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Everything posted by alteer

  1. Well I'm pretty sure the other directors don't know anything about what he's trying to do. But you're right I think he is trying to make me uncomfortable enough to quit. I think part of the problem is that when a new project is underway the other 2 directors get me into the boardroom for my input on how it should be handled and the work distributed. My opinions are always taken on before the new directors opinions are.
  2. The other 2 directors are at the very top.....there is no one above them. And no it's not a publicly traded company. When I started it was quite small.....only the 2 directors, myself and 2 IT contractors. I've helped them grow it to the point where it is now quite large, with 20 employees under me.
  3. Scout, in my position I handle all staffing problems......so in effect I am HR!!! This guy is my boss........I don't have anyone else above me, apart from the other 2 directors. And I'm unsure about bringing it up with them as he is the relative of one.
  4. That's wonderful. It's an amazing feeling isn't it!! I was only 2 yrs older than you when I had my first baby. It is scary but you'll be fine.......goodluck.
  5. Ok any advice would be appreciated on this. I have never come accross this problem before.........so am at a complete loss. I work at a senior management level for an IT Company, directly under the directors. Originally there were 2 directors who I get along with great, they have always welcomed my input into the runnings of the business and have encouraged it. I have always been left to my own devices and they have always trusted me to make decisions re: the business and staff. But recently a 3rd director was introduced to the company, a relative of one of the original directors. Now this new director is who I am having problems with. He treats me like a child. Here are some examples: If I make any decisions now - he comes to me and says "why didn't you ask me? Before making ANY decisions you will come to me first, do you understand?" I was like whaooo man, what is your problem? It wasn't even a big decision. I start work early, 7.30am and finish at 4pm so I can be home by 5 for my kids. This was worked out at the time I was hired. Anyway this new guy parked directly behind my car so I couldn't get out and when I went back into the office to ask him to move it he say "oh I did that to hopefully stop you leaving early" To which I said...."my hours were worked out over 12 months ago. I do my 8 or 9 hours and I go home" needless to say I don't even get a lunch break because I work through it. This guy makes me tense and I used to love my job....but since he's been here it is no longer enjoyable. I don't want to leave because I actually have it pretty good. Great pay and flexible hours (well normally) I can work from home if my kids are sick etc. He also makes weird comments - one day the server went down and he said, infront of all the staff "oh it was probably Amy downloading porn again". I was so shocked he said that.........to my staff!! I just didn't know how to respond. I just don't know how to handle this!!!! arrgh
  6. This is so true. I was in an abusive relationship and it took me 10 years to get over the fear of him finding me and my kids and killing us. It sometimes helps to remember when you are so caught up in feeling sorry for yourself that there are others far worse off than you. I appreciated the point you were trying to make annie.
  7. Oh Ta ree saw....I feel for you. How old are your kids? I know that I've felt like you soooooooo many times. The little buggers know how to push our buttons. There are moments when I can't stand my kids as well.....and wonder what the hell I was doing having them in the first place. But then I take a deep breath, look at them, force a smile........and go on. I love them to death.......as I'm sure you do............but geez they can try the patience of a saint.
  8. In my most recent breakup there were absolutely no signs at all...........I've spent the past month thinking back.........and nope, not one. But this is the first one that that has ever happened. Usually there are a ton of signs and I'm pretty good at picking up on them. But this time I was completely thrown and am still in the dark.
  9. I don't want to sound harsh here, I'm only thinking of your well being, but I'm going to give you some advice. I have always been the type of person who learns everything the hard way....until I sat down and took a good hard look at myself. And that wasn't until I was almost 30. These are the things I learnt: 1. Never do anything YOU are uncomfortable with. Who cares what anything else thinks. Your self respect is more important. 2. Learn how to say no. You don't have to please everyone in the world and even if you tried, it's just not possible. Learn how to please yourself first. 3. Always follow your gut. If something doesn't feel right..then chances are it isn't.
  10. Honestly Ross the only problem I see (from reading your posts) is that you lack self confidence and drive. These are things that can be fixed with a bit of work. So if I were you I would be pro active and take on the advice that so many people have offered to you. Just stop feeling so sorry for yourself.....the only one that hurts is you. Life is to be lived.......so get out there and live it !!
  11. Good for you Ross, now remember if you meet someone who seems nice.......FOLLOW THROUGH!!!!!! And I have to say I like that new photo of you............your a good looking guy so give yourself some credit!
  12. I guess I felt bad because I didn't want to leave him with blue balls or whatever... I don't know why you would have felt bad? jabele I'm just wondering if this is the same guy as in this thread? - He's coming over but I question his intentions Because if so...in all honestly you didn't sound that interested in him. What intentions were you questioning? If it was that he only wanted sex.....well what can I say - you've gone and proven that you can be used that way......and have probably now given him that idea yourself.
  13. I agree. You do need to break up with him if you don't love him. Sooner rather than later. And yes, you should do it in person. Being dumped hurts but being dumped any other way is like hell. You've had quite a lengthy relationship and that's the most decent way to do it.
  14. If anyone did envy me Dako.......they would belong in a padded cell.
  15. Ha that's so funny Well I envy happy little families with a mother and a father and a few rugrats. Instead I'm stuck as a worn out working single mother, with absolutely no support. .........I've never really understood sperm banks. There for the purpose of impregnating women without partners. Who in their right mind would WANT to be single parent
  16. Why did you go down on him if you didn't really want to? You should never do anything just because someone else wants you to. If I'm right in understanding your post.....I would think that if your doing sexual things that you don't really want to be doing then that would have an impact on how you view these encounters.
  17. OMG!!! That's harsh for daycare. I wouldn't even do that to my own kids. We all get angry from time to time.....it's normal.....you just need to find a constructive way to deal with it. Maybe go running or something....I know that helps me to blow off some steam.
  18. Due you use lubricant? I tend to think that your just not wet enough and I'll tell you why. Even when I'm really horny I don't get that wet naturally so have to use lube, without it there is no way anyone's getting in there. Even with just a finger if you are not wet enough then you are going to be in pain. I think you need to learn to relax your muscles and use lots of lubricant until you are comfortable.
  19. How would you know if your hymen is broken or not!!! There could be a ton of reasons for painful sex. If it's just because your tight and really nervous then it's going to be extremely difficult. My advice......get yourself a dildo and plenty of lube.......that way you can ease yourself into it on your own.
  20. Exactly.......... I'm thinking of writing a book called 'How to screw your kids up in 10 ways or less'. My son put it beautifully...I never want kids mum because they make mess, they're too noisy and they stink!! And he's only 11. God bless him.
  21. I have an aunty who didn't want children. She's now in her 50's and doesn't regret it at all. It depends on the person. If you know you don't want any.........then don't.
  22. I was going to say this also. You have to respect your parents rules if you are living under their roof and they are supporting you.
  23. I'm a little cofused by your post. Who does your cousin live with? You have an awful lot on your mind for a 14 yr old. Why do you feel so responsible for your cousin? It's nice that you do but you are so young yourself.
  24. Thanks everyone So glad to know I'm not alone
  25. OMG I'm sorry...don't know why I thought you were a girl In that case then no, I wouldn't think of you as a try hard if she is showing at least some signs of interest. But then again if she isn't then find someone else to compliment.
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