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Everything posted by SwtMary

  1. ok...I just miss sex. PERIOD!
  2. all I can say is...WOW! that it is awesome!!
  3. well its been about 2 months for me since I have had sex but 4 years since I have had that amazing-mind blowing-make you cry sex!! I am very sexually frustrated at this point in my life! LOL Anyway... I love the intimacy that sex can provide with you are experiencing it with somone you really care deeply for. I love hearing a man moan when I am pleasing him. And honestly I love to give a man oral sex. I feel so in control when I am doing that. Ok I need to stop this post because it is too early to get turned on...lol
  4. Thank you, Scout. That is what I needed to hear.
  5. Yea I need to just do it. I dont see it getting any better until something other than the "norm" is done.
  6. If it is getting worse and not going away, then no its not a normal sunburn. I have been burned more times that I can count and by the next day it has always been a little better. I dont think I have ever been burned on my fingers or toes tho. I would go to the doctor or at least call them and see what they suggest. You might even be able to call the company that makes the product or they may have a website you can visit and see what the common reactions can be and what they suggest.
  7. It is only a day camp. He was staying there while I was at work. It is similar to a daycare but not as structural. His behavior seems to be progressively getting worse over the year, especially this past school year. At first I thought it was just him being a typical 5-year-old boy but now I really think it is something more. I am hesitent on calling a therapist tho. I dont really know what they will be able to do for him. He is young and I am not sure he even understands what is going on. I do know that he wont talk to me or anyone when he has one of these "bad days".
  8. That would be so ironic...I have refused to buy him a game system because I dont want that to be all he does...lol It would be funny if it would actually help him...hmmm
  9. Girl if this is the only time you get "stood up" be glad. I dont even know how many times I have made plans with guys and them not show up or not call. I know how it makes you feel and it sucks. I am sorry this guy did this to you...keep your chin up and move on. (((hugs)))!!
  10. Interestingly enough at this camp his day is filled with activities. They swim twice a day, have a huge field that they play all sorts of games in, and a gym-type building for other activities. I dont think I made myself clear earlier...he does act up with me. He is not as bad as he is at camp or preschool but he is still hard for me to control. However, when he is with my dad or my brother, he is completely different. Calm, obedient, and very well behaved...
  11. I totally agree about the sugar. I choose drinks mainly that don't have a lot of sugar in them and he gets absolutely no caffeinated drinks. I know that helps a lot. I couldn't imagine how hyper he would be if he did get sugar and caffeine...lol I probably need to pay more attention to what he is eating. Reading this post I am wondering if the sugar is a part of the problem. Like I said, I regulate his sugar at home but at the camp where he eats breakfast every morning, they feed him pop tarts and the "sugary" cereal, etc. hmmmm...
  12. I dont think it has much to do with the kind of sex as the timing. The time that she is most "fertile" is 2 weeks after the frist day of her period. Good luck!!
  13. Well, something needs to be done or he is going to end up in juvey before hes 10. I am going to look into some things today and see what can be done...thanks for the help.
  14. I don't know what to do about my 5-year-old son. I just got a phone call from the camp that he is staying at for the summer and they told me that I needed to find another place for him. They told me that they spend too much time trying to calm him down and control him. What I dont understand is why isnt he like that all the time. Yes he is a hyper child and a bit ramunctious but he isnt aggressive or mean at home or with other children. I am at my wits end and reaching the point of break down. ](*,) I have tried everything with him (i.e. spankings, grounding, taking away things, rewarding for good behavior, etc). If you have read any of my previous posts you know that I am a single mom and that his father doesn't have much to do with him at all. I dont know if tha is part of the problem or not. I have thought about counseling and I just don't know what a counselor could do for a 5 year old. I really don't want to have to put him on medication. Does anyone else have a child like this that can lend a word of advice or encouragement??
  15. I would suggest her stimulating her clit. I know that is the easiest way to get off while masterbating (at least for me)
  16. For me, I have moved on but I have also learned. I still want to get married again. There was a time that I said NO WAY! Now I have moved past that hurt and realize that I do want to find someone to grow old with and be with for the rest of my life. I have definitely learned from my past mistakes and I will obviously do things differently this time...
  17. I voted for infidelity; however that suprisingly is not why my marriage ended. I was married 4 years and was abused emotionally and spiritually. I hate to say never because I have learned that you really don't know what you will do unless you are put in that situation. However, I picked infidelity because it would be very hard for me to forgive my "husband" if he found another woman to share such intimacy with.
  18. I was going to say abuse...whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual...
  19. If your morals are that important to you then stick with them. If you cave in and give in, then you feel bad that you did. I know how hard it is to wait and how hard it is to stick with those morals, but if they are that important to you (which they seem to be), then I said wait...
  20. ok just a quick update...I know its been a while but I finally had the tests done and I am clean!!! YAY!!!
  21. I don't think that you are shallow. We cant help who we fall in love with and who we are or aren't attracted to. I wouldn't feel bad about now loving him. If you think that spending so much time with him is hard for him, then I would lessen the time you spend with him. If he doesn't have a problem with it, then continue what you are doing. He knows how you feel now and should respect that...Good luck!
  22. As hard as it will be, you need to not have any contact with him. You will only be able to heal when he is not a part of your life. I know it sounds harsh but I think a lot of people here will give you that advice. I know when I was getting over my ex it was so much easier to "move forward" when I didnt talk to him or see him. Good luck and I hope things get easier!
  23. I have been thinking about this a lot and I want the opinion of others on this subject. I have never actually done it but it has happened to me... If you truly love someone can you cheat on them? I talk to this guy online all the time that has a girlfriend that he "loves dearly and more than anything in the world" but he constantly is cheating on her. He would literally sleep with anyone, male or female. Is he just a rare case or do others say the same thing and act the same way? While me and my husband were separated, he would tell me that he loved me so much and wanted me back WHILE he was living with another woman! I was just astonished that he would say that. I can understand if you dont want to admit if you have cheated or are cheating but I would be fascinated to hear what others think.
  24. I would definitely have to agree with annie. If it is THAT big of a problem and it bothers you THAT much, then just get rid of it. I know this is a bad comparison but alcoholics can't have alcohol in their house...it is WAY too much of a temptation.
  25. I have only experienced love at first sight once...and that was when I had my son I would definitely say I am obsessive about him...lol
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