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  1. yea well last night she called me and told me that she believed me and she is soo sry, and that she wants to see me but i told her that its not a good idea b/c im jus trying to meeet other people and get over her. then she told me that she thinks everything happens for a reason and we werent meant 2 be and shes def not jealouse of me w/. other girls. so what does this mean to you guys b/c she sending me mixed signals
  2. yea i know you guys are right but i cant stop thinking about her but i wont let myself call her. i mean i never expected anything like this from her she acted like a totaly diffrent person that i never saw from her b4 and it hurts so much but i guess i do have to let go its just so hard though b/c b4 this happened things were honestly perfect for the last 8 months like this was our first real fight about anything important and its just so hard b/c i cant see myself w/o her but i know that i cant let myself be w/ her agian. the thing that upsets me the most is she hooked up with the one person she knows i hate more then anyone
  3. yea but the only thing is i love her so much i just want her 2 relize what a mistake she made but she still thinks shes right and im wrong and its so hard knowing that she thinx i actually cheated on her b/c i would never 2 do that
  4. yes thank you but i dunno if i should get back with her either b/c after all i didnt do anything wrong here besides be a good boyfirend
  5. ok so my girlfriend 4 like a year cheated on my last night w/ her ex boyfriend and everytime i call her she acts like its my fault shes telling me that someone told her that i cheated on her which entirely isnt true at all and she said she was drunk and cheated on me out of revenge. i really do not know what to do about this situation becasue b4 this we were perfect always had fun together and really loved eachother alot i was her first which meant a great deal to her and everything and i really dont know what to do b/c im dont want to talk to her and she wont talk 2 me because she really believes that i cheated on her and thiers nothing i can do to prove her wrong so any help or comments i would really appretiate thanx
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