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Everything posted by Daligal83

  1. Well I've been on the medication for awhile, I'm not worried about it. I'm just trying to figure out a way to eat a healthy amount of calories without gaining weight. The fact that I've been going on so few calories not losing weight makes me think that if I add on more, I'm going to gain.
  2. I always work out Thursdays after class for 35 minutes doing cardio. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I tend to take off cause I have my internship all day, but if my friend calls me up to go to the gym I will (usually get there at 6 and do 35 min). I workout at home Friday, Saturday, Sunday doing a mix of cardio and weights. Usually those aren't for more than 45 minutes.
  3. At least 6...probably usually 7ish. I also work out so that's not part of the problem. I don't over do it though.
  4. I eat those things though, that's the problem. I don't get what I'm doing wrong lol. Right now I have no fruit in the apartment because I haven't had a chance to go to the grocery store, but I usually have a steady supply. I eat breakfast every morning. I eat a lean pocket egg bacon and cheese thing. If I have time, I'll also eat oatmeal and when I have some in the apartment I have lactaid chocolate milk.
  5. Apparently I'm posting on all your threads tonight, haha. After reading your posts here, it got me thinking that maybe you can show that love without having to find a date or a girlfriend. Have you thought about volunteering for something? You would be able to help people and show you care about them and that might help you feel better. It depends on if what you're looking for is to have romantic love for someone to just to be caring.
  6. I know it can be hard...and I'm sure you don't want to hear this, but you are young. You still have SO many people out there to meet. I had the same frustrations at your age. I see your point with the marriage thing, but it's not like they expect to marry the person as soon as they start dating. But that is the point of dating to many people, to try people out as a potential life parnter. If she was just dating for fun and not looking for anything serious, maybe she wouldn't care but that doesn't seem to be the case. It's just a different point of view. I can see both sides. The thing is, if she wants to date someone with the same religion as her, there's not much you can do about it even if you don't get it.
  7. The mentality for a lot of people is though, why start something if it can't go anywhere? Why go through that pain? I know chances are that their relationships would end for other reasons, but you can't know that. Plus while dating, some people just want someone who believes the same thing. I'm not one of these people because I describe myself more of a cultural Jew than a religious one, but I can see how someone who is religion would use that as a criteria. Lubber, I know it's frustration. I've seen so many people go through it. But there are tons of other girls that you will click with. I'm sure your mother has plenty of nice Jewish girls in mind for you and I'm sure plenty of Jewish mothers out there have eyed you for their daughters, haha.
  8. So I've always had an energy problem, and my doctor said it was that I have hypothyroidism. I've been on meds for almost two years, and it hasn't gotten any better. Everytime I go back to him, he tests my thyroid level again and says I'm fine and that it's probably just from being a college student. I don't think this is the case though. I just had a conversation with my boyfriend about it and we totalled the calories for what I ate today. It might be breaking 1000. That's horrible! I didn't realize I was eating so little. I mean some days I think I'm OK, but probably it's the days that I eat out. We're thinking this is why I have so little energy. The thing is, I haven't been losing any weight or anything from it. I'm afraid that if I increase my calories I'm going to gain weight and I really don't want to. I've worked hard to get to the weight I'm at. I'm 5'2" and 118. I was about 15 pounds heavier about a year and a half ago and it was hard to get it off. Any ideas of healthy things to eat that won't make me gain weight but will make my energy level go up? I can't eat any fish or walnuts because of allergies..and right now some hard to chew foods (carrots, bagels) are off limits because I have TMJ and my jaw is a mess.
  9. Hey, I've seen this situation so many times but from the other way. I'm Jewish too, and a lot of my friends are. I'm like you and don't care about the religion of who I date, but the majority of my friends only want to be with someone Jewish. Even though we're young, knowing they want to marry someone of the same religion is so important that they don't see the point in falling for someone they can't be with. My boyfriend is Jewish and dated mostly non-Jewish girls before me. One he really fell for and he had to break it off because of religion and it killed both of them. She's probably just trying to avoid that pain if she already knows that she wants to be with someone with the same religion. Even though people like you and me have our own views about just being with someone if you click like that, not everyone is the same. Your views on that have to match up and it seems like in this case it doesn't.
  10. If it was under her bed and (it seems like) she didn't remember it was there, it doesn't sound like she really uses it all that much. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
  11. Good luck!! I hope everything goes well. Keep us updated and no matter what happens, we're here for you.
  12. My boyfriend drove to visit me (3 1/2 hours) and brought me two things. One was a framed picture of us from a wedding we had gone to. The other was a purple orchid plant. He got it because 1) I had said I wanted a plant for my apartment 2) My favorite color is purple 3) he had wanted to get me something for my apartment and 4) orchids are my favorite flower. The other one is that one of the times I went to visit him, he made a playlist of relaxing songs. Then we gave each other back massages and then just lay there together. I can't explain it, it was just so nice. I miss him so much. I can't wait until I can move back there.
  13. Yes, people look for attractiveness. You can't be with someone you are not attracted to. Here's the thing though with women (and probably men too, but I can't speak for them), everyone finds something different attractive. And how attracted we are to a guy changes depending on our perception of him. A "typically" hot guy can become very unattractive if he acts like a jerk. Similarly, a "regular" guy who doesn't stand out can become the hottest guy to a girl if she's attracted to his personality too. So attitude DOES matter just as much. Yes there are shallow people out there who soley base things on looks and nothing else, but that is not everyone. I bet you that there are girls out there who notice you, but you don't notice them. And the vibe you're giving off by being so negative makes them not want to approach you. I still stand by my comment that you are only searching for opinions that match up with what you already think. You had commented on what I had said in an earlier post that you didn't like, yet totally ignored the part about me dating a skinny guy. Just to recap, I had always been attracted to "bigger" guys, but he is definitely skinny and no one is more attractive to me than he is. And it's not just his looks that attract me, it's his confidence and his personality that go along with it.
  14. So if you already know this is true, then why ask for our opinions? Many people on here, more than two or three, have told you they find skinny guys attractive. Yet you are only looking at the ones who have said they don't. You won't acknowledge anything that contradicts what you have convinced yourself of. Like you said above, you don't want to hear that you look perfectly fine. What can we tell you then that you'll believe unless it goes along with your negative view of yourself? I honestly do not believe that you being skinny is your problem. Like the others have said, it's your attitude. You have shot down every single positive thing that has been said to you on this thread. Maybe that is why you're having trouble.
  15. I always thought I was only attracted to guys with a little more meat. Not overweight or tons of muscle..but just had meat on their bones. My boyfriend is definitely skinny. He has muscle, but he's still a tall, skinny guy. I think he is perfect. I can't believe how attracted to him I am. If you compare him to my ex, the only thing they have in common is that they are tall. It's more about the person than their body type (maybe you should get to know those girls that hit on you). I know you know this though...I just wanted to give you an example.
  16. Everyone has jealous thoughts, but the trick is to realize that they come from you and not her. I get jealous of little things all the time but I know how much my boyfriend cares about me and would never do anything to hurt me. So whenever I do get those thoughts, I just think of all the nice things he's done or said to me and I get over it. When you talk to her, remember to use "I feel" statements instead of "You do this." It's important that she gets that you're explaining to her how you feel, not criticizing her for how she acts.
  17. Yvette, I'm sorry you had to go through this It must be really disappointing after all that waiting. I don't know if this'll help, but at least you didn't find out AFTER he moved there right? Now you know and you will soon be far away from him. And don't give up on guys! There are some great ones out there, they just don't stand out as much as the awful ones.
  18. Listen, don't freak out too much becuase it happened and you can't change it. Was it the best idea? Maybe not. But on the other hand, if the feelings weren't going away it's important that she knows them. It might help to explain to her though that you know that there's not much she can do about it, just like you can't help but have the feelings. For my last internship we did school-based prevention, and they taught an important concept that I think we tend to forget. "All feelings are OK, but not all behaviors are OK." You have the right to your feelings, but how you act on them is what matters. So tonight explain to her that these are the feelings that you have, but you won't act on them. If that's how you feel, of course. She has to understand how hearing all that could make you jealous. If it didn't, I'd be worried. Good luck!
  19. Hey, sorry I didn't respond earlier. I was at my internship all day. I think you need to have posted more to have the ability to PM. I'm not sure how many posts you need, but it shouldn't take long. Anytime you want to talk about it though, I'm here.
  20. I'm glad I could help I feel your pain on the long distance. I'm doing that too and can't wait until it's over. PM me if you ever need to talk about it!
  21. I can see how this would all bother you, but I think you need to leave it at that. She needs to be able to form some sort of relationship with her coworkers. I know at my internship, we all talk and have fun, go out to lunch, talk about our lives. And if she is talking about her personal life, I'm sure that includes you. So she probably is making them aware of you. It's not her fault if they aren't getting it. With her new boss, there's not much she can do. If she has to travel with him for work, then that's what she has to do. Unfortunately, you can't stop guys from hitting on your girlfriend. All she can do is not encourage it. I might be wrong, but that's how I see the situation. Maybe look at it this way..they might want her, but you definitely have her.
  22. Has anyone seen that Dove video? It's not related to weight but it is related to how the media affects how we see ourselves. It shows a model from when she walks into the studio to when she ends up on the billboard. I am well aware of how the media distorts everything and that what we see isn't realistic, but I admit that I still judge myself by it. When I saw this video though, it had a huge impact on me. I couldn't believe how different the image on the billboard was compared to who they started with. They looked nothing alike.
  23. Is this the same girl that you went to visit and had problems with?
  24. I don't have a set age I want to be married at. I just want to be married and have my first kid by the time I'm 30. Other than that, I'm not too picky. I agree with RayKay. I do not want a big wedding at all. I joke around that I want a small ceremony and then a barbeque afterwards where I can change into a sundress. Unfortunately, it's been pointed out to me that between my family and my boyfriend's family...we probably know the majority of the Jewish community in our hometown...so that won't be a possibility. Plus we have decent size families...so I'll just have to suck it up.
  25. Maybe you should try participating in her new lifestyle with her. Cook healthy meals together. Buy foods that might satisfy her craving for sweets, but aren't as bad for her (like fruit). Workout with her. Having someone to do this with you provides motivation and support, plus you wouldn't be coming off as lecturing her.
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