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Kevin T

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Everything posted by Kevin T

  1. That sounds fun. I'm sure you'll have a good time!
  2. Exactly; either that or die alone, right? lol I finally made the right decision! But I disagree with the second part. I would find it to be too much work, of a bother and a hassle to go through all the motions with someone from class. I've done that before- got myself all worked up over someone, only to have waited too long and lost her interest. Well... never again! Internet-generated...? I'm lost...
  3. Not me. Silence is like bane in my coffee. I hate it. Anyone else got any more date ideas?
  4. lmao@Ginger kids I guess I fall under the ridiculously amazing category. lol
  5. Both, actually. I decided to just go for it. So I'm scared... [bleep] that. I'll just do it anyway. So I did. And after a couple tries, the cockiness just was there (I think it was always there. lol Just hiding under some shyness.) After that, it was a cinch! Just believe in yourself, and you'll be amazed how far it'll go! Though I am sure you already know that little secret.
  6. Oh, I'm sure they want your money (damn greedy institutions...)
  7. They say that Intros are best paired with Extros, but I don't know how much I believe that. I think I could be happy with either. If I met someone who talked more than me, I'd just listen and let her talk. But if I met someone who talked little was mostly a listener, I'd be sure to keep the silence away. I guess I can do either, to some extent.
  8. I never used to like redheads myself either, but after last year at school, I've seen a couple that totally changed my perspective on that! Absolute knock-outs. There's tons of asians girls at my school, Puff. You should move up to Canada, eh?
  9. Don't I know it! lol But it's true, while I like a little time to myself, I draw most of my strength from being with others. I usually get depressed when I'm alone, and not around others. I guess I'm a people person.
  10. Hey Weeblie, I have red (well auburn, actually) hair.
  11. I suppose. I recommend just getting the number, nothing else. Asking her out... on the spot seems so tacky, since you barely know the woman. Come on, Beec... I was able to do it! Am I really that good? lol You know how I was last week!!
  12. I needed some ideas first, before I do anything. I'm in no rush, really. I felt it's important to know what you're doing before you call up the girl. As for me, I love to talk! lol I used to be really shy as a kid, but it's gone away as I got older. Hmmm.
  13. He asked you to a movie. Trust me, you're reading it perfectly clear!
  14. That tactic won't work if you only see someone once and that's it. You have to seize each opportunity while it's there, lest it be gone the next day.
  15. I get the impression you are an introvert, hoss.
  16. Women - can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, huh? I presume the reason for most things in this world is simply done to impress the opposite sex. Billions of dollars a year are spent simply on making women look good for men, and men base 99% of their actions to impress teh ladies. It's quite something, really. Only the asexual have any chance of escaping this web, you know.
  17. It's what I would say, if I were in that position. Truthfully, I hate having to turn people down. It makes me feel bad inside. lol
  18. Damn, they're that scarce, eh?
  19. Be more specific. It's winter here and a lot of outdoors stuff is out. I need specifics! lol I have NO creativity or originality when it comes to this sort of thing! None.
  20. "I don't think we'd be right for each other. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in going out with you." Nice, but firm.
  21. I know, I just have to stand firm that nothing good comes from fear. Period.
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