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  1. Can someone tell me how to move on. I loved him so very much. I broke it off. Well kinda, I suggested it, He agreed. I love you Will. I don't know how to move on. It's been 3 months. I was straight the first month or two. But now he is more & more on my mind. I miss him so much. I love him. I have tried to deny it to myself but the truth always resurfaces. I don't want to. He didn't treat me good. He wasn't the one. I know this. But I need love so much. I just want to belong, to love & to be loved. My loneliness swallows me up sometimes & I am left wondering if there is any such thing as true love. I just want a family. I want a forever. Is there any such thing as forever anymore? William Foster Leech in Virginia, you have my heart & probably always will. I can't forgive you for what you done, but I do still love you with all I am.[/b][/i]
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