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  1. Thanks for the advice everyone. Even though its not really what I wanted to hear, I guess I can change. If anyone else has any other viewpoints I would still like to hear them, just to see what everyone thinks.
  2. Well, this is my first time posting on this website and my first time consulting someone else about this subject in my life. I am 16 years old and I am friends(not best friends, more acquaintance friends) with a girl who is 17 years old(we are 9 months apart). And we have known each other for about 4 years now. And every day that I see her I seem to love her even more than ever. I have even (I know this sounds crazy) vowed to love only her for the rest of my life even if she does not return the feelings to me. Yet she doesn't know any of this. She thinks we are mere friends. I don't want her to think I'm weird by telling her I love her so much, but I do want her to know it so that I wont regret not telling her. I am also waiting till near the end of my senior year so that our friendship won't be awkward if she rejects me. There is also one other problem…According to most people I've talked to, she is one of the top 5 best looking girls in my school and she is white. I'm Indian (I was born here) and I'm probably one of the uglier (bottom 10%) guys at our school. So as you can see, she has plenty of opportunities to go out with other guys, but she is really pure and has only gone out with 3 as long as I've known her (no sex or making out either as far as I think). So I ask you how I can approach her? I am not the funny type of guy that all girls like…I'm just another ugly nerd. And my second question is, just based upon what I have told you, what are my chances with her? Finally, if I was to walk up to you (assuming you are in her situation) and I told you, "I love you with all my heart and I always will. Even if you don't feel the same way about me, I still want to make you as happy as possible for the rest of your life. I know that I'm not the kind of guy that you would ever want to go out with, but I just wanted to mention it so that I wouldn't regret it later in life." Thank you for taking the time to read this massive post and for any help you can offer.
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