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Everything posted by lonestar_80

  1. This poem has a lot of biblical references to it. It is referring to Jesus Christ/God. The basic message of this poem is this: In our lives we will all go through very tough times but these events in the end will only make us stronger. Jesus is the one that protects you, guides you, and strengthens you for the better. In your sorrows you will one day appreciate the struggle that you went through because you will know that you have made it through difficult times. God uses trials and tribulations to strengthen us for the better. God gives us beauty for ashes. Even though your relationship has ended or "burned" as Usher says, God will take those ashes and transform them into something beautiful. That may be another relationship that is 10 times better than the one you have. Just know that in your sorrow God hears your cries and he is here to comfort you and one day you will over come this. The Bible says God will put us all through the fire to see what we are made of. But anything that has gone through the fire comes out to be something beautiful. Like a ceramic pot, or gold, or silver. Just look at this hard time as a stepping stone to something better. I hope that I made this easy for you to understand.
  2. Sex is a tricky thing. It makes you feel close to the person you are having sex with. When I first meet my ex,I had no feelings for him. I thought he was fat and ugly, and I did not give him a second glance. I would never date someone like him. But I talked to him b/c he had a "good personality". Once we started having sex I was sprung! I started to think he was cute instead of ugly. I thought he was chubby instead of fat. Girl, sex makes you change your mind about things. Now I regret ever talking to him or ever going out with him. Oh honey you are just like me. I dated a guy who said we were in a committed relationship...but based on his actions we really were not. I had not been in a sexual relationship by choice for over 2 years. I missed being with someone and cuddling with someone. So, I compromised all that I had worked ( 2yrs. celibate) for to be with him. It was not worth it, in the end you go away feeling disrespected and used. It is not worth it, if you want to keep the friendship if it does not work out.
  3. It has to be some type of illness or demonic manisfestation. When you get a little distance from your PL you will laugh. It is really sad. I think it must be some type of mental disorder. My ex had the nerve to ask me, if I though he was a truthful person...as if I were going to say yes. I told him, no, I don't think you are a truthful person. "Most of what you told me was a lie". He had the nerve to get mad b/c I called him a liar. He never did what he said he was going to do, all he gave were excuses from his bum. I think that PL are too dangerous to trust. Just let him go, You can't live your life every day in worry and fear over what he is going to do.
  4. Both,but they don't want a relationship, attraction and having to do what it takes to mantain a true relationship are two diffrent things. Selfish... wanting to have the cake and eat it too. I think the arrangement only works for two heartless/emotionless people that only want sex. Think of Samantha from Sex in the City. ? No. You may not be the only person he has benifits with. Or if you are he my dump your arangment for a time when he wants to start a relationship with another girl. If you have feelings for him it will change. One person will feel like they gave the most precious gift they have and they will want something more. But the other person feels like wow just another lay. You may get mad if you see him flirting with other girls or even dating other girls but you really can't get mad b/c your not his girlfriend. The integrity and character of people today has gone to an all time LOW. People are all about pleasing themselves without caring how their actions affect other people. It really is a selfish, and loveless arrangment. Don't sell yourself short. Sex involves soul ties in the biblical sense. When you have sex with someone and they don't care a flying flip about you other than your body, it can be very painful. I would talk to your friend and decline the offer. Just by the way you posted lets us know that you have reservations about this arrangement. The sad face tells it all. Don't let him pressure or sweet talk you into doing anything that you don't want to do.
  5. People can say what they want to say. If you did not wan't any other opinions you should not have asked the question in the first place. Or why don't you go ask your parents.
  6. The woman is married and she is your cousin. That is just sick dude. Date someone outside of the family. Don't bring shame to your family by doing this. YUCK. Read Leviticus 18. It is a sin to sleep with your family members.
  7. The Bible says that God gives us beauty for ashes. Isaiah 61:3 God will restore all that you have lost. Just be the best father you can be and stay in your son's life. Maybe one day you can get back together. Just work on healing your heart and pouring your love out to your son and others.
  8. Well I am glad that you get the point. She does not want to be with you anymore . Sorry, I know it is painful but you can get over it. Just keep up the NC. Have you talked to her yet? Maybe you should talk to her about how she feels. I just think it is gross when older guys scam on young girls that really do not know who they are yet. Sorry, but in most countries 17 does not make a woman. I am not saying you are a gross old guy. I am talking about guys that are 36 and talk to 17 year olds. But my point still is that she may be little bit too young for you. I would not have wanted to get married at 17. Every girl I know that got married at 18 is divorced now. She may want to go to college and have a social life, and she can not do that if she is married to you. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.
  9. Thakid001, Hi, I love Stone Mountain, it is a great place to just sit and look at all of God’s creations. I wish you all the best in your search for God. There is only ONE true God, the creator of all things. God wants us all to get to know him and he has given us insight about himself through the scriptures of the Bible. Do not be fooled into thinking that you can create your own god, or create your gods beliefs. That is called idolatry. Many people create their own gods because they do not want to appreciate what the ONE true God has said about himself. It would be just like me trying to tell you who you are, without asking you who you are. God said: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts-Isaiah 55:8.” You can't understand God unless you ask God who is he. God lets us know him through his words in the Bible. Seek to find the ONE true God. There are many gods of this world but they only lead to death (hell). Seek life and seek the ONE true God who is searching for YOU!! Here are a couple of my favorite scriptures, it explains why it is so important to seek the Lord Jesus Christ. Every path is not right or will lead you in the right direction. John 3:16-21 16 ["For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[f] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.[g] 19This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. Matthew 7:13-14 13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Good Luck and God Bless.
  10. You are robbing her of childhood if she no longer wants to be in a relationship with you. She is sending you signs and hints that she does not want to be in a serous relationship anymore. She wants to play the field. Plus, this girl is not legal what more can I say. This is frowned upon in my country. 17 does not make a woman. She is not emotionally in the same place as you dear...just move on. It's obvious that she is immature.
  11. Yes, You cheated on your husband. Would you consider it cheating if your husband did that same thing to a woman? Try to stay away from this friend, and settings where you drink.
  12. I work at a high school and I interact with teenagers all the time. They are not emotionally ready to have sexual relationships. If you are going to have sexual relationships you should be able to handle all of the issues that come with being sexually active. I seriously doubt that he can raise a baby and take care of a family at his age. He is just having sex for fun but can he handle to responsibility of being a husband and father? Does he understand the soul ties that are created when a man and woman becomes one? Are they willing to suffer a lowering of their self-esteem if the relationship does not work out? Sex is not just sex, when you breakup the soul is damaged. As an adult, I give the best advice that I feel. I don't think it is right to teach teenagers how to have sex. That's one reason why the world is as messed up as it is.
  13. Your feelings are normal. You just have to not let them get the best of you. When the hate for my ex was getting to be too much for me to handle, I got down on my knees and prayed to God to take this anger out of my heart. I prayed to God to give me peace about this situation. From that moment on I can honestly say that he granted my prayers. From that day on God sent kind people to minister to my heart. Don't waste you time building up hate for your ex. She will get hers! Just heal and be kind to others and keep up the NC.
  14. Stop having sex with her. Both of you are too young to be having sex in the first place. Plus you don't wan't to get her pregnant.
  15. She is too young for you. Just break up with her. It sounds likes she is no longer interested. She does not know herself and at her age girls like that go through guys all the time. Let her have her youth. Do not rob her childhood from her. Let her live her life. You are in different places in your lives. She can't even go to a nightclub. Try to date someone that is closer to your age.
  16. Thanks for all the advice. I hope that my stepmom will wake up and see that my dad just does not have the money to buy a new house. She put herself in the position she is in by picking the house they live in now.
  17. He won't buy the house for her. That is why she is fighting with him so much. She does not have any access to his account. I really do not know what he is going to do.
  18. I know what you are talking about. The only thing she is doing is driving him away from her. I think that he loves her but he does not want her to love him for all the wrong reasons. He does not have that kind of money and buying a house like that will only put him into debt. I already told my father that I don't trust her, but that was many years ago. She wanted a luxury car, when my dad drives a Honda Accord.
  19. Hello Thakid001, I like your Avatar, I loved watching Daria. My parents are from the Atlanta area, and I enjoyed visiting Stone Mountain and riding on the sky trolley. The view from up there is beautiful! It is amazing to see all of the creatures that habitat in those rock pools. I think you meet that woman for a special reason because God works in mysterious ways. God knew you when you were in your mother's womb and he called you for a great purpose in life. God has given us all gifts and your gift's seem to bring joy and kindness into people lives. I am a Christian and I know the peace that you are seeking comes from building a relationship with God. Do not feel that you can't build a relationship with God just because you are gay. God loves everyone and most of all he loves you! It is evident that God loves you because he took time out of his busy day to reach out to you. It appears that you have a loving heart and a receptive spirit. According to the Bible we have all fallen short of meeting the expectations of God. Everyone has broken as least one of the Ten Commandments. Since we all are sinners and have broken the law of God, we are destined to spend all eternity without God. However, God's love for us was so great, that he sent his Son Jesus Christ to the world to die for our sins. Jesus was crucified over 2,000 years ago and he was resurrected from the dead. Jesus took the punishment that we deserve on himself, so he could set us free! We are like criminals being tried for our crimes. But Jesus paid the fine for you and me. He saved us from an eternity without God. You just have to believe that God loves you and that he sent his son Jesus to die for your sins. If you pray to God tell him that you repent of your sins and that you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will be saved and be a son of God! You will spend eternity in heaven with God after you die. I think that God has a purpose for your life, and everything happens for a reason. The Bible says that God orders our steps. At that very moment God ordered your steps to meet that woman at work, and he ordered your steps to meet your Christian friend! You are right about feeling that you were being tested by an evil entity when that man offered you drugs. Ephesians 6:12 says: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood (humans), but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. This means that there is a spiritual realm where wicked demonic beings are out to deceive people and cause them to fall by the way side. The Bible says that Satan roams around like a lion looking for people to destroy. This man that offered you drugs was just trying to destroy any positive progress that you have made in your life. In the spiritual realm, he also was trying to divert your attention away from seeking God. Just know that anytime God sends his messengers, angels, and good hearted people into you life to promote good things, there will always be a counter action from the realm of darkness. Satan gets scared when he sees someone becoming closer to God, so he tries to destroy the postive progress that was made. When I gave my life to Christ I was the happiest person in the world, but then the enemy (Satan) did every thing in his power to make me fall by the way side. Read Matthew 13. The parable of the sower. So don't give up on building a relationship with God. The enemy will try to fill your mind with all sorts of fears and guilt to keep you from the presense of God. Do not let anything stop you from building a relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing can keep God's love away from you, not your sexuality, or anything else. God opens his arms out to everyone. The only thing that keeps people from God is the fear that they create. I would recommend that you pray to God and accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your Savior. One of the best Bibles on the market is the Life Applications Study Bible. The great thing is that you can buy it at Wal Mart for about 25$. Just remember that God is real, and that you can do all things through Christ! Good Luck and God Bless.
  20. Hello. It sounds like she is either trying to throw you hints or she just really likes that song. That song really is not that good but anyway.... It sounds like she is disrespecting you and she may be caught up with this other guy or she is just not into the relationship anymore. I think the best thing to do is to talk to her about your relationship and her feelings right now. If she does not want to do that then maybe you should considered taking a break from her. If you distance yourself maybe she will open up some more. Maybe you are smoothering her. If you do not live in the same country why sweat her anyway. What can ever become of a LDR that is on the rocks.
  21. Thanks Lynn. I suggested that they go to couples counseling or therapy but they have not. I also think that since they do not have a church home to go, their spiritual needs are not being meet. My father was very active in his church at home. But the city they live in now is so big that it is hard to find a good church to go to.
  22. I'm sure that is the case there is always two sides to every story. When my dad gets away from her, he stays at the house I live in. So I see him every day. They are an older couple and set in their ways. I have been around her and she complains about the house they live in all the time. But she is the one that picked the house out. She wanted to move, to stay close to her daughter. I hope that I did not do anything wrong. I have always questioned her intentions.
  23. Hi, I just wanted to know what you guys think about this problem that my parents are having. Well my father met a women about 11 years ago and six years ago they got married. When I first met my step-mom I really did not know what to think about her. I really did not dislike her but I also am not really crazy about her. She is a decent woman when she wants to be. Lately they have not been getting along very much b/c, she wants to buy a new house. But my dad is not interested in buying a new home. They just bought the house they are staying in about three years ago. She wants to move to a better neighborhood. It is not like they are living in the hood. They are living in a middle class area. I really do not know if she loves my dad or if she is just using him. I thought that love was about accepting your mate for better or worse. I think that she is ruining their marriage b/c she wants this new house so badly. As a result, my dad has spent a lot of time out of town living in the house he had before he married her. She wants to be involved in all of my dads business and his bank account. He fells that he does not need to involve her in any account that he had before her married her. Who is wrong in this situation? I just think that it is sad that their marriage is falling about over these issues. What do you think about this?
  24. Dave, Thanks for the advice Dave! You are so right. What made me upset was the fact, that I am mad at myself for what happened. I spent the last two years dating guys without having any sexual relationships, and then all of a sudden I give into this guy. It really did not make any sense to me. I also feel bad for him because I can't understand how he can be so manipulative and deceptive. Does he have a heart or a soul, or is he just depraved? Since I have only been in three relationships, I have never experienced the "game" from players. But this guy came to me like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He is the nice guy player...he is worst type of player there is b/c you don’t know if he is sincere or not. I just have to forgive myself for falling for his BS. BTW...Now all of a sudden he keeps calling me. Typical player...don't give them too much, but don't give them too little.
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