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Everything posted by Princess18

  1. I kissed this guy I really really like the other day- we've kinda had a little thing goin on for two years where people have told me that he likes me and ive told him through other people that i like him too. Well, when he dropped me off in his car last night we kissed. I felt all butterflies in my stomach and couldnt help smiling. He reached over and squeezed my hand whilst we were kissing. Don't mean to sound dumb but What does this mean?
  2. Theres this guy ive liked for 3 years but i have never done anything about it because we've both been in relationships. Recently, we've now both broke up with our partners we've been out together a few times. We have loads in common and get on well when we're together. We both ended our relationships because we wanted to be single and enjoy life without being tied down. We've had a great chemistry since day one and there's always been a lot of flirting. I went to his house the other day and we ended up having sex (all 2 mins of it!- he was embarrassed because he hadnt had sex in ages and it was really quick p.s im not a * * * * ive never had sex out of a relationship i just really like him) afterwards he told me that he doesnt just have sex with any girls and made me feel really special. We kissed alot and i felt totally swept off my feet- WHY IS IT GIRLS FALL IN LOVE SO EASILY?? When i went out last night i got really drunk and phoned him and text him telling him i love him. I couldnt help it. Now i feel really stupid because he didnt reply. Do you think this has scared him away? Im so confused- i dont really want a relationship with him i just REALLY want him to say he likes me- he's never actually told me he likes me- i just assumed he did- If he does then why hasnt he told me??? This must means he doesnt right?? I see him usually once or twice a week but this was the first time we had sex. He usually texts me once per day as well. Do you think he just wants to take things slowly>? or isnt he really interested? i really hope he's not just using me for sex? ANY ADVICE PLEASE??
  3. HA HA this is so funny because im not shy at all!! With no-one but him! Im actually quite loud! He invited me to his house last night though and we got on ok. I managed to speak to him. I relax after a few minutes chatting! Guess im just paranoid about saying the right things so he has a good impression of me! Thanks every1 for your advice
  4. Help this is killing me! I cant be myself around the guy i like because i just turn into some sort of fumbling idiot. Im quite a confident person and usually dont have any problems making conversation but when he's around I just dont say anything at all! Its horrible because i want him to know the real me- and get to like me. I dont just want to be the "quiet girl." I literally feel like an idiot when i say anything and go bright red. I'll talk to people i dont know- and even sing in public when im happy but when he comes on the scene i immeadiately change and turn into some shy fool who cant even talk to her friends. I sit on my dinner break with him sometimes and i go through stuff in my head i could say then just leave it so we literally just ignore eachother. Are there any solutions out there?
  5. Right, I like this boy and i'm really confused to whether he likes me too. He's kissed me and we've been on dates and we have loads in common but he just knows ill run after him and call him and stuff so he doesnt bother contacting me. He's very popular and good looking so could have any girl really. Im so in love with him and think about him all day and night. Why would he take me on dates, squeeze my hand and kiss me if he didnt care less? because when im not with him this is how he comes accross. What should i do? what should i say to him? Anyone got any cool things i can say to him to make him realise im not gonna wait round for him? like "lets sack us off cos you dont give a damn" and pretend i dont care help me i really want him
  6. Hi all I recently broke up with my long term boyfriend because i liked someone else. I had to be honest with him because I couldnt keep living a lie and pretending that I didnt like this other guy. Anyway this other guy is really good looking and knows it. He has told me he likes me and invites me round to his house and we have loads in common. When we're together he's really sweet and acts like he likes me sooo much BUT when were not together he doesnt make any effort at all. Its always me who calls and contacts him and most of the time he doesnt reply. I just dont get him. Ive never chased a guy before like this. He is all i think about day and night. When were sitting on his sofa watching tv we act like a couple and cuddle up together and kiss but as soon as im out his house its as if he doesnt care less. Please can someone tell me what is going on in his head? Why does he act like he loves me when i'm with him but forgets about me when we're not. I feel so stupid chasing him but I do it cos i love him
  7. Thanks for your brilliant replies I know its the best thing but its so sad to lose someone who you used to spend all your time with. I value him so much as a friend and i hate to see him cry because of me. Looking on the brightside- i am looking forward to a fresh start going out with other boys and havin fun and not commiting myself to someone at such a young age Thanks again
  8. Hi Just broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years He was heartbroken but Ive fallen out of love with him and feel bad making our relationship go on. I know he isnt the one i want to spend the rest of my life with so it had to happen someday. I feel so nasty and cruel to hurt someone so much and im crying now typing this because i feel so bad. This is for all those people that think it doesnt hurt the person doing the breaking up- only the one being broken up with- IT HURTS THIS WAY TOO how can i stop crying??
  9. Hi everyone I don't know if i should break up with my boyfriend or not. im 19 and have been with him for 3 years. Im feeling like I need time to be young free and single and try things with other boys (because ive only been with him). I do love him and we are best friends but If i stay with him longer then we'll probably be on the road to marriage and I dont want to tie myself down until ive experienced other things and other relationships. But i would consider marrying him i just wish i hadnt found him yet so i could be free for a while. Ive NEVER experienced being single because ive always been in long term realtionships so im a bit curious. Im so confused because i seriously cant tell him how i feel because i know he'd be devastated and i dont want to upset him. any advice anyone????
  10. Hi i have a big problem I think i'm in love with two people- one my current boyfriend and the other a colleague. I know this colleague likes me as he has expressed a lot of interest in me and we and good friends. I love them both to pieces and want to be with them both but could never cheat! this is the worst ive ever felt in my life because i dont know whether to break up with my boyf and go with the colleague or stay with my boyf and forget the colleague. I know i cant have both BUT I CAN'T choose! If i'm thinking about the colleague a lot then surely i cant love my boyf but i do- he's my best friend and i could never imagine being without him so why am i thinking and dreaming about this guy from work- (i secretly want him so bad) i know this sounds really stupid of me but how do i chose?
  11. i feel exactly the same with my boyfriend. i feel like its time to move on but i just dont know how tell him- He says he'll happily marry me but im not so sure JUST DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO
  12. Hi Im just wondering what sort of qualities guys like to see in a potential partner to see if theres a general trend- PLEASE JUST DESCRIBE YOUR PERFECT GIRL Clever/average/dumb Quiet/talkative/loud confident/confrontational/shy Unfit/fit Flirty/reserved skinny/slim/chubby/fat Tall/short ETC Thanks
  13. I last had sex the day before my last period with my boyfriend before i came out here- I havent had sex once since my last period so surely i cant be pregnant- im getting scared now
  14. Well i think i might have lost a bit of weight but only a few pounds- can this effect your periods? Ive been doing sit-ups everyday aswell-- hmm perhaps toning my belly up might have something to do with it?Im definitely not anorexic- think im about 140lbs an im 5'6"?This is well normal isnt it? Usually my breasts get tender exactly 2weeks before i come on my period but this hasnt happened this month. Im confused
  15. Im a bit worried because my period is 2 weeks late and Im usually extremely regular (31 days between each one) Im definitely not pregnant because i havent had sex this month. Ive just moved abroad to be a nanny and was wondering if it is late because of a change in diet and exercise? Ive been running alot? Any ideas?
  16. thanks everyone I dont think i need therapy or anything- im a sane person with no anxiety problems- guess its just a bad habit! think i just need something to fiddle with like those balls you suggested!! its not that serious that it leaves scars!
  17. Right I know this sounds really weird but i have a huge problem.... .......i cant stop picking the skin around my nails on my fingers. I end up ripping huge chunks off for no reason. if theres a piece of skin coming off I just cant leave it. I also do it to my lips- like when theyre dry il pick little bits off skin off until they bleed. I really want to stop but most of the time I dont even realise that Im doing it!! It really gets me down because my lips always look red, sore and scabby. I tend to do it when i'm concentrating so I dont realise! I managed to stop for 2 whole weeks before my prom because i knew id have lots of photos so i let my lips heal and they looked perfect. I also stopped picking my fingers as I got my nails done I wanted them to look great. Then the day after it- i started again. Its driving me mad- and my mom is always telling me to stop lol- she and my sister also pick their fingers? I think it runs in the family lol!! Do I have a disorder? and does anyone have any advice for stopping this destructive behavior?? Any suggestions would be appreciated THANKYOU
  18. maybe she wants to change her life and try out new things- I know if my boyf ended our relationship id get my hair done etc to make myself feel better!!
  19. Ive had a boyf for three years and i love him alot- but im just wondering if its normal to flirt with other guys if your in a long term relationship? Im not cheating on him and wouldnt- its just that i like to have a mess round with the guys at work. My eyes wander alot too- im always checking out other guys and think many of my male friends are hot Theres this gorgeous guy i know and i cant help but return his flirting cos he's so hot. Does this mean I dont love my boyfriend if i think other guys are hot? Id never cheat but am tempted- ONLY flirt
  20. Is this guy older than you?? does he seem too good to be true?? handsome, popular? If he is then i guess he's after sex- Ive had strings of boyfriends like this who wanted more than i was ready for- they soon got bored and moved on and IM SO GLAD I NEVER GAVE IN TO THEM. I was convinced that one boyfriend of 3months (the same as you) loved me and i was obsessed with him I THOUGHT he was the one- he kept strangely inviting me round to sit in his room when his parents were out- i got nervous an scared so made excuses- he realised he wasnt going to get what he wanted and moved on- i was HEARTBROKEN. I dont see how guys can actually do this to girls but they do. I have a steady boyf of 3years now and we only had sex when we were ready- he NEVER made me feel like i had to- and i knew he'd never leave me if i didnt want to I think you can tell if i guy really likes you- he'll always make contact and want to do things with you make you feel special- it shouldnt be about sex- thats lust- maybe he thinks your hot but doesnt really want commitment Only you can judge the situation Just be careful- and dont let him re-break your heart
  21. U can never tell really i speak to this guy i like alot on the internet and usually as soon as i come online he says "hiya love" to me. If he doesnt initiate the conv then im like OMG why isnt he speakin (he must hate me!!) an then i speak to him like "where r u?????". try not sayin hello to her and see if she speaks- do this for a few days if she doesnt maybe she doesnt want to - or ask her- say "hey why aint u sed anything to me?"
  22. lol I get really bad PMS too!! I get in really bad moods with my boyfriend for nothing in particular (anything irritates me) and i know its PMS- i usually cry and say that im really sorry but i want to be alone- if im at a party or with my friends I have to make an excuse to go home cos i have an awful time if ive got PMS and just feel like cryin all night; I usually feel really fat and ugly aswell and dont want to leave the house!! Sometimes I feel like everyone is against me and life is really bad-but when i come out of my depression after a day or two ITS FINE AGAIN!! I wouldnt worry that much your definitely not alone- think most girls get it but in different amounts Id make a calendar of when you're due on and highlight the days you know that you'll have PMS- then you can remind yourself life isnt really that bad- ITS JUST PMS!!!
  23. yeah i know how you feel me and this boy i work with flirt a lot -we have a fun relationship together and cuddle a lot- like start out fighting playfully then end up hugging or a peck on the cheek. I feel so happy when we're together- and think about him all the time. Its like were more than friends but it never goes much further and if it does- like it has before -we lose that "special fun" between us and it goes all serious which we both dont like. Id say count yourself lucky that your both into eachother and get on so well and keep a bit of mystery between you to keep up the interest
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