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Everything posted by atomic40

  1. Yeah man, Don't worry about money. I know people who make a ton and still have problems. It is not the answer to happiness. I went to school, have a BS, and still do not make that much. My gf isn't into money or possessions and those who value these things over important relationships should be avoided.
  2. atomic40


    Hi there, I have been seeing my gf for about 5 months now so we are still in the so called "honeymoon phase" and hang out all the time. Things are going really well with the exception of her roommate. She met her in college and they are good friends. However, her roommate does not understand why we hang out all of the time and has taken to saying some off color comments. She has told my gf that she thinks she acts differently now that she is with me and she does not like it. I think she acts the same as she did before we started dating. I knew her for almost a year before we got together. We became good friends which in turn blossomed into a relationship. thereforeeee I feel I know her well enough to believe she acts as she always had which is a really nice, honest, and outgoing person. I really think that her roommate is just jealous. She is always talking about how she cannot get into a relationship and so forth. She has never been in a serious one so I do not think she completely understands how my gf and I feel about each other. I know that this honeymoon phase will slow down soon and I recognize the importance of spending time with your friends when you are in a relationship. It just makes me feel uncomfortable when I am at their apt. because I feel that her roommate resents me. (for taking her friend away I suspect.) I am confident this will blow over but I am just looking for your opinions to see if I am on the right track. Thanks!
  3. By the way, what is your career (or what is it going to be if you are still a student)?
  4. Tums works for me. My dad however is on Prilosec OTC and he says it works well. He switched to it because Tums no longer helped him.
  5. I am not the biggest fan of blood but I do find the human body fascinating. I am currently in the midst of a career change into medicine (following in my Mom's footsteps) She tells me it is something you get used to. I grew up in NH, hunting and cleaning animals never bothered me so why should this? I don't have a problem w/ needles or that stuff. I am passionate about helping people so I do not want this fear to stop me and I will not let it. I force myself to watch surgeries on Discovery Health and online. It is not as bad now for me and I believe it will get better.
  6. For me personality is more important. Personality can make a girl more beautiful in my eyes; when she smiles/laughs alot, when she is honest with me, etc.
  7. I do not think that I could do it looking back on it now. My ex was with someone two weeks after we broke up. We had been together for 2 years and at the time of the break up I may have been able to be convinced to get back together. Thankfully we did not and I know now that we were not for each other. I have grown in a positive way from the experience but would not think of getting back together with her now. I have met someone else and I am happier that I have ever been. This is just my take on my situation, everyone has a different set of circumstances surrounding their break up.
  8. Thank you for the encouraging responses everyone. Have a Happy Halloween
  9. My ex was with someone two weeks after she broke off our relationship of two years (hmmm think she may have been seeing him before the break up?) I was crushed, absolutely devastated after being utterly faithful and caring of her for two years. Well I confronted her and it did not help at all. Things only got worse. The only time that I began to heal, was with NC. I finally convinced myself it was over and that I needed to move on.
  10. Thanks, I figured this was the case but needed some second opinions. I have been careful not to say it to her much since because I feel that this will pressure her.
  11. I don't really dig them too much. Why not just use cologne?
  12. Hi all, I have been seeing my gf for three months now. Things have been going well and we love hanging out together. This is her first serious relationship so she is having natural worries I think. Also, her parents divorced when she was in college and her dad was remarried two months later (he was cheating). Growing up her parents never showed her and her siblings much affection. I think this and the whole divorce situation are making things difficult for her. Soooo... I told her I loved her on Sunday and I did not get "I love you too". This naturally threw me off base for a few. She told me no guy has ever said that to her before and she did not know what love was. I do not know how to feel about this. We have hung out a few times since and things are still good, but it lingers in the back of my mind. I want this thing to keep going and I understand it may take her longer to be sure of herself. Any ideas or thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!
  13. She sounds immature and disrespectful to me. You can do better buddy. There is no need for belittlement in any relationship, or even any friendship for that matter.
  14. If she actually believed that you cheated on her then why didn't she confront you first before exacting revenge? If you have been together for a year, I would expect her to at least talk things out before acting. I know you love her. My gf of 2 yrs cheated on me and then broke up with me and I still had strong feelings for her afterwards. With the passage of time (which is your friend) you will see more clearly and realize that you are better off without her.
  15. Hang in there. When my gf of two years broke up with me I was totally lost. She also started going out with some guy a week after she left me. I was totally shell shocked. It just takes time to heal. Grief, sadness, anger will all come in stages. Eventually they will fade more and more and you will be ready to start fresh with someone new who will be special to you.
  16. Hey there, As you state above, you try to be the best person you can be. This is all we can do in life no more can be asked of you. College is always tough at first. When I went away to school I was far away from my family and it was tough financially (going to school and living in Boston is super expensive). Money always has a way of working itself out however. It's also not everything in life, the people you care about and who care about you matter most. I made it through school working part time jobs and work study. Hang in there because you will meet so many interesting people in college and it will be a truly rewarding experience. I did not like it at first either but now I would do anything to go back
  17. I wouldn't even want to know if my ex was dating again. I would just want to move on with a clean slate.
  18. Hello all, I am in a crazy state of emotions right now. I have been single for about two years now, my last relationship of two years ending badly. It turned out my ex girlfriend was sleeping with someone I knew. I have recently been hanging out with someone I know from my hometown. I live in Boston now and she recently moved here. I have stayed over her place about 5 times, not having sex with her, just sleeping with her and occasionally kissing. So last night we finally talked about where we were going with the whole situation. I pretty much said I did not want to get involved in a relationship at the moment. I am not sure if she is right for me or not. I also think I am scared from my last relationship because I find myself wondering what would happen if this did not work out. Also, I am in the midst of deciding on a career change. I am 25 and have been out of school for a couple years working in the legal field. I was planning on going to law school but after working in law firms for two years I am not so sure it is for me. Point is, I may be going back to school this year for something totally different. I am the type of person who would not be able to balance working full time, going to school at night, and handling a relationship. I would simply just put my life on hold to spend time with her. I just do not think it fair to her to put her through this since I am so unsure of what is going on in my life right now. I don't know what to do. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
  19. My girlfriend of almost two years broke up with me about 2 months ago. She is 21 and I am 23. Towards the end, things were going badly and we argued alot. When she broke it off, she said that she needed space and did not want a relationship anymore. About two weeks after, I saw her kissing another guy. I know this guy a little bit and we had hung out with him while we were together. I just could not believe that she could be with someone so quickly. When I confrotned them about it she said that she was on the rebound...right in front of him. She also said that she was drunk. We have had arguments since we have been broken up because I call her. I finally realized a couple of weeks ago that I should not call her. Once I stopped calling, I got a call from her about a week and a half later. She had a lame excuse for calling and then talked to me for thirty minutes. She said that she missed my family, thought about me, still had feelings for me, and could not stand the thought of me being with someone else. She did not mention getting back together but I feel that she may bring that up in the future. Any thought are welcome and appreciated. Ryan
  20. My girlfriend of almost two years broke up with me about 2 months ago. Towards the end, things were going badly and we argued alot. When she broke it off, she said that she needed space and did not want a relationship anymore. About two weeks after, I saw her kissing another guy. I know this guy a little bit and we had hung out with him while we were together. I just could not believe that she could be with someone so quickly. When I confrotned them about it she said that she was on the rebound...right in front of him. She also said that she was drunk. We have had arguments since we have been broken up because I call her. I finally realized a couple of weeks ago that I should not call her. Once I stopped calling, I got a call from her about a week and a half later. She had a lame excuse for calling and then talked to me for thirty minutes. She said that she missed my family, thought about me, still had feelings for me, and could not stand the thought of me being with someone else. She did not mention getting back together but I feel that she may bring that up in the future. Any thought are welcome and appreciated. Ryan
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