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Everything posted by Altruist

  1. Excellent suggestion ghost. Getting her to say what she thinks of your relationship fist.
  2. The description just stuck in my mind from one of your posts a few days ago.
  3. You're right ghost. I personally get overwhelmed by the desire to give compliments but i always stop myself and give them out only when it seems most appropriate. Its important so that the compliments don't seem washed out.
  4. Well in thatcase, go ahead. For all you know she may be shutting you out because she is disappointed that you haven't attempted to progress beyond platonic friendship.
  5. Email doesn't sound like a good idea to get your message accross. It will be awkward when you meet if she doesn't share the same feelings. Try to muster the courage to tell her face to face. After all, you are already friends so I suppose there could be no harm in breaking the news over a cup of coffee?
  6. The problem is that you could be in the friendzone already and starting a relationship might prove uncomfortable.
  7. I think its the aura of mystery and power that a jerk exude that women find so attractive. The nice guy is kind and gentle , like a 'warm puppy' as Batya would put it. Women find the lack of prospects of adventure with nice guys disconcerting and thereforeeee dismiss them altogether. Of course they may occasionally use the nice guy's should to whine about "how the jerk is treating me".
  8. How do you follow up after giving such a compliment? Do you say anything else when you meet the girl again or do you keep quiet and just wait, hoping that she takes the initiative? The fact that you said that the girls 'will stare for the next couple of days' suggeasts that you don't follow up on such compliments. While I am against giving such overt compliments, I think when you give such a strong signal of your interest you have to follow up, maybe ask the girl out. You will only come accross as weird if you don't.
  9. Being physicaly attractive gives you a roughidea of a person's personality. If they take the time to take good care of their body then they are worth pursuing.
  10. Where are the pictures. I don't see them anywhere in your profile. Maybe you could reattach them. I would really like to see what you look like.
  11. Altruist


    When you ask her to write her number, ask her to write her name as well.
  12. Yes, its a good idea. Just ask her for the coffee. if she refuses, don't worry, there are plenty more fish in the lake.
  13. I was expecting to see an update telling us that you've talked to the guy already. All the responses assured you that its obvious that the guy likes you but is just shy.](*,)
  14. ^Absolutely. I think its best to sort out your emotions first before you even think of dating because you will tend to become clingy in your relationships if you maintain your current mindset.
  15. ^True. I admire her honesty. Its better than total silence and being ignored so that you get the hint.
  16. I absolutely agree with your advice Locke. If you don't advance on the date, you will leave the girl confused, feeling weird and unattractive. In future if yo decide to take a girl out on a date, be prepared to advance a little or risk being friendzoned. The girl should feel that there is a difference between the date that you have taken her out on and those that she goes out on with her girlfriends. Just my opinion.
  17. Maybe its your attitude RIPDIME. Women can smell a negative attitude from a mile away.
  18. You have to try talking to her first. don't read too much into the two glances at you. For all you know she may have been looking at something else. You did say that you were observing from the corner of your eye- which doesn't always give reliable results.
  19. YOu're welcome. I am happy for you! We all are.
  20. Office romance is a bad idea. Its better to look for love elsewhere or hook up after hours only and keep everything discrete.
  21. Better to look desperate in this case than not to try at all. He has nothing to lose and everything to gain in this case.
  22. Like, whats the age difference between the two of you? How old is he?
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