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Everything posted by alteer

  1. This happened to me.......only I didn't marry him........and no he wasn't told the truth. He was psychotic and telling him the truth would have endangered my life. I think there are certain times that lying is acceptable. Especially when your life is in danger!
  2. I used to live down the road from the Mad Max house. And I love Mel......he just gets better with age!
  3. Australia. Day light savings has just ended so it's dark at about 5.30.
  4. OMG!!! He didn't seem to care. He just walked in and said 'hi mum. I waited for you and when you didn't come I walked home'. I said 'what?' and then it me! And then I took him for icecream.
  5. Thank god I'm not the only the one then. Actually it's not the first time I have forgotten him. I did when he was about a week old........he was so quiet I left him in a shop!! I didn't realise until 10 minutes later dragging my daughter up the street that I was missing something!! But at least he won't remember that! Bad, bad, bad.
  6. Have you ever forgotten your kids? Like left them somewhere? I did it yesterday. Every Thursday afternoon I pick my 11 yr old son up from the library on my way home from work. And yesterday I completely forgot.....I left him there!!!! I didn't even realise that he wasn't at home until he waltzed in the door at 6pm. It was dark and he'd walked home.......a 20 min walk in the dark!!!! I feel terrible.
  7. I agree with what everyone else has said about your situation. Staying with someone out of pity is not fair on you or her. I would hate for someone to stay with me for that reason. She will come to see this eventually. And I had an ex once who said he would kill himself if I left. It was a manipulative tactic. I still left.....and he still lived.
  8. I've tried everything I think for my pms moods - diet, excercise, faking it. Haven't really found any of it to work that well though. Now I just try to controll it as best I can. Time out. Shut myself away until the urge to yell at someone subsides. The problem in my household is that I have a 14 yr old daughter and (as with most girls living together) our cycles are the same, and she's lethal. It's hell for my 11 yr old son! He has learnt very early in life to just keep his mouth shut for a week every month. In fact he pretty much stays in his room. Poor kid.
  9. I agree with iceberg on this Ross. You are not ugly!!!!!!!! I have read a few of your posts and I think you are way too hard on yourself. As for the attraction thing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think physical attraction is important, now I'm not talking about physical appearance either. I went out with a guy once who wasn't that physically attractive but he had tons of charisma. I think physical attraction is more about what you project and how well you carry yourself. Physical attraction and chemistry is what matters in the beginning of a relationship.........but it's certainly not what keeps it going.
  10. Hmmmm......yes.......this is one I just experienced. Not fun at all when your on the recieving end!!
  11. Following from my thread asking who has been dumped badly ie. not face to face but with the use of techological gadgets and sudden disappearance. I read the following 'rules' somewhere and thought I would share. Breakup Rules 1. Do it in person. Its hard but the person you loved deserves it. Unless your ex is hitting you. If that is the case, just run. 2. Be honest but not so honest that you're being cruel. Unless your ex is cheating on you. In that case, go the brutal honesty with all guns blazing - they asked for it. 3. Be compassionate, but not so compassionate that they think there's still hope. Some people will think there is still hope no matter what you do, but that's them, its not you. 4. The best revenge is to live well. Let karma sort the rest out. And what is it with this "you deserve someone better" line? Are you saying you're holding out for someone worse?
  12. I've had friends like this before....needless to say they didn't remain my friends for long.
  13. Having only being broken up from my boyfriend for 3 weeks I can't believe how lonely I am. I let all my other friends slide over the past couple of years that I was with him....bad I know.....and stupid. And now I'm left with no one while he still has all his mates. It makes breaking up even harder than it already is. I am never going to revolve my life around a bf again. I've joined a couple of social groups in the hope of making some new friendships. But gee it's tough.
  14. Ok if we are talking 'contact' that's a little different. I contacted him once to find out why he dumped me after ignoring me. And I contacted him again about a week later for some crap excuse......but that's it I aint contacting him again.
  15. I have never begged anyone for anything. It's not that I haven't wanted to....it's just that my dignity is valuable to me. Far more valuable than any jerk who dumps me anyway.
  16. OMG spunkmaster....this is terrible. Damn cowards This has only happened to once....very recently after a 2 1/2 relationship. I think I've been through all the emotions now.....and right now I'm just mad, mad, mad. I repeat....damn cowards.
  17. I agree with IronLion on this one. It doesn't ease the let down at all for the other party. It's actually more hurtful for them. I also think that it is a form of selfishness. Your right they don't want to make themselves feel bad. I know breaking up with someone is hard but it's harder for the person being dumped (especially if they had no clue it was coming). The dumper has already kind of come to terms with it.
  18. Hmmm you have a good point there Iceman. But if you know the person isn't a dangerous psycho? Being ignored seriously stinks. That's what I'm going through now after a lengthy relationship. And he knows I'm no psycho....
  19. Sucks doesn't it. I have no idea why he's holding onto my stuff. He didn't have the decency to break up with me properly. He could have to decency of returning my things. Hell, I don't care at this point if I even see him. I'm at the anger stage now. Just bloody drop it off while I"m not home for goodness sake!! I think I'm addicted to this forum now. When I'm feeling down it's good to chat to others who know exactly how you're feeling. Certainly helps to get it all out
  20. I consider dumping someone by email, phone or by suddenly ignoring someone and pretending they never existed to be really bad form. I have always done the breaking up in person, as I believe it is the right thing to do, and the least bit of courtesy you could show the person you once cared about. So I'm curious to know how many of you have been dumped in these ways?
  21. It's hard when you don't get any real answers isn't it? I haven't got any in my situation either. My ex and I never had any arguments the whole time we were together. He called me everyday, right up until the day he decided to fall off the face of the planet and ignore me. I've had all the same things go through my head.....did he love me? has me met someone else? did I mean anything to him at all? did he just string me along until someone 'better' came along? I'm in the same position with 'stuff'. I returned all his stuff and left it on his porch. But it seems he hasn't thought of the things he has of mine. Without closure it's difficult to move on.
  22. I'm going through a very similar situation after a 2 1/2 yr relationship. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone and I've found the support on this forum very helpful. Your welcome to pm me.
  23. As much as I hate to admit it I suddenly realised that all my social eggs had been placed in one basket......my exes. Since our breakup 3 weeks ago I have felt more lonely because I let my own friends slip away. So I've been a little pro active and joined a site in Australia (where I live) called Get A Life. I seriously need a life so am going on my first outing with about 15 people next weekend.....a hike......and I can't wait. A new chapter has begun in the life of alteer!!!! No point in sitting around feeling sorry for myself.......bring it on I say!!
  24. 1. 2 1/2 years 2. 3 weeks 3. It's still unclear to me. I never got any concrete answers. 4. Me, 32 Him, 34
  25. I'm also a female boss. I'm the ONLY female in the company. And I have to say that it is I who was treated like I was retarded for a long time. I had to prove myself, whereas the men never did. If it's a problem with women that you have, then you should really get over it. You're only 18, there are alot of female bosses out there who clawed their way to top.
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