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Everything posted by PutYourBackIntoIt

  1. The thing is, I don't know where it's stemming from either. I have really high self esteem, and I was thinking the whole time, oh my god why am I doing this? It's really out of character for me. I called him a couple of hours ago with a blocked number, and he answered. He asked why I was calling from a blocked number, and I said cuz I knew he wouldn't pick up, and he laughed. I told him I was sorry for what happened and sorry for the things that I said. He said that he did not care, it did not bother him. But nonetheless, I said sorry. He then said it was really hot out, and I said yea..it was all really odd. I told him how I went for a run and then threw up and he joked that I was becoming a bulemic. I feel better I guess. I probably look really weak and desperate in his eyes, which I've never been the type of girl. I really messed things up with him. I'm going to leave him alone from now on...but I'm glad I told him I was sorry. Unless that was a bad move on my part?
  2. I have been seeing this guy for a couple months now, we dated on and off last year, so we've been through alot. We started out as friends with benefits, but he would get jealous like a boyfriend, and would blow up my cellphone when i didnt' answer, and tell me he needed me in his times of trouble. So last night we went out for ice cream and I joked around and go "So what are we? Can I see other guys?" And he goes "HAHA you can do whatever you want." I didn't like this so when he dropped me off at home I sent a text saying "I'm tired of the games" No response. I called. No response. I freaked out and I must have text him 3 more times, sent a voicemail, and called 20 more times. He finally called back and said he was watching baseball and left his phone in his car. He wouldn't let me speak, he said "Ok now that you know I've left my phone in my car I'm going to bed." and he hung up! I called him back, and he kept hanging up on me. I was so distraught. He eventualyl turned his phone off and I left him a message saying I hoped he died on his motorcycle and that his penis was crooked. I immediately regretted leaving this voicemail and called him back. His phone was on and he said "What the f do you want?" I apologized for the message and he hung up on me. I left another voicemail apologizing. I haven't heard anything..so this morning I text him and said "I thought I had a right to know whether I was just a booty call after all thsi time, and by you hanging up on me and ignoring me gives me my answer." I plan on leaving it at that. Please help me, I am devastated because I am so embarrassed and I feel like a psycho.
  3. It's just how he said it. That's the first thing that came out of his mouth after I said "Hey what's up". It was the only reason he called. He had nothing else to say. And then he called 20 minutes later to say he forgot to tell me about my earing. Jerk.
  4. Ok so I've been seeing this guy and things have been alright. I just got into the Real Estate business, and my first ad with my picture was printed in the paper today. I told my bf last night it was going to be in the paper. So today he calls me after I do an open house and he goes "You should change that picture." I said "What? Why?" And he replies "I dunno, your hair looks puffy or something." I had to hold back the tears. I was so mad so I called him an A-hole. He goes "What you told me the other day you didn't like the pic!" True, it's not my best, and I'm a very attractive girl and the pic does me no justice, but I don't mind it. Like I said, it's not my best. Nothing else transpired during the conversation, and I think this is the only reason he called me. To tell me I looked ugly. I can't stop crying about this whole thing. Twenty minutes later he calls and says "Oh yea I forgot, I found the back to one of your earings in my car." Yea so what I have millions. He asks if I want it back and I say "No, I have others." And he goes "Ok I guess I'll talk to you later." I tried not to scream at him and tell him how much I wanted him to die. I was nice, but now I can't stop crying. Am I overreacting??
  5. I'm with you on this one, girl! I get hit on everywhere I go, and alot of it is unwelcome. I can't go ANYWHERE without some guy trying to hit on me. Most people would be flattered, but like I said, alot of it is UNWELCOME attention. It honestly, truly sucks. I can go out wearing a trash bag and I would still have some guy trying to hit me up for digits. Such is life, I guess.
  6. OK, you said you blew her off when it came to talking about marriage. Not good. I, persoanlly, would take this as "Ok he doesn't care about me, time to move on and find someone else." No girl in her right mind is going to wait around for a guy to marry her. It seems marriage was important to her, and she wanted to marry YOU! It sounds like you had an intense relationship, and I think that whole marriage thing is what it comes down to. Anyone who is happy in a relationship will not look for someone else. Did you let yourself go during the relationship or did you keep yourself looking good? Did you go out to dinners and movies or did that stop after a certain amount of time? Girls need to be shown that they are loved and appreciated...or they find it elsewhere....sorry.
  7. I don't think it was necessarily smothering, but along the same lines. She liked the attention that she got from these guys on this game. Being with you for all those years, you were the only attention she got. She most likely got too comfortable, and maybe even bored. It doesn't sound like she's ready to settle down with someone. She wants to see what else is out there for her.
  8. Hmm ok let's change the word beg. Let's say, "try to contact." Not necessarily beg, but call after the break up, any form of communication. Were your calls ignored? Did you keep trying? How many tries before you gave up?
  9. Hi all, just a quick question. More like a survey I'm conducting, LOL! I'm just wondering, being the dumpee, how did you handle the news? Did you call and beg? Or did you just let it go? And for the guys that have been the dumpee, did it make you want the girl more after realizing you couldn't have her, or did you just let it go and move on? And maybe if you were the dumper, did the person you dump plead for your return or did they go on their merry little way and acted like they didn't care? Thanks all!
  10. You are so right about the abusive men comment. He has gotten progressively worse with the passing of time, I've noticed. I didn't give much thought to it until I woke up this morning. He's NEVER called me a name like that before, and he's never blew up my phone like that. Before, it was minimal, nothing compared to last night. Granted he was drunk, but still, if alcohol makes someone do that, I'm afraid.
  11. I think he called me this because I had been ignoring his texts/messages! No contact was in full order. I told him I had met someone else and to leave me alone. He kept texting/calling but I had been ignoring him for a week. Didn't hear anything for 2 days and then he blows up my cell phone at 1am. I had about 30 missed calls and 20 different texts, and he called me the c word in one of the texts.
  12. Just want to know what people thing of calling a female the "C" word. I honestly think this is the worst thing you can say to a girl. My ex called me this last night when he was rip roarin drunk because I met someone else, and am very happy with the new guy. I am very, VERY offended, and hurt, yet again by this guy. Just when I thought I wouldn't be hurt by him anymore, he finds some way to do it again. This is something, I feel, you should never call a women. What do you all think?
  13. I almost want to have a heart to heart talk with him about his behavior. But I'm thinking, hell, if his mom cannot convince him he needs meds, who am I to try? I think it would make things worse if I brought it up. I know he's toxic and I should stay away, but I almost feel bad for him. My mother was bi-polar, and it all makes sense now. She could say some pretty harsh things in her day, and it's almost mirror-like behavior to that of my ex's. I know people don't change overnight, but rewind to a year ago, and he was a totally different guy. He was terrible then. He's made really big steps and his actions definitely speak louder than his words, but only for so long until I get mad and stop talking to him. That's when he shocks me with acts of random sweetness. Why the hell did he have to send me beautiful flowers, I'm all messed up now LOL.
  14. This morning my home phone rings and it's a florist saying somebody sent me flowers and they need directions to my house. I ask who they are from and they say my ex's name! I am completely floored. They are a very beautiful array of flowers, and I NEVER EVER thought my ex was capable of doing something like this. He read in the paper that my mother had died, so he sent them. I honestly thought it was some kind of sick joke played by somebody. This is the guy that I changed my phone number to avoid ...if any of you have read my posts. I called him a couple hours after receiving the flowers and we talked for a bit. His parents kicked him out of the house because he's been acting a little crazy. They think he needs medication, and to be honest I think he does too. The things that he says sometimes are so mean, like he never cared about me..he must be bi-polar. I don't know what to do, this is a really sweet gesture on his part, to get him to do something sweet before was like pulling teeth. I met up with him later in the night for drinks and we ended up having the best sex EVER! It was mindblowing! I don't know what to do, I am torn. I talked with his best friend, and his best friend said that J%@ is a really nice guy, but has issues like the rest of us. I want to attribute the horrible things he's said to me to his mental illness, but I just don't know. I love him dearly, but I've been through so much hurt. I don't know what to do. I NEED some really good advice.
  15. You sound alot like my ex. Kept me at a distance, afraid to show love, afraid to get love. He was afraid of being hurt. Although he was alot more harsh than you were, I can see why she left. I couldn't take it anymore, it was too straining. I know where she's coming from. At least you can admit your faults. I would just tell her what you've told all of us. If my ex said all that, I'd be back with him in a heartbeat. Ok maybe not, he was an a**, but ya know...lol
  16. Stage 1 - He cheated on me after we had a fight. I cried, pleaded, basically made myself look like a desperate idiot. It was really pathetic and embarrassing. Stage 2 - Starts relationship with girl he cheated on me with and wants nothing to do with me. Calls me names, basically says he hates me. After embarrassing myself more, I don't try to to contact him for 6 months. Stage 3 - 5th month of no contact I get a prank. Number is not blocked and I looked it up and found it belongs to one of his friends. Stage 4 - Run into him and school, start talking, start being friends with benefits. Things go really well, but then he gets possessive and calls and texts quite frequently.Buys me gifts even! Remembering the hurt I went through in the year previous, I am very cautious. I believe he may have changed and realized what a dope he was(he admitted he was a jerk)Then he blows me off one night last minute and I was furious.I scream at him and we have a huge falling out. Two days later I try to reconcile, and we do but he still seems shaken by the incident. I tell him that I like him more than the friends with benefit thing and want to work on pursuing a relationship. He is very angry and tells me he never cared about me, that he knows I'm ******** someone else(where he got that notion I haven;t a clue) and he says we aren't meant for each other. He tells me I am possessive. After this conversation I change my phone number and it's been two weeks. I feel like I am the dumper this time around, but I guess in a way we dumped each other. I'm not sure but I'm not sticking around for this guy any longer!
  17. I was in a somewhat similar situation up until a week or so ago. My ex and I were on and off for about a year. Just like you said, everytime I contemplated leaving, he would sense this and act more interested and do sweet things. Then it would go back to him being the same old s^%head I'd come to love lol. I finally gave up, I couldn't take the games anymore. If I stayed any longer, I would get hurt. I just changed my phone number and I haven't looked back. Yea I miss him, and it hurts, but it's not worth it. I'm happier without him.
  18. Thanks guys. I feel so much better. I always thought in the back of my mind that he had the capability of being abusive, but then I wrote it off as him being insecure. And the last time we talked he kept reiterating how he did not care about me, did not care if I was sleeping with someone else, when a week prior he was so concerned that I was seeing anyone else. I hope he really doesn't care, because I don't want him coming around, showing up places, etc. THe mind games were pure torture, and I can see now that that was a form of abuse. THe weird thing is that I have not cried once. We broke up last year and I was devastated, couldn't get out of bed for a week. And now I'm actually relieved! Thanks for all your help guys, I feel much better knowing I did a good thing.
  19. I doubt he will show up at my house or call me at work..anything like that. Well, I hope he doesn't anyway. I kind of feel bad, and I know I shouldn't. He was not a good boyfriend at all. Even when he was on his best behavior, he was an A&*^&$%. I never want to talk to him again, not that I hate him, just that it really serves no purpose to me, and I'm terribly sick of all the mind games he would play. (And he would accuse me of playing games, the nerve!) I'm glad I can get the reinforcement here, having comfort in knowing I did the right thing.
  20. She's obviously wanting something. But the question is, are you wanting something, too? I think she is afraid of rejection, seeing as you said she dumped you. If I were you I would ask her to lunch or something. Don't spend too much talking about the past, talk about the present and future. Good luck!
  21. So my bf and I were having problems. We got into a huge argument which was my fault. I apologized, but he wasn't having it. He told me he never cared about me, it was just sex, we weren't meant to be, that I was possessive. (Which was odd, I always gave him space, and he was the one always keeping tabs on me and thinking I was cheating) He said he didn't want a gf, he just wants to bang chicks..yadda yadda. It makes no sense, his actions spoke louder than his words. Do you think he meant what he said? After the argument I felt him pulling away, and I tried for 3 days to patch things up. He told me I was annoying (I called once a day in this 3 day time span), that I was clingy (never called him during our relationship, he always called me), and that I was acting like an 18 year old. I feel that he was projecting how he acts on me to make himself feel better but whatever. I finally realized it was over, and things were not going to work themselves out. The last conversation wasn't ended badly, but I just gave up. "I changed my cell phone number. Was this a drastic move? I mostly did it so I wouldn't drive myself crazy waiting by the phone, waiting for him to text call. And surprisingly, I have not cried once since getting it changed. I'm figuring he's tried to call since. I'm wondering, if you were him in this situation, how would you feel if the girl/guy you were seeing changed their number? I'm afraid that I may have hurt him by changing my phone number and I kind of feel bad. I'm also wondering if I should have just given him a couple days to cool off. Did I make a smart move?
  22. It's a long story but, to make it short and to the point..we dated last year and it didn't work. We had a big fight and after that fight he went out and found another girl. Well we got back together a couple months ago and everything was going well, but lately I've been noticing the same pattern. Accuses me of cheating, incessant phone calls, checking out other girls in my presense etc. He's very immature and he's a jerk sometimes. I just know it's not going to work and the longer I stay, the more I will be hurt.
  23. Hi all. I'm basically calling out for all the dumpers out there. I need to find the courage to break it off with my guy. I love him, but I know it is not going to work out, and I know he will break my heart. THe thing is, I just can't. I've tried several times but I always crack and never go through with it. It's SO HARD. I thought quitting smoking was hard, but this is much more so. How did you dumpers do it? How did you muster the strength to go through with it? How did you do it? I feel like I should tell him, but I also want to change my phone number so I won't have to deal with his calls and his pleas. Please help me find the strength because I know it's not going to work!
  24. After 6 months I got back together with my ex. IT's only been 2 months since we've been seeing each other again so it's still up in the air. So far so good!
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