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Kevin T

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Everything posted by Kevin T

  1. I assume most of them are already taken, as you had said. That said, friend, I know all too well where you're coming from. I've been marriage minded since I got engaged at the age of 20. Ever since, really, I've dreamed about finding a great girl, settling down and having a nice family to call my own. And it will happen. I just need to keep searching and sooner or later, she'll be there. I am confident of this. You need to get confident that it will happen to you too.
  2. Are you asking about marriages or dating relationships, or both? Or neither?
  3. Because they're not attracted to the typical "nice" guys.
  4. The stupid auto-censor system wouldn't let me say what I think philandering men are. So I deleted the post. It's not even a curse word, for damn sake's. Oh well. Rhymes with "lore-monger."
  5. Religion was created to answer these very questions. Not that it did a good job, mind you.
  6. I think as long as people make excuses for their shyness, they'll never break out of it or improve socially. You can't fix a problem if you don't acknowledge its existence.
  7. I'm not "afraid" to do that. I'm wise enough to not do something that'll get me "exploded." lol You're confusing fear with common sense or just plain intelligence. On a cognitive level, I choose not to light up and get blown to kingdom come, not because I'm scared or terrified to do so. I have no fear of death, actually.
  8. I don't think it's a very admirable pastime for either gender to sleep around.
  9. Not really in university. They tend to shy away from public speaking presentations and social events, causing them to further withdraw.
  10. One more reason for me to object to online dating.
  11. You can't believe everything you read.
  12. For the most part, it's true, although not limited to just men. The unmarried tend to die earlier than married people and the unmarried tend to be lonelier than the married.
  13. Eh, it's only coffee, so it's not like I'm buying her a new ring or something. Guess I shouldn't sweat it so much. And it's not like I've called them yet either, so this is all moot.
  14. Saying, 'do you want to go for coffee' isn't a sign. A sign must be read and interpretted. Nothing needs to be interpretted about that question. It's essentially asking her out. It far surpasses that of a sign, symbol or indication.
  15. *grins* Yes. That is what confidence is all about.
  16. I think whoever asks should pay. Since that'd be me, I guess I'm paying the first time. I can spare the 5 bucks, I suppose. I sound like such a cheapskate from this thread. lol I'm really not! Honest.
  17. Well, it's honestly however you interpret it. I guess I meant as "not in a relationship," but the players who are not in relationships but still scoring are more than welcome to answer too. lol [edit] By that, I mean, currently single. Past history isn't really relevant, I suppose. [/edit]
  18. Just wondering. Feel free to say why, too, if you want.
  19. Next time you see her, ask her for her number. See what her response is.
  20. To each his own, right? No point in bringing kids into the world that aren't going to be loved and cared for. There's too much of that already.
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