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Everything posted by Iceman26

  1. I think you need to put this relationship on hold until you get yourself some help. This situation with her is not going to help you get better. If you feel you are going to be violent then it is better to stay away until you right the wrongs in your life. Good luck.
  2. That is really weird. I am guessing he was into your friend. If he didn't end up calling that night, but texted HER the next day, then he sent that text to open up communication with your friend is what I am thinking.
  3. Where were you when he got your friends number? Did he ever call her?
  4. I'd be more concerned with your boyfriend talking to his friends about having a threesome with you and one of your friends. How much love, respect and maturity does that show? I think Brandon was simply looking out for his friend and may be a little jealous , but for one he could have phrased his words a little better, and two, I don't see why your boyfriend felt the need to come running to you to tell you what his friend said. To me, all that really did was hurt your feelings and it didn't accomplish anything. I think the smart thing would be to let him handle it.
  5. I don't believe I said anything about him waiting around while she grows up. What I am saying is that she is more interested in hanging out with her friends than hanging out with him. However, I know he cares about her and that is why I am explaining what is most likely going on in the phase his girlfriend is in right now.
  6. Hey man I am sorry to hear things didn't work out for you they way you wanted them to. She should WANT to spend time with you, not make you feel like you are competing for time between you and her friends. Just remember that she is young, so go easy on her. She doesn't sound like a bad person. In a few years (as friends of her start to settle down) she won't be as attached to her friends and will be in a better place to have a relationship. If I were you, I would just tell her that you care about her, but feel she wants to spend more time with her friends than she does with you and that is why you are ending the relationship. Good luck my friend.
  7. Come on man, you know me better than this. These types of situations are my speciality.
  8. I'd write an email and say that you understand that she is busy and to give you a call when she has time.
  9. Yes I would find it odd that they have their ex's number in their cell phone, but then again some people leave numbers in their cell phone and never take them out, and there are people like me, who delete numbers they don't use anymore. I wouldn't tell someone not to contact an ex, I simply wouldn't be with someone who felt a need/want to contact an ex.
  10. In my past I dumped women with no "replacement". I never "needed" someone there, but it was always nice when someone was. At any rate, I agree. Leave it alone and see what happens. I am sorry for the loss of your cat.
  11. This what I mean my friend, you need to not worry about her (as she is causing her own problems) and worry about yourself and your happiness, and frankly, she isn't a source of happiness.
  12. This girl isn't doing anything good for you, except maybe giving you a feeling of mystery and intrigue. Let me solve the mystery that keeps you wondering about this girl. She is a game player and a headcase that I don't think you need. I don't see any reason other than sheer boredom for you to continue this my friend.
  13. Welcome theclockman. If you have a friendly, playful relationship with her I might say something like that. How well do you know her? She doesn't have a boyfriend so no, it is not too late.
  14. Change your phone number. Eventually they will move on and bother someone else.
  15. Let her call you, she's the flake. I wouldn't waste my time with someone who makes a halfa**ed excuse like that and then doesn't have the courtesy to say goodbye to you at the end of the night.
  16. I am not homophobic, but I think it is a little odd that all of the friends on this trip are lesbians. I don't think there is really anything you can say to her about that. You can't pick her friends for her. If I were you I'd be a little upset that my girlfriend were choosing to spend the holidays when friends too. I'd have a talk with her and tell her that you want her to have fun, but you are a little hurt because you wanted to spend the holidays with her.
  17. You don't need your head examined, you just need to take a step back and look at what is best for you and your well being, and if you do that, I feel confident that you will see that dating her is not in your best interests.
  18. The only way to win this game is not to play. Can you imagine being together in the long term with someone like this? 27 years old talking to a bunch of dudes on the internet and getting phone calls from guys at 1 am? Lets be honest here, they were calling for the good ole' bump and grind my friend. She was pulling those stunts because there is another guy lurking in the background somewhere. I've encountered women like this before. You seem like a decent fellow who doesn't need this crap. You have plenty of time to arrange for a buddy or a new girl to come with you to Europe. Can you imagine what that trip to Europe would be like with her? She'd have to brnig a laptop just to maintain her social life. I'm sorry this happened, but be thankful she showed you her true colors sooner rather than later.
  19. This could be because of a number of things, but I don't think it is you. She may not be comfortable with public displays of affection, or she is just not ready for that, or maybe something happened in her past that turned her off to affection. I would ask what about hugging or holding hands bothers her.
  20. I think you should tell her pretty much what you just posted. I mean how cool would she be about it if the situations were reversed? That isn't exactly a comfortable setting for you.
  21. I understand where you are coming from and in a lot of posts you and I see eye to eye on a lot of things. On this one however, you are directing your anger towards these guys, but you can't blame them. They are just being guys. Your girlfriend was the one that failed to take appropriate measures to ensure that she wasn't in contact with these guys anymore. It would have been better if she had changed her screenname, changed her number, or done whatever is necessary to rid herself of these guys. I am curious about something. When you guys got back together you told her that talking to these guys would be a dealbreaker for you, and apparently she agreed. So if that is true, why did it take one of these guys contacting her to A) Delete the phone number from her cell phone (which can easily be retrieved and would personally mean nothing to me), and B) Delete these other fellows from the buddy list (again, that which can easily be retrieved). It sounds like she is pulling your leg here a little bit. I am not saying she's cheating, but it sounds a little sketchy to me.
  22. Oh man, what a nightmare. That sounds like the worst thing in situational hell that I have ever heard of. I would sit down and have a talk with her about what is going to happen when your child is born, and I would be perfectly frank with her about your feelings and not wanting to go over to the ex's house for the holidays. To me it would be better to get this out now, before the baby is born.
  23. it sounds like you just need to get to know her better (but not the between the sheets better obviously) I'd simply tell her you like her and want to take her out places because you like being with her. You don't need to kiss her behind, but you can make it known that you have feelings that are running deeper for her then just a simple slap and tickle, you know what I mean?
  24. I haven't gone to a company christmas party in several years. I usually feel awkward at social engagements with co workers (because I am not really personal with them) so I tend to liven the situation with a healthy dose of alcohol, which livens up an ordinarily dull and monotonous event. However, as stiff as people are at my work (a lot of older, wealthy, and extremely religious people) I think it is in my best interests not to go, so as to avoid me drinking to excess and saying something stupid or obnoxious in front of the wrong person. Anyways, if you don't want to go, then don't. They aren't paying you to be there.
  25. Agreed. I have seen this one too many times. I had friends that were like this.
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