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Everything posted by yeawutever

  1. He's a trash and will always be. Like I stated before, just because he was abused in his past relationships gives him no rights to abuse you. But what is soooooo sad is he's doing what he didn't like them (the past abusive women) to do to him, which means he knows what's it like being abuse and yet hasn't learned or that he doesn't care. To tell you the truth I would have crack his skull long ago if that was me.
  2. Yea it's fun, though some days I'm more arouse than others.
  3. I have tried fingering it by myself three days ago, but before I did it, I try putting my own saliva on it and it hardly hurt, but when I tried to see if it fit two fingers, it wouldn't go in further than one inch. So now I figure, my vaginal has no problem with the length as it can go more than 3 inches without hurting, but it does with the width.
  4. For me the worst time was the caming inicdent (yea back when I had my cam on), boy did they freak out (someone else left a message and told them, they didn't catch me). LOL, they even freak out about me having a sex drive and playing with myself. Well guess what, now that I knew how their reaction was, I haven't stop masturbating, in fact I'm now doing it more than before, like about almost everyday and the last time I was with b/f I was thinking about sex, only I stopped myself, I'm nto ready for it yet. So guess all this is my folks's fault. The more closed minded about these topics the more you're tempted.
  5. I like palying with myself almost everyday too and porn films (of a couples or seeing naked men) do turned me on. Like you, I'm also a virgin and almost got tempted with my b/f few days ago, but I stopped myself and basically told him I still wasn't ready for it, which is true I'm not.
  6. You're right at 21 that would suck, by that age I would probbaly be on my way of graduating from college and driving a car. Ironically I'm sitll a virgin, but out of choice, I'm not a believer in waiting till marriage. Then I keep thinking so what if you have a steady b/f you trust and are tempted but don't really wnat marriage. Being force to marry in order to have sex is rediculous, if it was out of your own will then ok but if not, then you what you feel like it (as long as you're wearing protection that it). Yes days ago, I also got tempted but by choice I stopped myself. By now you're old enough to make your own decisions, do you have a stead job, a car??
  7. If you don't mind telling (lol, I'm now curious), why you cut yourself for? It's not healthy mutilating yourself.
  8. I think 4 months is enough time of getting to know each. What is it that you don't want to tell her about the cuts in your arms? If it was bad enough, you might just tell her that you were going through lots of issues and felt stress out.
  9. Ahh I love it, keep writing!!!!!!!!!
  10. It can be explained through stockholm syndrome. It's when victims associate with their abusers and feel sorry for them. This can have trememdous impact on you.
  11. Basically you just get a hold of his penis with one hand (well me I did it when he had his shorts on, can't grab that thing without the shorts) and start pulling it up and down. It's like a jello.
  12. Yea, I guess it will eventually all come down to naturally instinct, explained by biology. Incredibly, it's suppost ot be disgusting (sharing bodies and fluid exchanged, sucking fluids, it's suppost to be ewwww), then again, basic human instinct.
  13. It's when I feel ready quieygrl. Today I kinda almost got tempted but no, I told him I wasn't ready for it, which he respects.
  14. We tried fingering more than four times and no results. When he tried putting two fingers, it hurt more that it couldn't go beyond two inches. With one finger, however, it did went beyond a bit beyond three inches. Thing is I'm trying to see if there's a way to break my hymen without losing my virginity.
  15. PLease bear with me as I'm too embarrass to share this but if it's possible I would like to hear some feedbacks to this sudden idea I have. You may all you confused as to why I'm posting this on the sex and romance forum when in fact I'm still a virgin (though I almost got tempted). Basically just, just about 10 hours ago me and b/f do get to go and spend some time in a hotel (this is the third time but nothing real happens as I don't feel ready for the act yet). Well today as we were sitting, then laying on the bed, first came kissing and making out, then there was fonding and some petting. Then as its started procceding to rubbing ourselves (with our clothes on), I kinda almost got tempted when it went to my very first getting fingered (only this time his finger went inside) and flashing each other (only the whole thing) , but I stopped things and basically say I wans't really ready, so basically nothing to do with neither oral, nor anal, nor penetration happen, not ready for that either. Anyways at first when he fingered me, it did hurt, kinda felt like a nail going on me. Then came the idea going in my head, if I actually have a hymen, so he looked through it with his finger and yes I do have, only it's tightened (which mean when in the future I get to do the actual act, there will be pain for sure). Only one finger fitted inside, not two so I thought it would be a good idea if I get the chance to get it brokened by fingering, didn't work. So here's another idea I have. What if I were to get myself a dildo (or something like a fake penis) since I'm not ready to give my virginity yet and see if that will work enough to break my hymen. That way when the real thing were to come in the future there will be no pain. Obviously my bf/ thinks it's a bad idea and that I can hurt myself from doing that and that the real thing would have to happened first then the once it does, then I can do it with the toy.
  16. Damn that's not a just a mistake, that's mess up. People should know better than get drunk to get so wasted, that's not the point in drinking, that doesn't excuse yourself to act like a kid. If you truly wanna work it out, get tested first.
  17. I wasn't making any assumptions. I was basically stating what happens in the real world, and yes people do get lock up in jail for abusing others. Notice I never stated what type of person you are (good, bad, selfish), no where in my post did I say that, I just stated what happened in the real world. In the OP's post, I wouldn't defend anyone as boht of them are guilty for acting like children. Drinking is not about consuming to excess until you get wasted, it's about chilling and having a normal convo. If you drank before and yet you still can't figure out what your body tolerance is with alcoholic beverages than you have a problem, otherwise you would know how much your body can tolerate when it comes to alcohol (I'm fully aware that if I drink 3 beers and gallop them all down I'll likely either throw myself in the floor as be like screaming so there would be no excuse anymore, when it's your first time drinking fine, other than that it's your fault).
  18. Society will always be bias you know. If he replies too hard, like smacking her accross the face, as if he were to do it to a guy, by the time they do knock on the door, that would be it for him, he's would then find himself criminally charged.
  19. Actually what you deserved was getting thrown in jail for assault and alcohol addicts program.
  20. You're still excusing bad behavior. So let's say me and b/f have an argument, in which he started the whole fighting and then shoves me, in which in return I kick him where it hurts the most, what would that make me then? And NO, no ones deserves to be hit. According to her post, on the first occasion he's the one that first hit her when he threw the door at her, in which she replied back by punching him.
  21. Don't worry, that so called no good stranger that did this to you had his system so mess up, he got no life than intimidate his weaker opponents b/c he's weak himself. A bully who bullies others is in fact always weak, they only try to cover up their weakenesses, they don't wanna look bad but by doing that they're worst, they don't even deserve to be called human beings.
  22. Sounds liek you are excusing her b/f's action. There's never an excuse to hit, the only exception to the rule would be under life threatening situations if it was only use in self-defense.
  23. Same here, muscles don't appeal me at all, nothing whatsoever. My current b/f is of average weight as well as height (close to 5"8" and about 160 ibs and I'm 5"7" 145 ibs).
  24. Depends, if he's thin and slender alright, now if he's so bonny that he looks anorexic, jikes!!!!!
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