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  1. Wow can I relate to this I went 6 weeks with NC and then out of the blue she contacted me and I fell for it hook, line and sinker lol, thinking she wanted back but really all that happen was she broke up with the rebound guy after we broke up and wanted me for emotional support. It was a big mistake on my part we started talking everyday and hanging out together but just as friends then I believe she went back with the rebound guy and she didn't need me anymore. We now are not talking because she broke a commitment that she made to come to my daughters birthday party and never showed up and 3 days later sends me this email saying how it slipped her mind(even though I reminded her every day up to the day of her party yeah whatever). Needless to say I don't need friends like that you don't mess with my daughters feelings. I guess it was a learning experience for me and help really see what type of person she was. So I don't think it's a good idea at all to try to be friends with ex especially right after a breakup.
  2. Well here is my story from last week after my ex contacted me Since then we talked again Saturday and saw each other on Sunday at a picnic and we sat and talked alot then yesterday she called and wanted to stop over for lunch(she works right next door) I think it's time that I sit down with her and ask her some questions on what she wants and why she's doing this I think I deserve to find these things out. It's amazing how she went from feeling very uncomfortable seeing me to last 3 or 4 days that we've talked it's like it was when we dated kinda strange. So the question I have to ask myself is would I take her back and I guess I that depends on on how she answered some of the questions I want to ask her when we meet and talk, but I have to admit seeing her and talking to her the last 3 or 4 days has been really been nice but the last thing I want is to get hurt again so I'm being alittle cautious. What is everyone thoughts on how I should handle this.
  3. Another update she called me last night and we had nice conversation basically just small talk and she just tried to explain why she felt uncomfortable around me and how she wants to be able to talk to me cause I'm such a good person blah blah blah. Wow what a change so I see her this morning at workout spinning and needless to say she doesn't feel uncomfortable anymore it was she acted like when we were dating kinda strange you think? Well she asked if I was going to breakfast and she wanted to come but she thought she would be late for work. So she said call her later if I want to. Well she called me and wanted to stop over(she works right next door) and we talked for about 30 minutes and she asked me to go to lunch next week ummmmm. So I guess this should be an interesting weekend haha.
  4. Well she texted me again just basically saying are you getting these messages so I decided to respond basically saying what do you want me to respond to and I left at that and I haven't heard back from her which is fine with me but I felt the need to say something or I might have got texted all night haha. I still can't figure out what her purpose of these text message were, but I guess it's not my place to try to figure it out just continue to move forward but ex's can try to drive you crazy haha.
  5. heloladies21, I was thinking the samething this is so not me to do this I was thinking sending something along those lines. But trust me I know her and she's not very good at expressing herself I think this is her way of saying she wants to talk.
  6. Bethany, I agree it's amazing how things change she couldn't even look at me the past week when she saw me because she said she feels so uncomfortable seeing me and expects me to just respond back to her like we're still dating yeah right let her sweat alittle plus what kind of response is she expecting? Maybe the rebound guy is out of the picture hahaha.
  7. Hey everyone I just got another text from her should I continue not to respond. What should I do with this text? This is getting interesting haha text "No response from my message earlier"
  8. Well it's been since the first week of June when we broke up and she started going out with some guy right after our breakup(yeah the old rebound guy haha) and last week I get this email from my ex stating this(see below) email I don't know why but I feel uncomfortable seeing you. I don't know what it is. I wish I didn't feel that way but I don't know how to change it. Maybe it was cause all the drama we had. I feel bad but don't know what to do about it. Don't take offense to it please it is me not you. I never responded to this email but I did run into a few times after this email at spinning and I just said hello but even though she said hello back she couldn't even look at me and I was riding right next to this girl I've talking to alittle and of course she noticed that oh well I'm moving on with my life. Then this morning I go to the gym to go spinning and notice her car there to go spinning which she never goes spinning that early in morning and she knows I always go at that time so I decided to ride my bike outside instead and then a few hours later I get this text message from her which I don't plan on even responding or if I did wouldn't know what to say. This is all she said in her text. text "I am sorry for being so immature" The amazing thing is I'm getting so much better everyday without her it's so crazy but if she texted me while we dated i would respond right back in seconds, now I doesn't even bother me that I haven't responded yet, I guess I'm healing. Would everyone agree not to even respond back that's my thought right now.
  9. 1) a crazy ex wife harassing her 2) a crazy ex wife harassing her 3) a crazy ex wife hasassing her sorry that was basically it haha!!!
  10. didyoumissme, Hey girl just relax it will be ok I think you did what alot of do to much of and that is trying to figure out what our ex's are thinking it's normal to do that but we need to only worry about ourselves and don't be so hard on yourself you'll be fine and keep smiling hugs.
  11. didyoumissme, Hey hang in there we all do some stupid things during this time of healing just remember you have alot of support from people on here to help you plus you can email me anytime you need my suppot
  12. Today is another day of NC trying to stay strong almost had a week moment today(why is it we have these week moments every so often?) my ex has some business cards from a show she worked for me and I need them back she said she would drop them off but have yet to do so. She works right next door to my office so I almost stopped over there on my way back from a meeting(that would have been a mistake?) How should I approach this? Allie, I like that quote!!
  13. Shelly7, you can do it stay strong, and keep thinking what my two quotes say.
  14. Getting easier and feeling better about myself everyday even though I almost texted her earlier I turned on VH1 and this show called my fair brady was on and I couldn't believe how much my ex resembles her and I almost texted her to tell her I found her twin(geez how dumb would that have been) Why do we think of such stupid reason to contact out ex's during NC it's amazing but I feel great that I didn't text her. Everyone continue to stay strong we can do it.
  15. fifregister, good for you stay strong I know it's hard but you did the right thing.
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