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  1. ok, well i have known this girl for the past year or so, and she is the cousin of a very good friend of mine. This friend invited her cousin (the girl) and myself over for a party and then sleep over. So after a night of partying, we all ended up in one bed, and eventually i have my arm wrapped around the girl, and we kinda hold hands for a bit, and then she guides my hand to her chest, where she gets me to fondle a bit etc etc. So the next morning i sorta ask her what the deal was, and she blows off the question. Then later on that day she sends me a message and says she didnt want me to feel awkward, so we start talking and she says she wanted to do more and that she wanted to kiss me and etc etc, but that she didnt because her cousin was right next to us. So i guess my question is, does she like me or is this like some strange situation that makes no sense at all?
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