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  1. man, do you really not think there's hardships in life. if everything went smoothly, everyone would be great and perfect, but this is why only a few end up being great. if you look at so many inspiring stories...to get to that high, almost all the greats went through a low. that low makes great people work harder to achieve wat they want and want it even more. so basically you have two choices: - you can sit on your * * * pouting about how bad the last few years have been and what all your problems are. -or you can step into life again and use that new knowledge and aquired drive to become better person and achieve what you want to. here's a good quote: "Failure is only postponed success as long as courage "coaches" ambition. The habit of persistence is the habit of victory." Herbert Kaufman and... "So what do we do? Anything - something. So long as we just don't sit there. If we screw it up, start over. Try something else. If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late." Lee Iacocca
  2. yeah i think you definatly can't plan it too much cuz that'll make things go wrong. i'd say just start by holding hands and gradually start touching or squeezing her hand more. then move so more of your bodies are touching. then...(this one won't work for every girl but sometimes it works amazingly) in the really romantic moment, if you're a little stuck, just tickle her or somethin to make her laugh. doing this really loosens up the feeling and sometimes will break the ice. but in reality, there are thousands of ways to do this, just go with it and don't plan! because the greatest moments are never those that you can see coming and plan step by step...they're the moments that just happen because of this amazing chemestry and magic. hope this helps
  3. i think you should post this on some science website that's talkin about life, because no one here really is talkin at all about plants and glaciers and dust. i want to say one thing tho...life is very mystical and everyone has all these built up barriers within their minds that set the limits. they set the limits for the possible and the possible. But the greatest people have found a way to break the barrier and show that "impossible is nothing" Kobe Bryant scoring 81 the other night is a prime example. do you think any other player even thought about that? NO because they had a mental barrier showing them that their greatest night might be 40 or 50 points. Kobe thought like a hero, like a great, like a legend. and this is what made him have that unbelievable night. and the crazy part is that people are thinkin that he could get more.
  4. i agree that there are plenty of lessons within life that one must learn from and i always try to learn from everything to make myself a better peson, but is life really one learning experience? for what then?
  5. also another thought that i had is that life is totally about perception and how we view the world and our lives. do you think that the way that Michael Jordan and a homeless guy viewed the world as children are different? of course they are! i mean you could compare yourself with the average and look good, or you can compare yourself to the best and figure out how you're going to get there. has anyone seen the Adidas campaign? "Imposible Is Nothing" that's how great people view their lives. that's how i live my life i'm writin alot about athletes because i am one.
  6. well i know that everyone's definition of life will be different because everyone views it differently and wants different things from it. But i do think that some of the earlier definitions were somewhat stupid in my mind. some of you were talkin bout life as being something that we are kinda just passing through, or how a "soul is granted a place on earth." but really it's everything! i mean you can be living you life right now looking forward to later in life or you can choose to make the best of everything and make your life great. i know there's all this religion stuff about after one dies, but you shouldn't base your life around it. have goals, dreams, then do what you can to become the best person you can become. love and be loved. work hard and endlessly for what you desire most. enjoy as much as you can. take that hardships and turn them into greatness. everyone has the ability for greatness, it's just a matter of who believes and who's goin to go after it.
  7. ole21


    yeah this was a really good post. actually i have next weekend kind of free and was thinkin about spending some time to write something like that about my own life. or about where i am and where i want to be or what kind of person i want to be. anyways, i've gone through some kinda rough times lately and was wondering what was going on in your life when you wrote this? cuz i'm actually 15 right now. did writing this help you at all? what has your life been like in the past few years? i definatly like the post!
  8. i definatly have this same problem. see when i'm with my close friends i have more fun than anything and i know that i will never lose them because of what i'm like around them. the problem is that i spent days and days with them when i was younger that over time made me have this comfort and loosness when i'm around them. but i'm now in high school and you don't have so much time to slowly develop as good friends. i need help to learn to be myself sooner around people and have more confidence that will lead to more friends and better relationships with my friends.
  9. you know that just writing it all out helps you figure stuff out a lot! i mean even if no one gives him any advice, i think it helps to just step back and look at everything. so i respect that
  10. actually i take that back. i think you should be funny and just relaxed around many people, ecspecially your age, but certain people you have to be serious with. cuz trust me, when you're relaxed and saying silly things, they'll feel more comfortable around you and be more fun and silly themselves.
  11. yeah you make what you get out of the situation, so make it fun, silly, whatever. just feel good and make others feel good when they're with you.
  12. please help, read my story and questions and answer anything. thanks
  13. yeah trust me, do not plan it! just a few weeks ago i was lookin forward to this friday night that i was goin to be with this girl and was planning the perfect first kiss, but the time that i imagined never came. so, it was actually at a football game and, so we were around people the whole time and she kissed me once on the cheek. then i realized i couldn't wait till we were all alone, because that would be a couple hours, so while i had my hand around her waist, i turned my head thinking id just kiss her on the cheek really softly and all, but then she turned her head too. so i just went with it and it ended up just as a peck kinda, but it felt good! and when it was over she put her arm around my waist and pulled me closer. basically don't plan just go with it and love every moment of it, because it won't last forever.
  14. the weird part is that once we started "goin out," which only lasted a week, she seemed to imediatly uninterested in me. she didn't want to hang out with me after school and it just didn't have that same fun feeling to it. and now a week after she broke up with me, she's starting to look at me again, talk to me a little more. but everything is just a little iffy. i don't know what im talkin about what do you guys think?
  15. hey guys im a 15 year old guy in high school, so basically i got to know this girl really well and we had some really good times with her. one night we were hanging out and i asked her out, cuz we seemed like we just couldn't stop hugging eachother that night. she said yes but during the next week everything just kinda stopped, and it seemed like she didn't want it to work anymore. then a week after i asked her out she called saying there are some problems with her friends and she needs to be there for them, so she cant have a boyfriend. obviously i was kinda devistated and couldnt understand if that was just an excuse or whatever. so the next couple of days at school i talked to her a few times when i could and she seemed to touch me, as she said c ya later, in the same way she did when she liked me-by stroking my arm kinda. also, i have one classroom that is set up kinda weird and her side of the room is looking direcltly at my side and im lookin at her. so the last couple of days, but especially today, we kept lookin at eachother and then lookin away really quick. today it must have been like twice a minute and im not even kinding. it was just weird, id look up and she'd be lookin at me then she'd look up and i'd be lookin at her and we just couldn't stop! then after that class we walked in the hall like we did when we liked eachother then we said goodbye and i hugged her. then as we turned to walk away i stopped her and asked about how her friends were doin, and she just said it's ok, but she can't really talk to me about it, so i said alright c ya. i just don't get if she likes me or not and how i should go about everything. i mean i could care less if we went out, but i just want to at least be good friends and have that fun, close feeling together. what do you guys think she wants out of me? a relationship? to forget me? or what? can anyone relate to a situation like this, where you broke up but then realized that you wanted the person back, or you were dumped and they started to want you back? basically, what is goin on here? and what can i do to get things positive and at least have us be really good friends? whatever you can tell me will help. thanks
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