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Everything posted by Princess18

  1. p.s. remember how lucky you are to be in a situation like this- id love to be with someone who reciprocates what your feeling..... ahh falling in love is so bittersweet
  2. i think she seems really keen if shes letting you know shes thinking about you and persuing you- just ask her what's going on between you- tell her you want her to be your girlfriend because you feel that things are going great. i doubt she'll say no
  3. sorry but i fall into the category of gettin attatched too quickly once ive slept with a guy im theirs lol. i cant take things slow- i get caught up in the romance and wana be with them 24hours a day. Its sad i know but i cant help it-- im a sucker for love
  4. Hey i know this sounds a bit stupid but my sister lost a lot of weight in her 3rd year at uni after piling it on in the first 2 years. Her method was: Cut celebrities out of magazines or models with a figure that you would like to have and stick your face on the cut outs! then stick these around the house. Like a picture of your head on Paris hiltons body on the fridge so everytime you go to snack you look and think "hey i look hot" and it really does work. Gives you alot of motivation because you really do wanna look like that. She also joined a dance club which was a 20minute uphill walk from her accomadation block and started going swimming twice a week and doing 50 lengths of the pool. She didnt really dramaticlly change her diet just stuck to drinking a pint of still water if she had the urge to snack this would fill up her stomach.... the key to losing weight is will power- you have to be determined even if your only losing weight slowly
  5. Id just like to know why men/boys woud ever date a girl if they had no intention of ever having a relationship with her? I know i would NEVER date a guy i wasnt 100% into cos its just cruel to lead someone on in my eyes. I could go on dates with several guys but not want them to be my boyfriend- but i just wouldnt do it because i wouldnt want them to think they had a chance- if you get me?? It seems guys ask me out and go on several dates with me and we continue dating but they never want any commitment. My question is- why date me in the first place?? because its understandable that im gonna end up liking them and then want a relationship... Ive fallen for so many guys this way, and I can clearly see that they are acting like I would if i dated someone i wasnt into- like i mentioned i wouldnt do before- like they arent 100% into me so deep down their minds are on other things....
  6. yes i speak french but only slowly and im not very confident- its just awkward
  7. I wasnt meaning to sound like he is a "foreigner" and thereforeeee different. Just that we dont speak the same language and was wondering whether anybody had any tips cos we dont exactly have a lot of conversation thereforeeee it isnt a typical date.....sorry if i offended anyone..... but could you answer the questions i made?
  8. Id say make her feel special. Tell her what you think of her and how much she means to you. Before you get intimate tease her slightly by touching her, perhaps tracing your fingers over her skin, in a gentle tickley way making your way to her breasts but don't rush into sex enjoy the experience of both getting arroused (i love that). Give her your sexiest stare and smile. Kiss passionately, go with the flow, do what comes naturally. Alot of women like to orgasm before sex, give her one through foreplay, perhaps oral. Then shes nice an wet for you and can go on to have more than one. Goodluck
  9. Hi guys, i duno if anyone has ever read any of my posts but ive moved to France for a year as a nanny to get fluent in french. Im staying with an french/english family in the south of france who are great and we all get along fine. As I dont know anyone here the mom set me up on a date with her husbands nephew Yann (french) who is 23. In short, he's gorgeous, popular, rich and such a gentleman! Well anyway I really like him but its just so god damn awkward cos we cant speak properly. Anyone got any tips for dating a foreigner? I mean we both can get by asking eachother things but i cant be myself and be funny etc. Or is it all in the body language? How do I know if he actually likes me? or he's just taking me out as a favour to his uncle? He's already given me a nickname "LiLi" and is always taking me to meet people and he drove me to the beach the other day and put his arm around me when i was cold and rubbed my back to keep me warm. I just cant tell if he's only being friendly? Any signs to look for to know if he's interested?
  10. The lowdown, been dating this guy for about 3 months now and have a gut feeling that i'm gona get my heart broken. He used to chase me all the time and we used to flirt loads and love being together. I thought he really liked me Ive recently moved abroad for a few months now and want to continue the relationship cos i know ill see him every 4 weeks or so when im home. But the problem is- he forgets about me when im away. Like its always me contacting him. Im sick of it. If he wants me and cares about me, im gona let him call me-why should i do all the work? I just get the impression that deep down hes not interested anymore because im away. I know he'll want me back when im home (next weekend) and me being stupid wont be able to resist his date offer...... If you really cared about someone you'd wana speak to them if they were home or away right?
  11. the hymen is covering of skin over the entrance to the vagina with a small hole in. This covering is only thin and with the majority of girls is already broken before she has sex. Its not inside the vaginal canal but covering the entrance
  12. hi everyone thankyou so much for your support and advice- well its nearly 24hours since i ate it and luckily im fine. I think i felt sick with worry that i could be poisoned- i had adrenaline rushing round my body when i was reading a website that said some mushrooms cause death and i started freaking out and feeling sick- it was probably all in my head but i was convinced something wasnt right. What the hell was i thinking??? i was just in a really happy mood and thought ha ha i'll have a nibble of this and see whether its magic. I know its hard to believe- but i really didnt know that mushrooms could kill you. Well ive learnt a very important lesson- never eat anything you find in the woods hoping to get high- its very childish and stupid and sometimes you might die!
  13. It Looked Like A Normal Mushroom And Smelt Fine And Was Very Small- Im In France
  14. Do you think it could have been poisonous?? or would it be red or smelly or somethin? it looked pretty normal???
  15. PLEASE can someone help me i have done something extremely stupid- I ate a wild mushroom when i was out walking the dog 2 hours ago. I thought for some stupid reason it might be a magic mushroom and i looked tasty so i ate it- i didnt realise until i was researching on the internet that it could be dangerous. It looked very UN-poisonous and smelt just like a regular mushroom. It had a flat glossy darker brown top and a paler brown stalk there were lots of them growing on the bank. Should i make myself sick incase it was poisonous?? or drink water? eat something??? I dont feel any different PLEASE HELP
  16. i think it seems like she likes you too- i mean she wanted to see you again. Im like that around the boy i like- i literally feel like a fool and dont say anything ITS SO ANNOYING- i wanna be myself but i just cant!!!! Why dont you get her number/email and ask her to do something- if she says no at least you tried- what you got to lose?
  17. This guy im dating at the moment ive liked for absolutely ages and is absolutely gorgeous. Ive been on several dates with him and we've recently started having sex not because he's anyway forced me but because i really wanted to. The thing is- im working away at the moment so i only get to see him every 3 or 4 weeks when im home for 4days and we spend loads of time together. HOWEVER, when im away he never seems that interested and seems to forget me no texts or emails etc-when im away ill usually phone him once a day for about 10mins but if i dont phone he makes no effort to contact me at all. So if i leave it a few days without contacting him and then phone he'll be like "OH hi long time no speak" so he has noticed i havent rang. Why doesnt he ever contact me? Is it because im abroad and it costs alot? am i not worth wasting money on? When im home he takes me out for expensive meals and always insists on paying for me so surely he's not that tight with money. He's said in the past "id be your boyfriend but i think your not too sure" which kinda shows he is after a relationship so maybe we just need to talk. Im just going crazy because i feel like im doing all the work and all the chasing. He has said to me "look i know im a bastard to you- im always busy and doing something but I dont want to be like that" what the hell is that meant to mean??
  18. my new boyfriend hasnt yet told me he loves me- in fact he never really talks about how he feels (why is this?). we've been together a month but have been friends for 2 years before. I can tell he feels it from the way he acts and the feeling i get when we look into eachothers eyes. WHY doesnt he say anything to me? DONT GUYS REALISE THAT SAYING I LOVE YOU ALONE TO A GIRL AND MEANING IT IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD AND THERES NOTHING TO BE SHY ABOUT????
  19. Right I don't know whether its just me- but i really dont want to go on the pill. My periods are really regular and I feel like its just unnatural to stop this. I also used to get really bad hormone related migraines that im scared will come back if i take the pill. Me and my last boyfriend just used to use condoms but my new boyf is well err quite big and he said he used to use condoms when he was younger but they always broke so he doesnt anymore He is big, but he doesnt hurt me so maybe he's just lying so he doesnt have to use them (boys prefer it without dont they???) So we we've just been doing the withdrawal method which i know is really bad but..... I feel kinda embarrassed going and buying extra large condoms but im not keen on the pill- am i being unreasonable?
  20. I think I am in love with my new boyfriend but its making me an emotional wreck. I know this sounds weird but the feelings i have for him scare me they are so strong. When we met I knew we were soul mates- we are literally exactly the same- (we have the same job, we are the same age, born 3days apart, our mothers have the same jobs, our dads have the same cars, he has an older brother the same age as my older sister, we both ended our 3 year relationships for eachtother, we both have the same goals in life etc) I felt sick when I found out all these things- it was just scary that we were both the same. When we kiss the feeling i get is unreal- its like the best feeling ever in the world but somehow it scares me. I seriously don't know what to do about it all- it all happened over a period of 2 years but we've finally got together after our past relationships have been sorted out. Its just I AM SCARED- theses are the strongest feelings that ive ever known and they are taking over my life- i think about him day and night and need to be with him ALL the time. I dont want to feel like this because I feel like Im losing control over my life. I cant spend my life being this obsessed with one person. The point of this post was to ask - should I leave him and settle for someone who I really like but doesnt provoke these strong uncontrollable feelings that make me feel like a fool. I hate not being able to control myself or will I regret losing this 'soul mate' ive found? I really am confused
  21. hey thanks for your replies Its just I REALLY like this guy and don't want to push him away by calling him MY boyfriend because i know he's come out of a 4 year relationship and doesnt want to get all tied down again while he's so young. I get the impression he doesnt like me as much as i like him- like sometimes if i dont call him he doesnt call me and we dont speak for a day or two- this drives me crazy because i think he's gone off me but he will eventually contact me. when he's ready. Do you think he just wants to take it slow? How often should you speak to/ see your bf? Like is calling once a day normal? cos i spoke 2 my ex about 10 times a day on the phone if i wasnt with him. Maybe this was too much and this is what im used to- so im freaking out cos i think this new guys not interested?
  22. Me and this guy have been going out on dates at least once or twice a week for a couple of months. We go to the cinema, restaurants, shopping or just his house and watch TV. We usually phone eachother every day too. We are intimate and very loving when we're together but we don't actually say we're 'together' if you get me. If someone asks me whats going on between us- i always say "ahh i dunno really cos its kinda casual" i'm sure he does the same too- should i tell people he's my boyfriend? Im scared it'll push him away because i feel he doesnt want commitment. Its kinda stupid though because saying we're boyfriend and girlfriend would change everything and its only a few words When do people usually start refferring to their date as their boyfriend? Does he have to ask me to be hid girlfriend? we seem a bit too old for that??
  23. its exactly the same situation for me! i really like this guy and he seems to like me but never actually tells me he does- we have this spark when we kiss- i go all tingley and then we just look at eachother and i get this wave of emotion inside me. IF HE LIKES ME WHY DOES HE NEVER RESPOND WHEN I TELL HIM I LIKE HIM???
  24. Hi everyone Im getting taken out to a restaurant tonight by a guy I have a HUGE crush on. I'm so nervous about everything! I want to look sexy but not like a sl*t- Any ideas about what to wear? Also why do I feel embarrassed about eating when Im with him? I actually lose my apetite?? Is this normal?
  25. I have a problem with my ex boyfriend (john). Well we split up just under a month ago and he wont let any other guys talk to/be with me. Last night he got a bit too drunk at our local pub and ended up near enough having a fight with one of my boy"friends" carl thinking something was going on between us- to defend himself carl said "look john nothings going on with me and her- she likes some other guy and i like abi" so John says "oh whos this other guy?" and carl ends up telling him that i like someone else in order to defend himself. Now John is going absolutley mad and calling me a Sl*t cos he found out i like someone else. I just wish he'd get over it! Any advice
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