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Everything posted by sumguy

  1. At least you have the self-esteem to respect yourself even when a large sum of money was involved.
  2. I feel as though I'm intruding, commenting on how much I liked that poem...
  3. Hey, thanks for the reply healinghands, but I analyzed my feelings and that's not it =) And now this rant has to go...
  4. Nice is such a deceptive term... - I really like this guide, I find myself reffering to it more and more often.
  5. Your first instincts are probably right, she's snowed under in assignment work and homework. When I first started this job I got bogged down with the hefty workload and didn't contact anyone I knew for three days without even realising the time has passed. You probably didn't do anything - I mean, who gives out contact info voluntarily without the intention to use it later on? Pirate done good. ^_^ Time flies when there's a lot to be done...
  6. Do you personally think things happen for a reason? Does something terrible happen to show you how meaningless something bad is? Just curious to peoples opinions on this, I personally believe yes.
  7. Seeing as your his 'friend who is a girl' and not his 'girlfriend', you really have no more say in this than if you were checking out some attractive guy. If it bothers you that much make a comment when he goes off staring, "Earth to friend" or something... ...but really, it might be a little rude, but we tolerate flaws in our friends, don't we?
  8. No one's going to tell you what to do, or hold your hand as you go through it. If you feel you need to break up with him, then break up with him. Explain your reasons and let him know it's not working out. Are you looking for a decision, or validation for the decision you've already made..? =)
  9. I'm still thinking "what if?" 6 years on... -_- Really great poem, Babydoll. =)
  10. You're not dumb, just a girl faced with difficult decisions. Just from this it sounds like C wants a relationship without any of the responsibilities, and you have to ask yourself if that's really what you deserve?
  11. Did you tell him that how you felt about the posters, and how they make you feel? Once he understands, I bet he takes them down because he cares about you.
  12. Faith is just that, it requires an unfounded leap beyond logic without any backing or proof. You're not the first person to question it. As it is afterlife or no, the only option you really have is to live life to the fullest. If there is a heaven, then you'll have a bunch of great stories to tell people, and if not, then you'll be remembered for all the great things you did.
  13. Me, I'd have asked her straight up why things were feeling so awkward. I've done it in the past and god knows I'll continue to do it in the future, it's not the most subtle way to solve a problem, but it gets results.
  14. I’m on the edge of this ditch the void seems so deep about to swallow me whole is my mind playing tricks on me? one step separates me i’m neither here nor there how do i make my decision with my head filled with fear? I’m caught in this deep desperation there’s no going back now I cover my ears, the silence hurts them it’s like an act! stand up! take a bow! but where is the worthy audience? is anyone there? I need help
  15. You're a hard one to follow...
  16. I think it's a built in defence mechanism, trying to blunt the feelings of loss. Or maybe it's hard to believe something you had and something you were so happy with could rapidly change. Is this about the girl you were ready to let go? Or just in a pondering mood?
  17. That's a common mistake, sometimes people who feel as you do will instead store their self-esteem in other areas. A girlfriend, or personal possessions. And once they're gone they're right back where they started, only this time with the pain of loss hitting them at the same time. It's a tradegy when anyone dies - one person or a thousand, celebrity or homless person, not only does the person die, but all the potential they have disappears along with them. Don't tie your self-esteem up in other people or things, learn to be happier with yourself - there are plenty of threads on eNotalone with guides how to do that.
  18. 5 years is usually the upper limit of the definable socially acceptable age-gap, but really, who is society to tell you what to feel and how to act? If your happy with the relationship then that's all you need to know.
  19. Someone got dealt a high hand of cards... What exactly do you need help with? Your 14, isn't this the age when girls notice boys and vice-versa?
  20. That was a really good poem, Rozi, I enjoyed it =)
  21. Routine leads to boredom, try throwing some spontaneous activities into your schedule.
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