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Everything posted by Dreng3333

  1. I do. It just seems to me that he wants a little space. He will call when he feels ready
  2. I think you should be her friend. Not too close, but someone she can talk to. When she breaks up with her bf, be ther for her. Give her some time. then ask her out. Be respectful and mindful of her feelings and you'll do fine. Good Luck.
  3. I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. She sounds like a lovely person. I will be thinking good thoughts for her. I hope she recovers well, im sure everything will be just fine.
  4. Alright man, this is how I see it: 1. It helps to know a little bit about her. Not much, but enough so that you can have a rough draft of a first date. The more athletic ones might enjoy surfing or the water park. For the averagly athletic girl the roller or ice skating rinks. And everyone enjoys a movie or theme park. Do your homework. Also be open to ideas from her, as long as you have a plan to fall back on. 2. Always be assertive and confident, as previously stated. Your basic plan sounded good. Have an adaptable schedule. Know what you want to say, but let the conversation flow. 3. Smile. Remember this is all about having fun. Project an image of a fun guy. Just be calm and collected. It'll go fine, just be yourself........................only better, just kidding. Good Luck.
  5. I think its cause people like to experience new things. We want to see what its like to be with people, even if we know its not the one. And sometimes our minds change about people when we learn more about them. Its human nature, always has been, always will be. One of those things we just cant change.
  6. Yeah. Something simple to start out with would be ok. But remember, even friends can go out to dinner and a movie. I mean it could still even be a simple dinner. Whatever you want to do would be fine. You could even ask her what she wants to do, but have a plan to fall back on. Just be flexable, and confident. It'll work out fine. Good Luck.
  7. Just be perfectly honest with him. Tell him you want to be friends with him, nothing more. Communicate with him, one on one, its the only way to be sure that there is no confusion. But also be respectful of his feelings, dont be rude about it, just honest. Good Luck.
  8. She is probably right, though it might not seem like it. Maybe you just want something to talk about, and you dont want to sound mushy or something, so you start fights to hide your feelings. Appologize to her. Tell her you want to stop fighting and that you will work at it. If she is a good friend, she will forgive you. Good Luck.
  9. You have to get his attention somehow. Anyway you can, and let him know that you are there for him. But also realize that he might just need some time right now. He has a major struggle ahead of him. He is about to have a baby. Just be there no matter what, he will appreciate it, if not now then later.
  10. He might have just heard a rumor. You should call him or talk to him in person, and ask him why he is mad yourself. Things can get confusing when you communicate through other people. Dont jump to conclusions right away. Good Luck
  11. I think its probably just a misunderstanding. He probably just heard a rumor like leftygirl said. The best thing to do would be to talk to him yourself and find out why he is angry. But dont get mad back, or you will ruin your relationship. Good Luck.
  12. Just bring up something from school to begin with. Let the converstion flow. She might even have something that she wants to talk about. Ask her.
  13. I know it doesnt help to tell you that I have been where you are and it sucks. But I have, and its hard to get over the "friend" factor. I think if you are serious about pursueing a relationship with her, you need to do something soon. I dont mean to sound heartless at all, but the better friends you become with her, the less of a chance you will have for a relationship with her. However, she is going out with someone. So afterwards you are going to have to be supportive. Try to be her shoulder to cry on. Even if she isn't too heartbroken over it, just be there for her. Then when you find the right moment, ask her if she wants to go do something sometime, a movie or lunch. Then just work your way into a relationship.
  14. Its important to be sensitive to his feelings in this situation if you want to ramian friends with him. It really sucks to fall in love with someone really close to you, and then find out that they just want to be friends. But then you also have to make it clear to him that you dont want to go out with him. There is absolutly no easy way to do what you have to do now. You have to tell him that you just want to be friends. Be honest with him. If you definitely no going to go out with him, do not lead him on. If he means anything to you, you need to tell him. If he is a good friend, he will understand.
  15. well, heres the deal: I used to get them really bad i used clearasil, St. Ives, and everything else I caould find, and it never worked. Then I looked at what was in some of those, and some contain a chemical that can make some skin types break out, instead of helping. so i stopped and just scrubed my face with a wet washcloth once a day, and I never get pimples anymore. So, point being, it could be that you are doing too much about it. just do your basic cleaning, but don't put all kinds of things on your face. hope i could help.
  16. thanks Cid, i will try that. i appreciate the help.
  17. ok. i have a multi-step problem. this will take alot of time reading, and alot of time to reply. so for those of you who can help me, i really really appreciate it. OK, so i have known a girl named Lauren for a year now. we are best friends. but i really love her, and she dosent feel the same way. i have told her how i feel, and she was flattered, but she still didnt like me as much as i liked her. ever since a few weeks after i met her, she has been going out with a 16 year old (she is 14, and i am 13). he is a real jerk. he dosent treat her right, and he is always flirting with other girls, mainly Lauren's friends. she is in total denial. she dosent understand that she should dump him for what he does to her. she did dump him once, during that time i was really supportive, and always by her side when she was feeling bad. mostly because she was sad about not going out with him, and she needed me, but also i was hoping she would realize how good of a person i was, and how good of a boyfriend i would be. but then, a few weeks later, the boyfriend made up some total bullcrap about how much he missed her and all that crap. so she took him back, and he went back to being an a**hole. and ive been talking to her lately, and she says that no matter how bad he treats her, she dosent think she has the will power to dump him. and i really need to know how to help her get the will power to dump him. and also how to get her to like me a little bit more. my other problem is that there are like three other girls that like me. i am friends with all of them, but all my friends tell me that i flirt with them alot. i dont mean to, and i dont like them more than friends, but i guess that when i hang out with girls, some people interpret it as flirting. some of my friends keep telling me that one of them is trying to ask me out. and everytime one of them sees me with Lauren they dont talk to me for like two days. so my problem is, if one of them asks me out, how can i say no without makeing them hate me? and how can i keep people from thinking i am flirting with them? thank you for reading all about my problems of life. i appreciate very much that there are people who care enough to help me. thanks for all you help![/code]
  18. i personally am not gay, for the record. but people who are not gay dont get it. i have a few bi friends, and they try to explain it to me. people who aren't gay or bi, think its not natural, that guys are for girls, and girls for guys, but its not always like that. i think that people should try harder to be more tolerant.
  19. Some people might not believe this, but guys do not think of sex constantly. He has a job. He has other things to do. if he isnt available, just make sure that when you guys do get it on, you make it extra special.
  20. I think that everyone perfers in person. its alot more romantic. Get the right setting and it mean alot more than someone just calling you up and saying "hey you wanna go with me", ya know what im saying?
  21. well there is no question that he likes you. I think that telling him you have feelings for him also would be a great idea.
  22. If you cant ask him, do the next best thing. ask his friends! they should know. to me it seems like that is the only way unless you are gonna ask him straight, which would be the best approach.
  23. I think that you need to stop thinking about her. do something else. excersise, play a game, go to parties. get your mind off of her. eventually you wont think about her calling you anymore. You dont need her.
  24. the interaction with peers that highschool offers is a very good skill that high school offers. i wouldnt trade it for anything! i think that its a great idea.
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