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Everything posted by Rahll

  1. Lesson learned: There can be a huge difference between.. "Would you like to go to a movie sometime" and "Would you like to go out to a movie sometime" believe me, girls DONT miss the difference. Always, Always, Always put in the words "GO OUT" that way when she says yes, you know for sure. Just caller her or walk up to her and say something along the lines of "Hey if your still intrested, want to go you to a move this friday". This way you are not only asking her out, but referencing in the fact that she allrdy agreed. If she lkes you then she will say yes, if not then she will either say no, make an excuse, or say something like "well, why dont we go with our friends too"
  2. Hehe the cheek thing didnt work for me....... I was in 5th grade and went on a camping trip with a girl I liked. We slept in the same bed in her father's camper. She suggested that we give each other a goodnight kiss before we went to sleep. I kissed her on the cheek, and she did the same thing to me. Then, feeling how lucky I was to have actually kissed a girl, I did the same thing, kissing her on the cheek again. She responded by doing the same thing. Wow, twice in a row, this was awsome. So I kissed her on the cheek again a few minutes later. She was by now asleep (although I didnt realize it at the time) and when she didnt return the kiss like the last two times, I took it as a sign that she didnt like me kissing her. Lol. Thinking back, I should have kissed her on the lips and things probally would have turned out a lot different..........but back to your question.... If you think theres even a small chance she wants you to kill her, then SLOWLY lean forward. If she doesnt want to, she will turn away, and other than you being a bit (or a lot) embarressed, your evening/day can go on and you will get another chance. However, if you dont kiss her and she wants you to, you could end up breaking up or in my case, never really getting together.
  3. Rahll

    just asking

    Yes for the love of god (funny I'm an athiest) make the first move. When I was fifteen, I dreamed nightly about someome I was intrested in holding my hand or making the move to kill, because I knew that I was too shy to do it. My very first realtionship ended after a week because both of us were too nervous/unexperianced to do anything. My shyness made it look like I wasnt intrested. As a general rule, guys are willing to do anything you want to due, especially if you are going out allready. It's funny that the person who is really in control of how fast things go (usually the girl) is historically the one who has to wait for the guy to initate things. Doesnt it make more sense for the person who wants to take things slower to initate and kind of romantic contact? You never hear about a realtionship ending because the guy wasnt ready to make out, have sex, ect... Lol, sorry got a bit side tracked. Please please please, for every fifteen year old guy out there, make the first move.
  4. Tickeling your year and waking you up is a pretty clear sign. Although, at when I was 17/18 I might not have picked up on it either. When she casually says goodbye its probally that she is just nervous, thinking about what to say, so she ends up saying nothing. Or it could be that she is getting a little frustrated with you for not saying or doing anything to her flirts. Ask her out, knowing (even if she says no) is so much better than waiting.
  5. Without getting more information I can only wager this.... If you keep having this problem, theres a good chance that you keep asking out the same kind of person. And that your attracted to the kind of person who is going to reject you. As weird as it sounds, its the safest way. This kind of thing usually happens in reverse, with women being attracted to abusive, or harmful men. But it can happen with guys too. You can either work through it by getting professional help, or you can force yourself to change by asking out people who arnt attracted too. Find a normal girl, who you wouldnt mind being friends with and ask her out. Then force yourself to start thinking about her romantically, and eventually you will rewire yourself.
  6. Dont call her. You need to get through this on your own as much as possible, and if you do need support get it from people who will always be there, like good friends or other family. Other family would be best because they will be able to relate and help you out. Initally you might feel guilty or bad about confiding in your family and seeking support from them, but it will end up being much healthier. If you can, get through this by yourself. It will help you tremendously later on in life, as lossing a parent is one of the most stresful things you can go through, especially if the death wanst due to age. Keep in mind that if you get through this on your own, later down the road you will be able to look back and realize that you can get through just about anything.
  7. Above all learn from this. I'm sure youve said this a thousand times to yourself, but someone else needs to say it too. If you would have just asked her out in the beginning, you would either be with her now, or know for a fact that it wasnt going to work. Even though it may not seem like it at the time, not knowing is 100 times worse than getting rejected for most people. Not only is it more painful, but it wastes your time, making it even more painful. I woudl just ask her out at the moives. I would wait until the end of the movie, or the end of your time with your friends, that way if she says no, it won't be akward for the rest of the day. Also, you should be able to get a feel for whats going on, although if that feeling is "no" dont trust it. When I was fifteen I couldnt read signs froma girl at all. If you think yes, then trust in it. You'll find later that yes almost always means yes, and no doesnt always mean no
  8. Hmm, you have three options. 1. Start dating and having realtionships agin even though you dont really believe in them, in the hope that if you act like you want to be in a realtionship, eventaully you will start feeling that way. Not likely to happen, but this is the typical response, and nothing really wrong with it. 2. Give your self time. Understand that you are acually a lot more like the other billions of people out there and that in time, your feelings will change. Take a break from dating, and try to "romantically feel" for other people as little as possible. 3. Keep with your feelings that love will never work, and eventualyl accept the fact. Learn to live without the need to love someone or be loved (romantically) in return. This is by far the hardest but also the most benifical. If you learn to enjoy life without having to love/be loved romantically, then you will avoid a huge ammount of stress, and save a huge ammount of time. This method isnt for everyone. Personally, I have approached option three, and have eventually come to accept the fact that I will likely fall in love again, and that I will likely find someone. But also that the next realtionship I have probally wont work out in the end. However, I've also come to accept the fact that if I never find someone, and never have another realtionship again, it would be ok. As I can be happy without it. The probality of that happeneing is very low, but the fact that I can accept it, lets me go on and enjoy life.
  9. Wow, amazing. Your the first person (and I talk about these kind of things to many many people) who shares similar views to myself. There is a lot of pain in life, and a lot of things that cause pain our out of our control. Many pepole will tell you to accept pain, and learn from it, but that's not the best way. If you dont like how you feel, then change it. It's hard to do but is worth it. If something (any situation) causes you emotinal pain, then either change the situation, or when you cant, change yourself. Eveyone secertaly knows how he or she would like to be. Just be carful not to numb your self fromt he pain, which is somethign completely different. Numbing your self will cause worse problems later on and will prevent you from feeling good. Simply acknowledge where the pain comes from, and slowly convince yourself that you wont let it effect you, and eventually it wont. You will still feel and experiance pain, along with all the other emotions, but thoes emotings will not control you or dictate how you feel about everything else.
  10. yep dryosol works really well, especially if it's only your armpits. But if it's all over, there are some oral perscriptions available. Also, try some deotorant meant for a guy. Just get one that has a gender neutral scent (like fresh scent) or one that is oderless. My old girlfriend used to use arm and hammer deotorant that was meant for a guy, and I would never have known she used it if she haden't told me.
  11. I wish you all would post your age along with your question. Give it a few days and call her, but it really doesnt matter. If she is intrested, she wont mind that you called even though she said she would call you. If she is not intrested, then she will make that clear the next time or two that you call her. Don't let the realtionship games get to you, things are much simpler than they appear.
  12. He could suffer from depretion but it's more likely that its normal behavior. It's hard to say without knowing your and his age. Although Im guessing that your past boyfriends have had similar problems.
  13. First, your girlfriend has issues (obviously). Based on what you said, (I'm guessing that her side of things would be a lot different) She either harbors some resentment towards you and your family, either because she is actually envious about your relationship with your mother and sister, or because she feels that they are taking up your time instead of her. Or, she says those things because she likes attention. I used to be (and still am somewhat) the same way. I used to make up things just because in my eyes it made me look better or more interesting. Bottom line is you need to decide for yourself if you want to work past this, or if you want to move on. You need to think of what the next few months and years are going to be like if you cant work through this?. Let's say you do marry her and things don't work you.... How badly will you feel about wasting the last few months/years of your life? How angry will you be that you didn't get what you wanted out of the relationship? How much will you think about the other relationships you could have had if you had just broken up with her. On the other hand........ Do you feel strongly enough about your girlfriend that the hope of a happy marriage will get you through the bad times? If you later find out that she has happily married someone else will you be able to not regret the decision to break up with her? Are you the kind of person who will always think back on what could have been? These are the things you need to ask yourself. It all comes down to one question. Based on everything I know about myself, my girlfriend, my feelings towards her, and my past experiences will I be happier if I break up with her now or will I regret that decision later on. This above all, to thyne own self be true. You have to be selfish here and think about what is best for you, and only you. To do anything else is to deny human nature and will because you feel worse.
  14. Her immune system is actually better now than it will be when she is two weeks or even a few months old. I dont remember the technical term for it, but when babies are first born, they have certian extra immunal systems in place, to combat the world. Think of all of the things a baby is exposed to in the first hour after he or she is born? The air alone contains tons of harmful germs. After her body becomes used to the world, her immune system will actaully lower for a while.
  15. If you?re going to kill yourself, it doesn't matter what your family will think. I am in no way suggesting that you actually should, but using your family as an excuse isn?t good. If you kill yourself, you will be dead. You won't experience anything, and you won't exist, so thereforeeee it doesn?t matter how your family/friends will react because you wont be there to perceive it. You need to find a reason for living, preferably something that you will never fully comprehend or complete. That way you will always have something to strive for. It could be religion, a high moral principal, a philosophy, or even something tangible like becoming the wealthiest person in the world. Once you have found that something, let it guide your life. No matter what else happens, work towards that reason for life. For me, its knowledge. No matter what I do, and no matter if I perceive it as good or bad, it's creating knowledge. Knowledge in the form of experience, and memories.
  16. If you dont like the way you feeling of being alone, then change it, or at least learn to accept it. I'm in the same situation as you are. Currentaly, I'm twenty years old, and have only had two realtionships that lastest over a couple weeks with a girl. The last one was over a year ago. Your going to be alone for a significant part of your life, and your also going to have lots of romantic realtionships too. Focus on the good, and when you start feeling hurt and alone, change the way you feel. It's hard to explain, but if you can learn to acknowledge what your feeling, then make a mental effort not to let it affect you, you will stop feeling that way. Emotion is your brain's way of getting you to react a certain way in varying degrees. If you stop letting your emotions dictate the way you act, you will slowly stop reacting to them
  17. You and your sister will be fine. Unless you were holding her for an extended period of time the chance that she caught your cold are small. And even if she does, its ok, and probally somewhat benificial. When your body fights off a cold, it builds anti-bodies for that paticular strain of the virus/infection. So each cold your sister gets, means thats one less type of infection/virus she will receive in the furture. (Each time you get a cold, its actually a different strain or mutation of another virus)
  18. I used to use a form of doxycycline and it helped, but I didnt like the side effects. I got severe dry mouth, and had some problems with sweating. I switched to accutane for about a year and it worked very well, with almost no side effects. However, if your a female, I woudn't suggest it, unless your pro-aboration. As in even small ammounts, accutane causes severe birth defects.
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