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Everything posted by StillLoveHer

  1. My gf was the same way. I ended up marrying her.. She changed during the marraige and so did I.. Now it seems like she wants to be the same person she USED to be instead of a wife.. However we have a baby. I don't really know what to tell you.. Maybe you can just talk to her and explain to her that you feel she is trying to change you... ALWAYS REMEMBER COMMUNICATION
  2. What the hell are you waiting for. She has been waiting for you to kiss her for a long time.. JUST DO IT TRUST ME once you lean towards her and touch her lips you WILL know what to do next. Just do it, what if I provoke you by calling you a chicken.. No one gets ahead in life without taking risks.. Don't ask her because that will ruin the mood.. Just do it already you sissy...
  3. Well, Take this advice from a guy. He doesn't seem to want to come on to you too much, he is afraid that if he does then you won't talk to him anymore. He is very fragile just going through a divorce.. Just remember, He may not be able to figure out what you are thinking eaither so make it clear.. Meet as friends and if anything else comes out of it.. then GREAT. This guy just doesn't want to get his heart broken again.
  4. There was this guy walking around at a beach. He stumbled over something in the sand, It was a magic genie and it appear. The genie said he would give the guy ONE wish.. The guy thought for a while and said: Well, I don't like to fly and i'm afraid of drowning, I would like a bridge from here to hawaii. The genie said, wow thats a tough one, Wouldn't you like anything like to be rich or famous. Can't you think of another wish something not so hard. The guy said: well OK, I would like to understand women. The genie said: Would you like that 1 lane or 2? LOL Isn't that the damn truth. Follow your gut
  5. Last night I told my wife I loved her about 15 times.. I didn't get an I love you back... Its heart breaking but.. Give her time... I know i'm not going to give my wife time though..
  6. Heh, I met her friends last night.. The one guy chuck seems like a pretty good guy, I believe he has no feelings for my wife at all... HOWEVER my wife on the other hand was nothing but a flirt... Usually she flirts, but this time she totally ignored me.. When I was leaving I told her I love her. Her friends where there.. She basically shrugged it off, I told her I love her again she said shes not feeling good, I told her again, she said that she was tired and wanted to go to bed.. I told her over and over. about 15 times that I loved her, Once she did whisper it to me, and she started saying I was pressuring her into saying it.. My daughter was sick last night.. with a 103 temp. we took her to the hospital. She has a really bad diaper rash and has lost weight, she weighs less now than when she was living with me. I'm leaving work early to go pick her up and take her to the doctor because my wife is working, I think i'll have a chat with her other friend.. They are really good people and basically felt sorry for her so they let her move in. At the hospital the chuck guy really respected me, we went outside to smoke and chatted alot. My wife was basically acting like a B. I. T. C. H.. The restraining order should be up today or monday.. I need to contact my lawyer to see what would be the best way to get my daughter so that she is healthy again
  7. Did your dad adopt her? If so then he can get visitation.
  8. My wife, which we are currently separated from each other gave me some good advice... Stop being so anilitical. Stop polling everything that is said.. If you push her away and she comes back then you know she loves you..
  9. She is trying to make you jeoulus.. She looks at you to study how your doing after everything that happened.. Let her come to you..
  10. Heh, yea that happens some times.. Don't ask if you can kiss her.. Just kiss her.. it makes all the difference
  11. Be spontainous, One night when she is going to come over cook a nice meal or order out something real nice, get some candles and flows, set the table real nice. Turn the lights down low and when she comes over surprise her with the dinner. DAMN I SHOULD TAKE MY OWN ADVICE...
  12. Where is she right now? She came back to you right? just forget about the past and think towards the future..
  13. Stop right now, Stop thinking about it.. Don't think about it.. JUST DO IT
  14. Ahh yes, its very hard.. You don't have it so bad though, try waiting 2 months and not hearing it until your wife leaves and wants to work things out... She told you what happened, it took 2 weeks because she didn't want to hurt you and most likely didn't know how to tell you.. We are all human we make mistakes...
  15. Sounds like I'm in the same boat with my wife, She cheated, left.. Now she comes around, talks to me all the time we go out and do stuff. We talk about the stuff we want, and how we are going to do this or that when we get a new place.. She wants a new place and doesn't want to live where I live right now because of my sister living next door... But she said she won't come back to that place.. It really kills me..
  16. Heh, talked to her last night, she actually invited me to the place she is living (the guys that live there weren't home.) I remind you that I have a restraining order saying I can't be around her or the place she lives.. Anyway I went over we had our words with each other (she has an anger problem) so I was the one that gave in like usual... I ended up staying there until 12:30 am just talking. Thats fine I love to talk to her.. but there is this tiny little voice in the back of my head telling me something isn't right.. One thing that really gets to me is this chuck guy, He just turned 19, No license works at KFC with her. She talks about him all the time.. He has long hair, really nasty looking person.. I know she still loves me.. That guy isn't even her type. She would never be with someone younger than her, she Hates guys with long hair.. I don't know why i'm thinking about it.. But its bothering me. Really if it wasn't for him I would be ok with the whole not living with me thing.. am I just being jeolus or something?
  17. She has NEVER been independent.. She has always relyed on me for everything.. This is her first job in like 3 years... Obvoisly she is seeing someone else..
  18. Heh.. at least she admitted about it.. My wife is so damn stubborn she would rather see us apart then admit she did something wrong.. You got yourself a good woman there.. Stick with her..
  19. Just be yourself, you don't want people to like you for who you arn't.. Always be yourself..
  20. Sounds good to me.. Just don't make it out to where you sound obsesed or anything... Just let her know that you would like to get to know her better.
  21. They always say that if you push someone away that loves you and cares for you then they will come back to you.. Tell her how much you care for her don't beg, don't cry.. Just tell her and don't contact her anymore..That will be you pushing her away.. If she loves you she will come back and contact you. After that then you two can talk more... Love is 2 way not just one.
  22. Shes just a woman that wants attention, that is all
  23. Ladies.... Your guys are bored in bed.. They want to try new things but don't want to exactly ask you or know if you will go along with anything... IE.. new positions, new toys.. New ways... My wife was always boring in bed.. It was great sex but well you get tired of the same old damn thing all the time.. I couldn't even suggest new positions she just wanted the same old thing.... Sit him down with a porn tape and act it out... Shave bare skin.. Please him in bed and he will do any damn thing you want.....
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