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Everything posted by Anamarie89

  1. You can still tell her, but put a BIG stress on the NOT: "I'm NOT telling you to break up with him, I just care about you and I don't want to see you get hurt. "
  2. O.M.G. What is your PROBLEM? The phrase "absense makes the heart grow fonder" doesn't mean you IGNORE your girlfriend! You are seriously hurting her, and if you don't correct your actions soon, you are going to wind up on the bad end of a breakup. Sure, absense make the heart grow fonder, which is why you don't spend every single moment of every day with her, but ignoring calls/emails is NOT the same thing!
  3. I don't want to burst any bubbles, but he might have wanted to break up with you anyway, and the 'cheating' just gave him an excuse. Does this sound like a possibilty or not? Whatever, just my opinion.
  4. Gosh darn you! I have the EXACT same prob with a boy at school! I don't know him, he don't know me, but I am interested in him majorly! Why do both sexes stress about this! It's soooo stupid! Anyway, if I were you, I'd go up to her and start talking. Share any classes? Talk about those. But DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED IF SHE SEEMS LIKE SHE IS NOT INTO YOU!!! Because I NEVER know how to act around guys. They sometimes talk to me, and I just nod and say "yeah, whatever" and then go home and yell at myself for not saying more. So just talk to her for like a week or two and keep a routine. You don't need to say much to get her attention, I promise. Then, if after those two weeks she still treats you like vermin, then say, "How come you don't like me? What did I do?" (that is a very important phrase!) and if she likes you, she'll say "Nothing, who said I didn't like you?" or she'll say "Um, you like, bug me every single day, it gets really annoying." the end, no harm, no foul. And you won't like her anymore because she's a b***h anyway. Lol. I wish people would obsess over meeeee behind my back... Do i sound desperate or what?
  5. Nothing over the wires is reliable. Stick with flesh and blood, unless of course, you get another chance to see her in person. By all means, keep in touch, but don't define it as love. It isn't.
  6. Ok, this is disturbing. You haven't even met the guy I know one person, who I knew at summer camp, and she was a little bit sarcastic and she had a whiney tone to her voice, but online, she sounds like the nicest person in the world! And a LOT more goes into a relationship than just conversation, although conversation is a big deal. You have to be comfortable with weird things, like their smell, the way they move, the way they smile, the way they hug.kiss.etc. You can't see those online, no matter how hard you try! So stay with flesh and blood, and enjoy the friendship of this guy on the side, just for fun. And as for thinking of him on your offtime, that's normal! It doesn't mean love, or anything, its just the same as thinking of any other friend when you aren't with them. Or for that matter, thinking of a movie, book, music, whatever. You enjoy it, you enjoy thinking about it. Trust me, whatever you have with your current bfor ANY real bf is a lot stronger than anything over the wires could ever be.
  7. Depends on the girl. Personally, I'd prefer the phone because then if I blush or look disgusted, they can't see! For the most part, girls like being asked out in person. It depends on the girl, really, but the default is in person, so if in doubt, go with that. Good Luck, hope she says yes
  8. One of my very good friends from all through middle school has a lot of problems. Her mom doesn't treat her with respect and she is suicidal (slitting wrists). I'm really worried about her, especially with what I heard from one of my other friends. According to my other friend, she felt really sick yesterday, the morning after the big dance. And my friend also over-heard her talking to somebody (who isn't a mutual friend, just my friend's friend) about hangovers. Can you understand why this makes me worried? Keep in mind, I didn't hear anything direct, but I did hear it through a trustworthy friend. And yesterday, she was talking to me online and she says "It's difficult to be unloved." So I tried to reconcile her in the best way knew how, telling her that I love her (as a friend) and that my other friend loves her and that all her friends love her and her dogs love her, but she said she still felt unloved... but I didn't really know what was going on UNTIL the next day, when i found out her boyfriend (who was a senior) had dumped her. I didn't even know she HAD a boyfriend. And I found that out through someone else. So I'm worried now that she is hanging with a different group, that it might be the wrong group... and I'm just worried. Can anyone shed some light on my situation?
  9. sound like you are both majorly confused. you need to pick up the phone, listen to what he has to say, and then tell him your feelings. say just what you told us only of course, in second, not third person
  10. i like that a lot! good show the last verse is a little weird, but other than that, it is an uplifting, fun poem.
  11. lol, i said five of my friends (girls) and the boys, but i want it to be a really casual thing, like a sort of impromptu party, ya know?
  12. Even if the world looks bleak And the friends are weak And the people are users And the helpers are posers Just remember: You're loved. Even if they ignore you And the tears roll down you And the pain it hurts you And your life just scares you Please remember: You're loved Even if you don't believe it, Even if you can't see it, Even if they all hate you, Even if they all use you, You're loved. It doesn't matter who, It doesn't matter why, Just know it's true, Doesn't need to be proved, Remember: You're loved. ~Anonymous It's true. No matter where you are, there is always someone who loves you. It could be a parent, a grandparent, a friend, a teacher, God, a person you cared for, a person you met at summer camp, God. And don't be afraid to make friends. It won't take long to make the right ones, you just need patience, and you don't need to stop caring for others, because that is your personality and you will attract friends with it. I promise.
  13. they are probably interested in liking you, and would like you to make a move. thats what i'd want! i'm automatically interested in any guy who pays the slightest bit of attention to me, but i never know how to return it. so dont be afrain to make the move, she will appreciate!
  14. I had this idea that is still formulating in my mind. What do you think? My idea is to ask a bunch of my friends, like 5, and four or five guys, over to my house to swim (i have a huge pool). I wouldn't be so weird about this if these guys were actually like friends of mine, but the truth is that I don't know 'em too well. but I WANT to get to know them, and i'm having a hard time accomplishing that just at school. So the question is, would it be alright to ask some random guys who i don't know that well over to my house for a casual thing? and how could i pose the q, keeping in mind that they aren't close to me or any of my friends?
  15. um, probably. ask her, it isn't really a risky question. i wish the guy I stared at would ask me that so i could smile and say yeah, i guess.
  16. its the way you say it that implies the meaning. said casually, it means nothing said with feeling... it means everything
  17. no, i don't think so. if a girl says she has a boyfriend, believe it until proven otherwise
  18. first of all, she is just as confused as you are. she doesn't know what she is feeling, and because you kept asking, she got even more confused. give her a little time to sort things out in her mind and then call her on the phone and apoligize, say its her life, she can do what she wants but even if you aren't offical, you still want to be a part of it.
  19. my best friend's mom is really strict. specifically, she won't let my friend go to the first dance of high school, which is today, 8-11PM. this dance is the best dance of the whole year. it's called "morp" (prom backwards) and you dress up crazy, like underwear over your clothes and spray-painted hair. The problem is, since she can't go, I said I was going to go over to her house for a little while and then go see a movie with her. But I really want to go to the dance, because I think it'll be a lot of fun, AND it is the very first dance at high school. So, the question is, do I spend 3 hours and a movie with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, or do i go to the dance? I can still spend some time at her house if I do go to the dance, but I won't be able to go to the movie. And also I'm scared I won't be able to find my other friends at the dance, because I'm scared it'll be crowded and crazy, and I'm really short so I can't see over the heads of anybody to look for them. And also, having never been to a full-scale dance before (just small ones, with like 65 people, at a summer camp), so i have NO CLUE what to expect! So, the questions are, do I spend 2 hours plus a movie with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, or do I go to the dance? and what should i expect if i do go? and i can't understna dwhy nher mom doesn't want her go, she doesn't have anything to do tomorrow and she can come home early!
  20. Thanks for ruining my board, guys. I try to ask an honest question about FRIENDS and you mess it up by screaming about how the whole world hates you. Well, sucks for you, but go talk about it somewhere else. No one is ever going to want to date you with an attitude like that.
  21. There is this one friend I have that I really want to hang out with, we were best friends in sixth grade and close in 7th and 8th. She was hanging out with us, even though she was popular enough to hang out wiht anybody. But ever since we started high school, she ditched us for another group of friends (I think she met them through band). She didn't do it meanly, we were just wondering where she went. I've met some of her new friends, and they are the type of people I want to hang out with (from what I've seen, I don't really know them that well, but I WANT to get to know more people) and my current group is bugging me a little because they don't have the self-esteem to even bother talking to boys, a problem I'm still trying to overcome! (In other words, they ain't helpin'). Also, I've had this idea that the first year of high school is about making new friends, but I've been sticking exclusively with my old friends for the last three weeks. My group is about ten-fifteen girls that were already acquainted last year. So my question is, would it be right to go hang out with her and her group at lunch? I plan to ask one of my friend's other friends to come along as well, so I don't feel so out of place.
  22. shy. i'm shy. i did not used to be shy. so, in trying to analyze the situation, i came up with being able to laugh at yourself, no matter what happens. to keep a smile on your face. to be able to talk loudly and if what you say is stupid and wrong, laugh it off. talk to people. yeah, especially that, just going up to random people and saying "hey, whatsup? vote for me!" sure, its crazy, but if you are shy and something happens to you, like you trip and fall and you aren't able to laugh about it because you are worried what other people think, then you'll cry. (yes, talking from personal exp. here)
  23. if he uses his mouth, use your mouth too but don't close it that far! lol. and concetrate on your lips, not teeth.
  24. just ask her out, seriously. girl's have more probs than boys do because it is hammered into our brains that the boys are supposed to do the asking. she probably likes you to! if she reacts like she doesn't like you after you ask, however, smile and say "that's alright, really! i promise!" big smile. and that's it. the end. no one gets hurt that badly, and you can still smile at her and say hi! post how it turns out if you do, k? g'luck
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