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Everything posted by PutYourBackIntoIt

  1. Man, if that's somewhat true, than my last relationship was terribly exciting.
  2. Lol, I know you're right. I am wasting my time. I told him that, and he said he didn't have time to be bashed. * * *? I know I can do so much better than him. It really makes it hard when he contacts me after a couple days of not hearing from me. It's like he loves playing games, it's so frustrating. He only wants me when I stop wanting him. Why is he like this? It's so stupid.
  3. Honey don't worry about it. I never had a real boyfriend until I was 22. Guys notice girls who are confident. It's not about looks. When a confident girl walks into a room, they all notice. It sounds like you just need some self esteem. When I'm feeling down, I go get my hair done, or go to the spa, or shopping. Something that picks me up. I went through a rough patch last year, and I started going to the gym, and my confidence shot through the roof! Once you have confidence, guys will notice...just go out and do something that makes you feel better about yourself! Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy?
  4. It's always good to hear that I'm not the only want that is so frustrated! He really drives me nuts. It's constant games, and they are taking their toll. I'm so irritable and I just want to rip out my hair! Lol. I did ignore him last week because I was still reeling from the fight we had, but I called him two days later. I don't know if he's just playing games with me because I ignored him or he doesn't really care? Either way I'm fed up, and I can't even stand him right now. I'm super awesome and he's an idiot.
  5. Well I'm an idiot and broke NC 2 days after he called. Now he acts like he doesn't even like me anymore, never wants to see me...I'm so dumb lol
  6. So after having a blowout with my ex and thinking it was over between us, he called. I tried to remain in n/c but I caved two days after he called. We went out for ice cream and all was well. I told him I wanted to see him the following day and he said he would call. So the next day rolls around, and no call. I called. Three hours go by and I haven't heard from him. I sent a text after calling, and then called again, and sent a text asking if he died. He finally called back and said he was at the gym. For three hours? I let it slide. Then last night we were supposed to meet up, and he calls at 10 pm saying he just got home. I told him that I was sick of his bull****, sick of his excuses, and that I could do much better than him and I didn't know why I was wasting my time on him. I said that I was sick of him never wanting to see me. He didn't care. He was like "Whatever I don't care, you always get mad when you don't get your way." Yea, I get mad because he no longer has an interest in me! It's like after the fight, he doesn't care anymore. Two weeks ago he thought i was getting ready to dump him because I stopped calling him. I only stopped calling him because he never answered my calls or texts and never wanted to see me. Now he doesn't care? Am I being too needy or something? How can he go from liking me, to not liking me? Did I scare him or something? We do fight alot, mostly about him not wanting to see me or spend time with me. I know I'm wasting my time with this guy and I should go back into no contact, but I'm so grumpy and sad right now
  7. Yea I'm pretty sure he will talk me out of it. All he has to do is say something sexual and I'm there in a heartbeat. But that's all we had going was sex. We had amazing sex, but could not function together otherwise. I'd just like to put him in the past. I don't want to speak to him, I don't want to know anything he's doing, who he's seeing. I just want him gone, like I had never met him. I changed my number once to get rid of him but he sent flowers and I almost died...because he is not the type of guy to do anything remotely nice. I thought it was someone playing a sick joke, that's how shocking it was. I just want him gone now. I thought I wanted him to call me, but I feel worse.
  8. For those of you not familiar with my story; my on again off again and I had a fight Sunday about our relationship status. He didn't want to talk about it and I went psycho and blew up his phone and said mean things. The next day I called and apologized and that was 4 days ago. It was closure for me. Anyway, Friday night he calls. I don't answer. Twenty minutes later, he calls. I don't answer. An hour later he texts me "Are you out?" I didn't respond. I don't know what to do. I was all ready to move on and now I feel worse. I feel like we broke up all over again. I also feel really guilty for not answering him. We never officially called it quits, I'd just assumed it was over because I went psycho. I am done with him, I am not going back. It's too much bullpoop to deal with. But since we've always gotten back together after a couple days, I think he expects things are still on. Should I just keep ignoring his calls, or should I tell him? I really don't know what to do.
  9. Wow, this sounds just like my friend's situation; except she married the bastard! My friend used to be so bubbly and upbeat and generally loved life. She married this guy and he's cheated on her, hit her, called her names..etc. He's just plain awful. She got a place of her own a couple months ago, but she kept in contact with him, invited him over, basically stuff you are not supposed to to when you're trying to heal. She just made it worse for herself. Now she never leaves the house, smokes pot all day, doesn't go to work or class. I want my friend back but I'm at my end's rope, I can't help her anymore. It's like she's a glutton for punishment. She just doesn't listen to any of my advice. I try to take her out to lunch, or go do something fun but she'd rather sit at home and cry and smoke pot. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now. I miss my friend..and I don't know if I should be pulling out my hair or hers. Is this your friends first real relationship? It's my friends first real one, so she never learned what not to do. Maybe or friends need to go through this pain to learn a very valuable lesson. I've been there, as well as other people. If you can, buy her a book called "It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken." I just recently read it and it really helped me, and I plan on giving it to my friend..that is if I can ever get her out of her shell.
  10. Thanks Brickchamp...you rock! And everyone else...thanks. I welcome the reinforcement!
  11. He always thought I was seeing other guys. I tried my best to not crowd him or come off as needy. I gave him plenty of room, but he always thought I was seeing someone else. He would get scared when he thought I was pulling away. And now he doesn't care? I know I looked desperate and psycho, but he's done it to me quite a few times. I was doing fine up until today. Now my eyes are watering up more. THe more the days go on, the harder it is. So you think he will start to wonder why I haven't been calling? If I could be so desperate and clingy one day, and then all of a sudden stop calling, he will wonder? I know I shouldn't call, I really don't plan on it, but it's killing me. All the what if's....I can't stop thinking that I really blew it....
  12. I don't feel bad about myself, I know I'm the greatest thing since fluffernutter sandwhiches. I am getting on with life, I go to the gym, I am a personal trainer, but I don't know how else to feel better lol. I"m not feeling horribly bad, I just feel like I blew it, I feel guiltiy. I wasn't very giving at all, never called him, rarely made plans with him, because when I did in the past he was always "busy". I feel now that I was just taking scraps that he was throwing at me. Just last week he called me and left a message saying he needed me because I hadn't spoken to him in 4 days. And he would joke around that I was getting ready to dump him, so I'm very confused. I always had to gauge his interest in me and I guess I finally lost it. I think mostly that my ego is bruised, because I have a big one. Now it's not so big because I let my guard down, and let him have the power. And I'm really embarrassed. My friends thought it was funny what I said to him, but I feel horrible.
  13. For those of you who don't know; my on again/off again bf of two years and I had a little tiff last week. After we went out for ice cream, I asked him what out status what. I had refrained from asking him this because in the past we always ended up fighting about it. After he dropped me off I tried calling him and he didn't answer. I panicked, fearing that I had scared him with commitment, and I called over, and over, and over. I totally embarrassed myself. He called back finally and said he left his phone in his car. So again, I said "It's obvious we like each other what are we?" He said he didn't have time to talk about it. He hung up on me, and i called back. He kept hanging up, and I kept calling back. He yelled at me, WHAT THE F DO YOU WANT?! and then turned his phone off. He turned it off for two min. I left a mean voicemail, I tried to go and erase it but when I hit pound it said message sent! I was mortified! I said that I hope he died on his motorcycle and that his penis was crooked. I didn't want to send it but I couldn't take it back! I called him right after it went through and apologized. The next day I text him saying I had a right to know where we were in the relationship and if I was more than a booty call. NO answer. So I called him with my number blocked out and told him how sorry I was for the mean things I said. He said that he did not care and was not bothered by them, and laughed. I don't know what was so funny. He talked about how it was hot outside, and I said"Yea I went for a run and threw up" and he joked that I was becoming bulemic. I haven't talked to him in 3, almost 4 days now and I'm so sad. I really want to call him, but is NC really the best thing? I really want to implement some form of damage control but I miss the bastard so much
  14. By nasty, what do you mean? What did she say or do that was nasty?
  15. AAAH no don't send. I would be scared if someone I broke up with mailed that to me. You will regret sending it. Just do no contact please!
  16. Well after the stunt that I pulled, it's best, in my situation to drop off the face of the planet. If you did something embarrassing, than yea, just crawl under a rock and don't come out from under it.
  17. I'm just curious as to how everyone's break up went. All I read about is how much pain everyone is in, but I want to know how the breakup went. Was there alot of calling and pleading or did it end clean? Were things left on good terms, or was there alot of angry words spoken? Did the dumper contact you shortly afterwards, or ever? How did you react to being dumped? Thanks a bunch!
  18. I am reading a book right now called "It's Called a Breakup Cuz It's Broken." I highly suggest you read this book. It's hilarious, and it's very empowering. Also, NC is definitely the way to go. If he really wanted to be with you, he wouldn't have doubts, would he? Once I realized the guy I was with didn't really want to be with me, it made the healing process that much easier. I don't mean to sound harsh, but the longer you waste your time on someone who is wishy washy, the longer you put off meeting someone that is perfect for you.
  19. I totally \know how you feel. I just read your sabotage post and I am the exact same way. The whole time I kept thinking "Hurt him before he hurts you." I totally blew it with him. Oh well, such is life. I'm addicted to drama and passion myself. I wish I could find someone who gives me the same feeling, but will also be a nice guy. I think I'm going to be waiting a looooong time lol.
  20. How long were you two together? Trust me, be glad you got out when you did. My guy and I have been on and off for 2 years. We went 6 months apart, and then he came back. I wish I never let him back into my life because I'm at the same place I was a year ago when we broke up. Had I not gotten back together with him, I wouldn't be in this position now. I also bombarded him with calls and messages last time, so it's nothing new, but my god it's still so embarrassing. Is the avatar you? You are gorgeous. We could definitely do alot better, but I don't want nice guys. My dad is always saying I'll never be happy because I pick the wrong guys lol. He says I would be spared alot of heartache if I settled with a nice guy. But I've been with nice guys, and I went running for the hills after a week or two. But the guys that don't put me on a pedestal I want. I hope this is just a phase or something and I grow out of it!
  21. Oh my gosh you sound just like me lol. All my friends always have said "Why are you with him, what do you see in him, you are way better than him." I know in my heart that I am too good for him, but it's like some sick game, i want what I can't have. Most guys are falling all over me, but this one doesn't. I went nutso last night on him. We are both crazy about each other, but we are too much alike. I always complained how he bombarded my phone and went psycho on me, and now I'm doing it to him! I want to beat my head on a rock now! Oh well, time heals all wounds, I think we will both recover eventually. Thanks for replying to my situation too!
  22. Yea, it makes it alot easier to deal with knowing someone out there is in the same boat. All my friends told me not to apologize because I would look even more weak, but it's really out of character for me to say hateful things. I talked to my dad about it and he said I did the right thing, regardless if I looked weak. My dad is 62, and definitely not in the same generation as men these days, but I figure he knows waaay more than any of my friends. Yea, maybe I did end up losing some dignity and pride, but I just cannot believe I said those things, especially to someone I love.
  23. Yea I'm not going to call him after this. I already look like a fool. I feel alot better that I apologized and that I actually got to speak with him, and he didn't hang up. I was so scared he was going to hang up. I feel like a fool though. I know I'm not alone and other women have done what I've done. By him not answering and hanging up on me made me realize that I love him. I always denied it, but now I know. Love sucks man.
  24. Girl, I totally know how you feel. I just bombarded my now ex with calls, messages, voicemails. I'm humiliated. And the thing is, I'm drop dead gorgeous, have a great career, and I can have any guy I want, but I buckled at the knees. I think alot of girls do what we've done. My friends have done it. You're not alone hun!
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