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Everything posted by melrich

  1. Defintely go digital. You should still be able to use you Nikon lenses on a Nikon digital body. If you are going to take a class be careful it is pitched where you want it. Basic classes are very basic and I think you cna get that from a decent photography book or even from online forums. If you are past that, look for classes that deal with composition or lighting or exposure only. They are likely to be far more in depth.
  2. I think you have to really think about what you are asking for and whether you could actually handle it. Also, the fact that she is more experienced and has tried various combinations in the past does not necessarily mean she is going to be thrilled by the prospect of an open relationship. She is in a different place now. Sure talk about your feelings with her. See how she responds. But make sure you can handle whatever it is you finally agree upon.
  3. I'm not sure not revealing something that you view as private is lying. Some people are simply that, private. Some people like to reveal everything about themselves and what they have done. But I don't think not revealing is lying. If you asked "have you ever slept with a woman?" and she said "No" and you found out later that she had, that would be lying.
  4. Yeah well if that sort of stuff is something you have to know then that becomes one of your values. If someone doesn't want to give that detail out, don't date them. Again I'll say i don't think it's wrong to know, it is just not an entitlement. So if someone doesn't want to give all that detail, and I wouldn't until I was in a relationship and trusted the person, don't date them.
  5. I don't think it is wrong either. Just that it is not an entitlement to know. If it is STD's you are worried about, get tested. Knowing someone's history is not going to tell you whether they have an STD or not.
  6. Send an email saying "Dinner would be great." and go to dinner with him.
  7. Yes. If they want to tell you and you want to hear that's fine. If they don't want to tell you it is their prerogative not your entitlement.
  8. Hi Diana, What can anyone say. That is a tough situation and whilst I think his method of ending the relationship was cowardly, I guess no matter how it was done you would still be hurting. I think you should move forward with your divorce as soon as possible. It will give you a sense of achieving something and moving on.
  9. You are not wrong for feeling that way. It is how you feel. To be honest, whislt I can understand his being upset by the situation with his previous g/f, I can't really see what it has to do with marriage. I think if you are feeling like this you should talk to him about it. He seems to have been upfront with you about his feelings about marriage but people do change over time. He may still be dead against it and then I guess you have to consider how important it is to you. But you never know, maybe he is starting to feel like marriage would be the good thing to do.
  10. I think so. Sexual history to me is of a time and place. It's often not relevant to the present.
  11. My partner has slept with women in the past. To me it is just what she was into at the time. I don't think it is any big deal. Nor does it mean she would be into a threesome. She has the same value of monogamy as women I have been with that have not slept with other women.
  12. I think what you maybe doing is confusing (or relating) the fact that you are unhappy with the break up of the relationship. List all the things that are making you unhappy (leave out any that have to do with your ex). Then start working on those. Plan what you can do about each and start ticking them off. Just that sense of activity and hopefully achievemenyt will make you feel better about things.
  13. Yeah you could ask him. I'm guessing you are reading things right and he is gun shy of marriage (I know I was after my marriage ended), so you have to weigh up how he might respond. 8 months is not a really long time so maybe it will need some more time. But what a great story (the part about finally getting your timing right).
  14. You are only human. Of course you would have an interest in knowing this. Re. NC rules. Don't replace one obsession (your ex) with another (NC). Sometimes information like she's seeing someone else, whilst painful, can help in forcing you to move on.
  15. 2 years after a 6 month relationship is a long time. I don't think you are allowing yourself to move on. You are in a state of ennui. I think what you need to do is to make a commitment to yourself that you are going to actively move past this relationship.
  16. I think balance is a very important point. So is commitment. So is mutual respect. So is realising that good relationships take work. So is romance. But you can do or try all of that and it is still no guarrantee. Some people just don't work together and that may not be immediately obvious. That may take 3 months/a year/5 years etc to figure out.
  17. Dan just mentioned that in the last relationship he was the abused. Here is his first post about that relationship in 2004. Make up your own minds.
  18. She wanted her boots mate...that's all. She shouldn't have to ignore your contacts. She asked you to stay away.
  19. She is a poor girl Dan. She wants peace, it bleeds through the posts you make. And you are not going to give it to her.
  20. OK. Then let her make the next contact. I presume you have no further reason to speak to her now that everything she wants has been exchanged.
  21. Danimal, the issue sounds almost identical and people are telling you right now the same things they were telling you 2 years ago about I assume a different girl. Revisit the thread. In fact this current thread could simply be merged into the threads you were posting 2 and 3 years ago seemlessly. This poor girl has asked you not to contact her. You are looking for any excuse and are twisting any communication into what you want to hear and believe. The pattern is identical and unfortunately I think for this poor girl the long drawn out result could be the same.
  22. Were you right last time? Was your analysis correct? This seems to be a recurring theme.
  23. OK. I missed that. My comment was in the context of the OP as it is now.
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