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  1. Been living with the GF for 2 years now, but I learned enough by now to know that it won't last forever. Actually, I knew this a year ago and tried to break up but it didn't go very well. I was going to live in another room in the house until she found a new roommate help out with the mortgage. Unfortunately, she didn't handle it well mentally and wanted to kill herself. So, I got suckered back into "working it out". Well, now I know if I don't do it today we'll end up getting married and eventually divorced. So how do I do it? I'm thinking of using the bandaid technique..RIP IT OFF! Specifically, loading up all my crap into the Uhaul while she is at work. That way when she comes home I can drop the hammer, give her my reasons and explanations...then drive off into the sunset. I'll also have to call her family and warn them, just in case she wants to kill herself again. Oh..and I planned on giving her 2 months of rent/bills too.. That sounds really harsh, but I just don't want to live under the same roof with all that hatred and uncomfortableness again.
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