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Everything posted by lonestar_80

  1. Start at the gospels. MArk, Luke, John, and MAtthew. Then go onto the rest of the New Testament. Then read the Old testament to see how the prophecies of the coming of Jesus match. Good Luck.
  2. I was thinking about confronting him and calling him out on his behavior. I feel like a fool, and I want an apology. I think he owes that to me. Why would a guy be so deceptive? Why would he ask me to be his girlfriend ect.? So, I guess our whole relationship was a sham? I guess I am just young and stupid but I never thought someone would act this way just for sex? The sex was not that great either. I did not feel comfortable to entire time.
  3. Help me men and ladies! I keep on getting into the same bad relationships over and over. I meet a guy a month ago that I thought was nice. He seemed like a good guy. He took me out bought several dinners and took me to a movie. Spent a nice amoutn of money on me. He acted like I was his world. He wanted to meet my family and he said that maybe one day we would get married. He acted like the perfect boyfriend until I gave him oral sex after only dating him for four weeks. He distanced himself from me. I did not know what was wrong with him. Then a week later we had sex, and he distanced himself again. He acts like every thing is fine on the phone nice and sweet but then he cancels plans with me at the last minute. He has done this now for the past two weeks. He says that he has been having problems with his family but would that really make him want to back away from me. I also wonder if I am just too needy or insecure? My last boyfriend said that about me but he was also cheating on me. My boyfriend now he does not even pick up the phone on Fridays and Saturdays. Does he have another woman/women or am I just paranoid? Why would he not answer his phone, and not return my calls? When he returns my calls it is like four hours later? Is he playing hard to get? How can a needy girl like me stay calm? I told him I felt like he was treating me like a booty call, so I stopped having sex with him. I am hurt and I will get over the relationship, but what hurts me the most is how far he went out of his way to lie to me? Why are men so decieving when they are trying to have sex with a woman. I can not believe that I feel for the okey doke. The worse part is that I work with him and will have to see him everyday. How often should a guy being calling a girl he is dating? Am I expecting too much from him? We have not broken up yet but I feel like a dead man walking waiting for my exicution. Do I dump him or wait talk to him? How long should you wait for someone to call you back? I am not use to this.
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