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  1. turqoise, I'm the exact same way. Ross Midnight, continue to be friendly with her. As others have said, she's interested in you on some level for sure.
  2. Thank you tronix and everyone. It's tough because I do think he's great and I like chatting with him -- I'm just not interested in anything more than being friends. We've been chatting for quite awhile now -- months -- so I wasn't thinking it was anything more than that. Although maybe I should have. Thanks again.
  3. Can you suggest a good way of doing that without sounding cruel? I know if he's interested it's not going to sound great period, but as a guy do you have any suggestions? I'm just not very good at this stuff. I feel like I've just been myself -- I didn't really think I could be leading him on.
  4. Thank you for your advice. This guy and I work together (like anggrace), so I want to handle things carefully. What did you do anggrace?
  5. I've never been able to figure out when or if I cross the line between just being friendly or coming accross as interested in dating a guy. By nature, I am shy and it takes awhile for me to open up to people and be really chatty. Lately, I've been talking to a particular guy who's really friendly and approachable, so I'm comfortable around him. I am not, however, interested in him romantically. He's just not my type. Today he suggested getting together. Because I'm shy, I know it "stands out" that I'm talking to him more than others. Is there a nice way to let him know that I just want to be friends? It would help if I didn't have to say it using those exact words. Also, should I stop talking to him as much? I feel bad that I might be leading him on without intending to. Thank you.
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