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Everything posted by lonestar_80

  1. I agree it sounds like you are trying to get back together. I would not worry about it or wait for her to write you back. Just move on to NC. EX's always lie and say that they do not want to date anyone else, but most of the time they already have someone lined up before they dump you. Thats just how the breakup game goes. Don't stress about the email just work on healing and moving on yourself. Good Luck!
  2. Call when you get there.
  3. I think it is the NC that matters not gender. I did NC and my ex came back but I did not take him back. If you do not contact them they will contact you when they are ready.
  4. This does not sound good. If a person wants to be with you (sleep with you)but does not want to be with you (make a commitment), then they are just using you. I would dump him if he does not change his mind. He is just using you. Does he still have a girlfriend? If he does then do not expect it to work out.
  5. I am sure they left you b/c you could not keep up with their needs. You did not give them enough time and attention that they deserve, so they had no choice but to leave. So, in a way you did leave them emotionally.
  6. ha, that was an interesting date. At least he gave you an option. explayer, sorry man. She took you out of the game and now she is leaving you. I guess the best thing you can do is to keep a friendship with her. Do little contact instead of NC. If you were a player she will think you are just out playing other girls and forgot about her. Man, so here is a real live player. Why did you feel the need to play women? I always wanted to ask a player that question. Don't all people deserve respect? Now the shoe is on the other foot. I guess now you know what all the women you played felt like after you left them.
  7. I don't think that there is anything wrong with giving my opinion. A person will never know anything if people are too afraid to speak what they believe in. A person can accept or reject anything that they want to. Jesus is the way the truth and the light and we will all realize that one day for the better or for the worse. This is a forum where everyone's opinions are welcomed. People have the right to agree to disagree. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:14
  8. Porn is very addictive and it is not good for any relationship. Porn is a deal breaker for most women. If she asked you to stop and you did not, then she has a good reason to breakup with you. Porn in the spiritual sense is a form of lust. If you are lusting after another woman then you have committed adultery with her already in your heart. Matthew 7 Your girlfriend can not trust you b/c you will put your lusts before your relationship. She can not guarantee that you won't do it again or if you will cheat on her if you were to get married one day. You will always be comparing her to the other women rather than appreciating who she is. Sorry for your loss, I hope you learn from your mistakes.
  9. Ha! I was just talking about that! I agree with you I think it is kind of sick. I think guys look at girls old enough to be their daughters b/c some guys are just old dirty bastards. Young girls have firm skin and are not flabby from old age and child birth. Plus, I think most men have some sick sort of Lolita fantasy. I also think that some men want to control a woman and they have better luck in controling young girls than old ones. A mature woman won't put up with thier BS. Age is just the main thing, there are plenty of older women that look very young like JLO, Janet Jackson, and Kristen Davis. They look better than most teenagers and 20 year olds. Guys just like having a baby on their arm. A famous actor once said why have a dog when you can have a puppy!
  10. I am sorry. I know how you feel my ex did the same thing to me filled my head up with a bunch of lies, and then walked away like nothing ever happened. Just know that the pain will go away one day. You just have to make up you mind that you will let her go. That takes sometimes maybe 6 months to a year. However, the more active you are in forgetting your ex the better you will feel. What helped me get over my ex were prayer, friends, family, and really funny movies. She is not worth killing yourself over. Your kids need a strong mother to give them guidance and support. Don't cry anymore, she is not worth your tears. I wish you the best good luck and God bless.
  11. No, I don't like the chase. I guess I am just too forgiving. Well, at first my guy was not a bad guy. It was just the game he was playing on me (nice guy game). He pretended to be an upright guy, then he just changed. I should have left when I saw the red flags but then his behavior would get back on track for a while, then he would slide back into his old nature. I really never thought that people like that exsist but now I know that men like that are out there. Men who pretend to be whatever you want just to get into bed with you. The final straw with my guy was the fact that I found someother girls underwear in his laundry. I have not spoken to him since. But since he is a player I am sure he does not care or even miss me.
  12. What is your faith background centered on? I guess I should have been clearer in my description. If you have been baptized with the Holy Spirit then, yes, you have God within you. Building a relationship with Jesus the Son means you also development a close relationship with God the Father. A person cannot know God the Father unless they accept and know his Son Jesus Christ. What we know about God is the descriptions of his character and beliefs that he gave to us in the Holy Bible. We can be assured of the Bible's validity based on all of the prophecies that have been fulfilled and are being fulfilled to this day. So, one can rest assure that if they are following God in their heart, their ideology must be in line with what the Heavenly Father says. So, what I see today in so many of my friends is a false sense of spiritually or sense of God. They create the beliefs of a "god" that they want to serve rather than serve the God who already told us who he is. Creating this type of "god" IS idolatary b/c they are following an idol "god" that does not exsist. For example, if the God of the Bible says it is a sin to fornicate, then regardless of the situation at hand it still is a sin. So, we have to ask for forgiveness and repent of our sins. But if another person says Oh MY god says it is cool to fornicate and cheat on you spouse, then they are worshipping and conforming to a made up god and not the ONE true God. I have heard some people say that God tested them by sending another person into their life so they could cheat on their spouse. But that is a lie. The Bible says that God does not tempt mankind, and that temptation only comes from the evil lusts of our own hearts. We sin b/c we want to, and we should not blame God for when we sin. He did not tempt us with sin. So the bottom line is that I want people to know the one true God, and cultivate a more intimate relationship with Him through self improvement and the Holy Spirit. Rather than serving a god that only abides to rules that one makes up themselves. It is good only to trust yourself if you have the backing of the Holy Spirit to guide you. People are not perfect and they make mistakes, and sometimes there intuition, personal opinions, and beliefs are wrong. That’s why a pencil has an eraser on it, because people make mistakes. However, when you can't trust your own self it is best to look to God for advice. If we can't find an answer for our problems in the Bible, then maybe we are choosing the wrong answer, or following the wrong path. Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
  13. Why would you want to be with a player? Most of the time you just end up getting played.
  14. Lawyers lie for a living that is not too much of a stretch.
  15. Your girlfriend sounds awful. Are you still together? I would break up with her. She has a made up life, so she must think she is in a made up relationship. Your kids do not need to be around someone like this. She and the other woman may be married or have a family of their own, you really never know. I bet this other woman does not even know about you. She must feel so bad about her life that she has to make up one. I would RUN away from her as fast as you can. You really never know when she is telling the truth.
  16. May be God has a better mate for you. This guy does not sound like a good guy. If he cheated on you, he will cheat on her too when he gets bored with her or if she dumps him he will come running back to you. God has a plan to prosper us and not to harm us. I know it hurts like he!! but we have to know that God has something better for us. He does not deserve you right now.:splat: Good Luck and God Bless.
  17. I am sorry but he is an * * * hole. He will see the error in his ways one day. You should have told him that he does not need to change his number b/c your not going to call him. Any man that changes his number to get away from a girl is a punk. He should be a man and face the mess he made by being a low down lying cheat.
  18. Well, you know the Bible says that there is a season for everything under heaven. Maybe God has a better mate for you. God can dream a better plan for us than we can. I guess your ex wants you to put your focus on Jesus and your purpose rather than on him.
  19. I went through the same thing 3 years ago. What helped me the most was to focus on other things and not him. 1. Watching a lot of funny movies! I was at Blockbuster 2 times a week. A good laugh is like medicine to the soul! 2. Prayer, Prayer, Prayer, Prayer! I prayed all the time! Pray for God to give you peace! Don't pray to get your ex back. If it is in his will God will send him back to you,but until then you have to heal yourself. I prayed for peace, comfort, and deliverence from my ex. I even prayed to God to avenge me (Romans 12:19), b/c I was temped to get revenge on my ex. 3. Read the word of God, it can be so comforting and it seems what you need to hear will pop out before your eyes! 4. Go to church. Not only is the sermon good but you can meet new people. 5. Go out with your friends. Go out to eat have a girls night out. Go bowling or something like that. 6. Workout. Go to the gym, or find a safe place to go walk. This gets rid of stress and built up tension. 7. NC, NC, NC. Don't contact your ex for any reason what so ever. He will call you but you have to decide if you want to pick up the phone. Trust me, like my dad says "when he falls out with that other woman he will come runing back to you". But do you really want to be with a guy that had another GF while dating you? 8. Get rid of his pictures or put them away in a place that you will never see them or burn them. I keep one picture of my ex and burned the rest. You do not have to go to that extreme but I knew that we would never get back together even though he came crawling back. 9. Read some good books! There is nothing like a good book to get your mind off of what is happening in your own life. 10. Do not feel pressured to date. Do not date until you are ready to. 11. Try to eat three times a day. I lost weight too. I can laugh about this now, but when I broke up with my ex someone asked me how did I loose so much weight? What diet are you on? I thought, honey, you don't want to be on this diet! I looked like a bag of bones (115 lbs) 12. This is the hardest one of all. You have to forgive your ex. If we do not forgive others God will not forgive us of our sins. Unforgivness causes sickness and stress. Just keep up NC. When he calls you (unless he is willing to commit to you only) do not listen to him. But the fact that he cheated shows you that he can't give you what you need. Just pray, and laugh and God will do the rest.
  20. I say go for it! But you know what the Bible says, A man who finds a wife finds a good thing! Let him get to know you, so he will see that you are a good thing!
  21. Well, you can ask him more questions about law. Ask him about his experiences. Religion should not be that much of a problem. I am a Baptist and there are plenty of white men married to black women at our church. How old are you? How old is he?
  22. No, this guy does not sound very good to me. If he has anger issues he will only give them to you. The bible says that "bad company corrupts good character". He is using women, fighting, and on drugs, then maybe you should find a new friend. I know how the people in ATL can be. Don't too be desperate for friends. My cousin hangs out with some wild girls in ATL. She moved there from Alabama, and she wanted friends so bad. But her new friends are just using her and teaching her things that are not good. I think that you are wise for questioning this guy. Most people would not even do that! Don't join his crew. It sounds like he is thuggin. You can find better friends than that. Don't fall into the traps of the enemy. Try to find friends by volunteering, going to a church youth group or something like that. You can keep things cordial with him, but you don't have to hangout with him after work. He may want you to sell drugs or something. Are you in school? Do you have any opportunities to go to college or a trade school? You can find friends there by joining organizations. Also you can check out financial aide, grants, or scholarships that may help pay for school. When I went to school I was shy and afraid I would not meet any friends, but once I joined a few clubs I meet a lot of people. I would recommend it because it looks like you are a very expressive writer. Most college professors are looking for students like you. In addition, having good writing skills can get you jobs in many fields. You are so lucky! If you are interested, I can ask my step sister about colleges in your area, she is an assistant principal at one of the High Schools in ATL. They have career prep for kids interested in going to college and trade school.
  23. Susser Tod, The guy I was with lied to me. He acted like he wanted a relationship and we started one. He fooled me with all of his sweet talk( He called every day) dates, dinners, and talking about the future. Telling me that he wanted me to be the mother of his children. Asking me if I though he would make a good husband. He did this for about a month, then I gave in like an idiot. Like an idiot I dated him for four more months. I really thought we were building something. I did not get to see him that much b/c he worked two jobs, and was taking care of a sick family member (which is all true, I checked it out). I thought it all added up. But he still played me. How long should you wait? Now I just won't sleep with men at all.
  24. . If he would stop being your friend just b/c you don't want to sleep with him, means that he never really was your friend in the first place. I think today we place the name "friend" too loosely on people. With friends like him who needs enemies. I think you are making the right decision. You sound like a person that is too caring to be in such a loveless relationship like that. You sound like a good woman who deserves to be with a guy that will cherish you and worship the ground you walk on. I know there are a lot of creeps out there, but I have faith that there are still some good men left.
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