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Everything posted by Swiss_Chic

  1. Well, I can see several solutions, but it all kinda depends on the situation. 1) Do you get introduced or do they know you are around them? If so, then don't plod behind. Walk beside them and chat WITH them instead of walking around behind. 2) I had a problem like this in school. For awhile, I had a small group of friends, and I was one of what I call the "followers". I followed everyone else around while they would talk about other stuff and pretend I wasn't there. Well, next year, I said "f*** this!" and decided I didn't want to be someone people were only scarsly aware existed. So I found some new friends that I could talk to and gradually became one of the leaders. In fact, our group gained some followers, but we tryed to invite them in to say what they wanted. To you- you don't have to abandon your 17 year old friend, just get some other people to hang with. 3) goes with number two. When he starts talking with someone else you can act the confident, active, and considerate friend and say "You know what, you two look busy and I got some other stuff to do." You look like it doesn't matter what you do and you don't need the 17 year old friend for support. Plus, it makes you look confident, which helps if a bully is present. I really don't know if it would be a good idea to confront the guy up front, like what is good in a relationship. If he asks you what is wrong and you say something equivalent to "It bothers me that you talk to other guys with out letting me in" then either he will get angry with you for being overprotective or clingy or try to slowly introduce you into the conversations by explaining your situation, which could be embarrassing. But I could be wrong because I don't know how he reacts to things. Hope it helps! Good Luck
  2. I think she pretty much explained it. She does seem interested but didn't want to do anything with her cousin around. She sent you a message later telling you she wanted to do more so it wasn't just a one time thing that she wants to put in the past. If it was, she would ignore the fact that it ever happened. If you like her, go for it.
  3. She seems to be going through a rough spot with her husband, but they married for a reason and have a relationship. Not only are you cheating on your wife, which you realize is wrong, but it seems that you wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't suggest to her what you should do. Because of her fight with her husband , her emotions can be easily influence so her actions may not be reflecting her really feelings. You can try to be friends, but don't try to meet privately or suggest kissing or sleeping together. Remember what you have or had with your wife. You have or had feelings for her. What are you looking for through this fling (nice word duderanomi)? Could you apply that to your wife? try something new with her? Good luck
  4. I, unfortunately, flirt with many guys, regardless if I actually like them. If a like a guy, I am loyal only to him, at least when we are together. But once he is gone, I seem to forget him and start to flirt. It is a very annoying habit that comes with puberty. I don't think all girls are like this, just as some guys may do this and some don't. It depends on age and the person.
  5. That's very sweet! that's one more person this site has helped!
  6. I personally am not religious, do I don't see any reason for Cure's reply. If someone comes looking for helps and answers here, I want to be sheltering, not telling them what they are doing is wrong. Then again, this does contradict my mind when it comes to people asking how to cut themselves. But in most cases, I think we should try to her!
  7. I like that answer!! Nice answer ComputerGuy!
  8. I think it's funny that most girls like the do natural and the guys talk about cuts and gel.
  9. Hey search, Ya, my problems have been solved. I am 14, just entering highschool and talked with another friends about it. She said it hit in January for her. Just a hormonal thing! Your right, though, it is the puberty thing. Just didn't quite expect it, you know? I have never been interested in guys before, then whoa, flirting!
  10. A girl I used to know just Imed me with a prob. The school year is starting again and she already has her eye on a guy. Unfortunately, she also has a so called "long distance relationship" with a guy a hour away. She wants to break it off before the year starts again. But she said when she brought up hinks that she wanted to see another guy, he just brought her "expensive" gifts. I think she said it was a 40 dollar charm of gold or something like that. Now I advise her in ways to let him down easy, but not hide behind excuses. The guy is coming up tomorrow to see her and I tell her to do it then. But she says u can't break up until after a week after an expensive gift. 1)Is this true? 2)Does it even matter? I need this quick if you could thanx
  11. I've got to say, I really fall for skaterguys with kinda medium length, wavy hair. But if you have short hair that has any kind of natural form or waves, leave it natural!
  12. When I was quite young, and I was exploring my body, I kinda stumbled onto masturbation. I didn't even know what it was for a long time! All I knew was it felt good. I never penetrated deep, but I didn't need to. And after I found out what I was really doing, I also felt really nasty. I thought it was only a guy thing and that made me feel disgusted with myself. I think girls may masturbate later and less often than boys because they think, like i did, that they are the only ones. This is an effect of girls feeling uncomfortable talking about it. It is like a vicious cirlce; girls feel guilty so the don't talk, which makes them feel guiltier so they talk less, and so on. Well, I feel better!
  13. I had the same type of dreams when I was little. The have worn off, thankfully, but I still feel guilty about them. I finally began talking to my sister, who was very understanding. Since then, I have forgiven myself for the things I experienced when I was young. I have no idea why it was like that. I was never abused, never molested, never talked to in depth about such things. In fact, I lived in a nice town, had a supportive family, and life was peachy. But i still had the dreams. I didn't try to make a reason for them though. I just let them go. I hope you can release to someone like I did to my sister and find a way to forget them. Good Luck!
  14. Miss J, Do you think you would even be able to live not knowing? You have lots of doubts about, I know, but if you don't at least meet your siblings, you will spend a long time thinking about the "what ifs". I think it would be wise to talk to your mom and brother. I guess you should talk to your father too, but just be sure about why you want to contact them and have concrete reasoning. Then again, if you don't wan't to, then don't
  15. My sister was deeply in love with her boyfriend. They met on every level. It all clicked. Then we moved. They tried a long distance relationship, but we are talking thousands of miles long distance. They didn't want to keep old images of each other, so they decided to do nc for six months and then start up again with no expectations that the paerson was the same. This also ment that the other person might have found another friend. My sister's love for her bf is that if he finds someone new, she won't be resentful or angry. She will still love him, but she is willing to sacrifice her happiness knowing that he is happy.
  16. I have never had any experience with depression, but a lot of people here can help you with that. My advice is to excersize. It will help a lot to relive stress about the exam. Even if you think it is a crazy idea when you feel like ****, go out and run. Do yoga, swim, play basketball. Get out there! The worst thing you can do is sit in your room and think about how bad your situation is. And try talking to someone. Start with some close friends, people you trust a lot if you aren't ready to bleed your heart out to your parents. But find support! Good Luck
  17. This was first posted by spaceandtime: My advice to people going through difficulty is: 1. Use No Contact to allow yourself to heal properly. Don't use it as a subconscious motivator to get back together with your ex. If you do that, you're not really using it properly. No Contact exists to find yourself again, work through the feelings and let go of the hurt. Not to play psychological mindgames with your ex. 2. Breakup is a painful experience but can also be a sophisticated blessing. It is God's way of forcing you to progress, develop, find strength and grow and reminding you if the importance of loving yourself as a human being. Unless we love ourselves, we are incapable of loving others properly. Use the time to push yourself spiritually, mentally and physically. 3. Hard as it is, take the focus off your ex and put it into the things you've always wanted to do or never believed you could. In my healing time, I have completed things that one year ago I never thought I was capable of as a human being. I've raised lots of money for charity, I've learned meditation, I've taken more time to understand my friends and family, I've got more emotional intelligence than ever before and I've completed physical challenges of cycling and running that I never thought I could. By challenging ourselves and achieving, we are injecting our life with self-worth. 4. Recognise what you did wrong, or what was wrong about the relationship, but don't beat yourself up about it. Ultimately, you cannot be in control of your destiny. Yes you may have done things that make you feel responsible for the breakup, but ultimately, you cannot be in control of the larger forces in life. Take heed in the saying, 'what's meant to be will be', and learn to let go. 5. When you do eventually find the next person (even though you think it impossible now), you will have the benefit of hindsight on your side. You know yourself better, what you want and what you need for a fulfilling relationship. Imagine you're a captain who has just returned from an a long training periond. Your challenge is to navigate the ship of your soul through the relationship, so that it is fulfilling for you, and that your wants and needs are expressed and fulfilled. Learning from your past makes the future all the more satisfying. I know this is all quite esoteric, but I hope people find hope and strength in it. Good luck. This may not apply to you, but it might help a little!
  18. Uh, Cutler, just go a view pages back and read all the responses to Turboz reply. Those are probably identicle to what will be written below your reply.
  19. You know, I am going through a tough time. I am not sure what you could classify me as. I am , or was, definitely a goody two shoes. Straight As, not a lot of makeup, sports, no drugs, no serious flirting. Then I moved to Switzerland, and now I just don't know. I am still a goody-two-shoes on the outsides and around my family, but I seem to want to flirt with every guy I meet! And it is tearing my brain apart!
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