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Everything posted by Altruist

  1. I think its easier to approach girls in the stret when they are walking in a group. Approaching one makes her feel cheap and she may not respond positively.
  2. If yiour church has a youth group, you could invite her to join. When you do youth activities together, it will be easier o get to know her better. Besides, both of you will be growing spiritually by participating in youth activities.
  3. Start believing that you are the catch.
  4. I like the panache in your writing Ross Midnight. Try using that in your everyday conversations with women and you'll notice that they will instantly warm up to you. Trust me.
  5. If you take public transport, I dont suppose it would be hard to find a girl to chat up.
  6. I agree totally. I think what causes confusion sometimes is when the woman neglects to show the lack of enthusiasm and, instead, shows a lot of eagerness. This raises the guy's hopes of getting another date and the body language convinces him that the woman is interested. MAybe women should try to show lack of enthusiasm when they are saying things with double meanings so that the body language expresses exactly what they are trying to say. Lol. He could only try that at the risk of appearing like an amateur stalker.
  7. He likes you. That's what shy guys do.
  8. Find something to tease her about but do it in a light-hearted manner.
  9. You have to come on a bit stronger if you want to be cosidered as 'dateable material'. Get her number the first time you talk and signal your interest at once, albeit in a subtle manner. If you take your time and talk about books only, you will only confuse the girl and she will believe that you genuinely want to study only and that you don't find her attractive. That will get you relegated to her 'just friends' list.
  10. Give him a lot of compliments. You could also occasionally gaze into his eyes a fraction longer than usual. That way he'll get the message.
  11. You may be misinterpreting your professor's affetion as love.
  12. I totally agree with the sentiments expressed by Northalus and Cantexplain. It's a sign of selfishness and disrespect for a man to look at porn right infront of his partner, or anywhere for that matter. Watching porn is setting yourself up for a lot of problems, least of which is addiction. THe problem with porn is that it is like a drug. The moment you start, you will always be looking for the next high and that means something more explicit the next time. I wouldn't even recommend watching soft porn because thats were the problem starts. It then progress towards hardcore stuff. I've read testimonies of men who used to spend more than twenty hours per day just cooped up infront of the computer watching porn. That's not healthy at all. Worse still, as the addiction strengthens the addicted begins to take more risks and may start to act out the fantasies in real life (swinging, S&M etc). As the addiction progresses further it may reach a crisis level (bestiality, necrophilia, etc). In my opinion, porn addiction should be treated like any other addiction and help should be sought as quickly as possible. Like all other addictions, it doesn't go away on its own except in a few cases where the individual is highly motivated to take action. To the ladies, if your partner spends too much time on the computer but cannot explain his activities then alarm bels should start ringing in your mind.
  13. I think what is causing her to want sex less often is that you are demanding it. That kills the spontaneity and romance. Find other ways of coming accross with your needs. Just my opinion.
  14. Yes, in other words One step forward, two steps back and Never letting the rope slacken as elaborated by David DeAngelo. I'm sure you have learnt an important lesson from your aloofness. Don't change now. Keep doing whats working and integrate the aloofness into your life. In time you will realise thatthe aloofness is actually more of inner confidence and blief that you do not need anyone or their approval to be happy. That will help you to have more fulfilling relationships because you are now able to give others space.
  15. You could learn to do pencil sketches of each other. Its a lot of fun!
  16. Hmm...in that case there is no need to force yourself to force yourself to like him in the hope that the chemistry will develop with time. Better not to pursue this one IMO. If you are not attracted to him he might feel that you led him on. You can keep him as a friend though but explain that you only want to be friends with him and nothing more. Of course thats just my opinoin. Good luck!
  17. YOu're lucky man 8-[ . She's a fantastic girl with a sense of humour. Try not to be too serious and uptight about everything she says. I think she likes you a lot.
  18. I haven't read allthe post Luke, so forgive me if I make comments that yo have heard already. The first thing for you to do is to stop seeing the 18 year old. It would be good both for you and for her because she is recovering from the betrayal that she got from a 29 year old man. Chances are high that she could eventually turn that anger towards you. She is very young. What she needs for now is some time to be alone and come to terms with her predicament. As for your relationship with your mother IMO, what you need to do is move out and allow yourself to make your own decisions. Do it for yourself. You're 30 and if you hope to have a fulfilling relationship and some kids in the future you need to be independent and to start respecting yourself right now. Unless your parents are sick, there is no need for you to be living with them. Of course, that's just my opinion.
  19. As a guy I think I would get the message if a girl talked about other guys in my presense. Also try not to give him any special attention while at work but treat him the same way you treat the other guys there. Although he might be hurt, he will realize that you were just being friendly all along without any amorous intentions. If he tries to push it, then you can tell him in his face that you just want him as a friend. He'll get over it. Its better than telling him when he's fallen too deep -that could lead to him resenting you which might strain your working relationship. The earlier the better. Good luck!
  20. ...and prove that those multivitamins are working for you! LOL
  21. Those are the classic signs of a shy guy in love. He keeps coming to you as a way of signalling his interest in you. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the kind of guy who remembers small, seemingly insignificant details about you- like your favourite food, your cat's name, past conversations etc. I say go get him tigress!
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