys? If after I ask it is evident he doesn't like the idea so he wants to say no? WHAT IF HE THINKS I"M A LUNATIC? You don't have to answer all of those, just pick one or five you can actually give some advice for. And I know I will feel really embarrased asking him, it's just my personality.
  22. explain the situation to her and offer to pay for gas as well as the bowling. that way even though she is drving, it'll still seem like you are treating her to the date
  23. Do you care about the clothes a girl wears? Be honest, do you like miniskirts? What about lowcut tops, and such? And does it hurt to kiss someone wearing braces? And if you decide to take the plunge and ask a girl out, what prompts you to do that? Is it clothes or look or something she said or did or what? I'm a bit shy at this point in my life so i could never ask a guy out and i want to know what i should do to attract their attention.
  24. the guy i kissed for my first kiss during a truth or dare game really got into it, and it was really awesome, so i'll just say what he did. he started out with his mouth closed and then he opened it and closed it, slipping just a bit of tongue in, and then opening wider and tilting his head to the side and sticking the tongue in further. it was really great because it was gradual, and it was my first french kiss as well. does that make any sense? it was great though, seriously
  25. Hey, that's a great story! I actually did get a get a kiss the night he broke up with me, our cabin went to a campout with another cabin and they played truth or dare. I didn't want to seem like a loner, even though the kiss i was REALLY hoping for wasn't from any of the guys at the campout *tear* I didn't tell the guy I was kissing it was my first, though, but I bet he could tell. Maybe he just thought I was a horrible kisser? At any rate, I'm glad you told your first kiss story! I wish mine had been like yours! (You know, where the guy actually liked you back. And you were a year younger than me) Mine wasn't that messy though, it just felt like... for lack of a better word... a tongue. (lol, sorry, i couldn't resist) I had to wipe the saliva off my face afterwards, THAT was gross. So yeah, I guess I shoulda posted this on the original message, huh? But i thought mine was already way too long.
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