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Everything posted by blush

  1. Good luck, she is SOOO into you, the whole forgetting her bag was so she could be around you without the others near! Go for it man
  2. Don't compair yourself to your friend, just don't compair yourself to anyone, there is a girl out there for every guy, just be yourself, for me thats what i'd rather see then someone that tries to be someone there not! Everyone have different interests, different personalities, different views on what they look for in a guy! so relax alittle and just have fun, don't get jelous over the little stuff. that girl will find you soon enough, its better find someone that you can be with for a long time and make memories with then a one night stand, every weekend that you can't remember her name!
  3. Being a girl,from my point of view i think you should telling her, would make things less uncomfortable when you are around her, letting her know how you feel, Make sure you are sure they want to hear the truth, If you are really into them it can't hurt to hear that they don't feel the same way! Think long and hard about what you are going to say, the problem with straight out asking is it can lead to awkwardness... try and let them know that your friendship is the most important thing, and if they don't like you as more than a friend, try and laugh it off
  4. blush


    I disagree, everyone deserves a second chance, and if you wreck / blow it then you deserved for her to leave, Love is about proving to one another that they are what you want, and what makes you happy, when they see you happy, its the same as if you were dieing with kidney disease and your best friend gave you there other kidney to save yours, he didn't have to but he loved you, and know you deserved that second chance!
  5. I know you are upset, everyone does at some point when you know that it could have been prevented! I provide support for you if you ever need someone to talk to, I lost a friend to a drunk driver, even tho all through his life he never drank, smoked nor did drugs, and swore he would never let someone else that has been drinking drive, he was only coming home from visiting his parents, when he was hit by the other car.
  6. I thought of something else......has your grandparents ever offered to help her fix the car or washer?? Blush
  7. The trick that I found worked for me was either drinking water when i felt hungry or eatting slower so you feel full faster............it worked for me, might or might not for you. Good luck tho hope it works out Blush
  8. I feel for you, i haven't dated much, i'm a home person, i like being there, but i will go out, i'm the type of person that loves to do anything, i'm not a girly girly ( nothing wrong with being one either ) i'm just not like that, i'm a blue jeans t-shirt kinda person, i was in a realtionship with this guy that i had loved right to death, we had been dating for 2 years, i was on cloud nine, happy to be alive, going for the gold when it came to doing things together, nothing was stopping me until we were out to dinner one night and I had asked what he thought about marrige, it upset him, it wasn't like I was suggesting that he should be asking me to marry him, i was just asking what his look on it was, what kinda beliefs he has, that kinda thing. we broke up, a few weeks after, it total made me feel depressed, totally withdrawen from everything, until my friend came to visit me one day and say its not the end of the world, he wasn't Mr. right but i have to forget it, there are way more fish in the sea, and if i give it time that special someone will in fact find me, she was right now i am engaged to a guy i've know since kindergarden, we love each other but it took a year for me to find him / he find me, its not always about trying to find someone, you have to act yourself, never put on a show just so they will like you, and its not like you should be out ever night, trying to pick up, give it time that person will come!
  9. I see your side of the story, i was once 17 and i never felt like I fit in, i was the middle child in my family and my 2 sisters always were ahead of me when it came to getting something they wanted and I was left in the cold, my mom and dad never really took an interest in anything I did and it always upset me, which then i'd argue with them and always tell them they never loved me, and I couldn't wait to be rid of them. Its like they got there perfect first born spoiled her to death, then had me, sort bit later they had my little sister and being there last and her being a baby they didn't have time to really spend with me, I spent most of my child hood over at my friend Kiki's house, cause I never wanted to go home and get yelled at, cause I always in trouble at school. I learned to basically grow up on my own once I turned 15 i got a job had my own money that I saved, i graduated high school at 17 and that summer I moved out on my own to live with my b/f, my parnets were a mess that I had left, and couldn't understand why. What I told them was that you need to learn to treat us all fairly, if you can treat one then you have to treat them all and if you can't then don't at all. I still love my parents but they have changed since i moved out so we are getting back to being a family again, on better terms, i don't expect anything from them ever, they raised me ( feed, clothed, sheltered and sent me to school ) for 17 years and i am very thankful for that. So the way I see it for you is that, if you don't have the money to fix the car, then you can't fix it, simple as that. Same as the washer, things take time to fix as well as having the time to look at it to figuare out whats the problem, you can't just snap your fingers and its done, there is nothing wrong with calling someone to borrow there car for a short time, or asking if it is ok to drive them to work/ car pool, and you supply the gas money or something along those lines or return the favor some other day, what happened to good old walking once and a while. Your mom loves you guys right to death, i'm sure, if she felt like it wasn't working she would have left long ago, she shouldn't be listening to her parents and putting these ideas in her head, i know there are times that you have a bad day and all you can do is break down and cry / vent for a bite, but you get over it once you do. I can tell you really love your sister and want the best for her, so personal i don't think that its completely "mean" to take her away from your parents / grandparents, i know you feel that they need the taste of there own medicene, making everyone feel as if they started it, by taking your mom away, they'll know how you felt and they will have to feel it too by you taking your sister from them. I think you need to sit down with your family have a family meeting and tell them how you feel, let them know that it isn't working, you all are trying your best to make it work, its not that you don't love each other, but life isn't about trying to make everyone happy, you make them happy in different ways. So I hope that helps at all but thats my view, so I wish you luck and hope it works out to be a happy family / works out the way you want it too. Good Luck
  10. If it was me, i'd still go with the NC thing, if she calls you up to apogize then take small steps to fix it,but if she don't call you up at all then, oviosuly you ani't one bit impotant in her life / not one of her priorties, i know its hard to be working, raising a young child, doing your best to care for her, and trying to keep your emotions in tacked infornt of people / her daughter, is hard at times but thats what having someone to be there for you is for, when times get rough they are there for a sholder to cry on and tell you everything is alright no matter what! Thats the way i'd kinda look at it, but like I said thats my option, and it might help you or not, best of luck and I hope it works out for you the way you want it to be! Blush
  11. [quote=terk2021; But she was ready for me to buy her her dream house 3 months prior sounds a bit off to me, so i would go with the NC Thing, never let someone get to you, she hurt you from the beginning, she took away what was going to be one of those happiest days of your life away..........its up to you tho what you do! But i wish you the very best and hope you work something out, good luck!
  12. For me If i know someone didn't love me I wouldn't stay around, but it seems that your mom is around, every family disagrees on issues, some more times then others, but you have to work it out!
  13. my great grandfather was 17 when he was sent over to fight in the second world war, he was shot in the face, lived and kept on fighting without knowing he was wounded, he died about a year ago at the age of 84, he always said to me that every one of his brothers and the ones before him that died over there was 1 more reason why i'm living in a world like i am today!
  14. We don't have a future, if we don't remember the past, what alot of ppl gave up for us to live in a more free world! We need to honor them for it!
  15. If he really loves you, let him be the one to call you this time!
  16. Why would they do that? O my, its not fair to your family nor your little sister, to take away her mother when she is so young, i know its not right for your parents to fight, and she might not understand whats going on making her get upset, making it look like your grandparents are the reason she left, and won't come home, its something that your parents have to work out, not something that the rest of the family need to intervin in!
  17. I can understand being in a different place that isn't like being at home,and being alittle uncomfortable but wouldn't you say having you around that knows it well be more reasuring to him, also getting to spend some time together, something you haven't done in a few months make it alittle easyer to be away from home / his enviorment?
  18. Have you recived a really good reason for the postponong of your wedding ?
  19. Do you think he is looking hard enough? Blush
  20. LLPotter, terk2021 is so right, if that person says they "Love you" then what is with all the excuses, its not about not knowing how to get to see you, cause you live there, if he told you were he was staying you'd know where that was i'm sure and why would the room be under someone elses name other then his? "That sounds alittle off to me" Your a fighter, what does your heart tell you to do, you stand for who you are and no matter what, you have a family that loves you and will always resepct you for what you choice without judging you! "We all have love hidden deep inside us. It just takes that special person to look hard enough to find it." Blush
  21. Dear LLPotter, Its Blush, just letting you know that I sent you a message, and hope it helps some?? Let me know what you think plz Blush
  22. my favorite quotes: "We all have love hidden deep inside us. It just takes that special person to look hard enough to find it." "There are plenty of fish in the sea, but there's only one fish perfect for me!" Blush
  23. And I'd like to personal thank you Helen, for your words of wisdom and caring nature you have inside.......all the best to you, hope you have found the man of your dreams and if not you will know the monment when you meet him! Blush
  24. I did and the response I got from him was truly amazing, and sweet, making him " The Best Boyfriend Ever" Blush
  25. I mean every word............. Blush
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