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  1. Well one thing you can do is go out with her again a few more times, see what happens. If the "kissing" is happening more then just s few times talk to her about it in a broad fashion. Don't make it seem like your talking about the two of you. get her thoughts on it. I believe thats the best that you can do for now.
  2. write, write what is on your mind, put your feelings, your emotion, and your sould into. if you feel empty, show and express how. if your drained, same thing There is something that drives us, you just need to find your drive...
  3. I heard somewhere about 2 years ago that like 6 pills before and 6 after is the same as the morning after pill
  4. It could turn out any number of ways, it could become stronger in the end, or it could weaken them as a whole. it depends on their actions, are they read to move farward or do they need to stay back? it depends on them....
  5. Your 13, and yet that may seem like a long time, a long time indeed. But its not, and you know what? think about this, if you end your life, think if you were to impact someones life in the future if you didn't kill your self? ...now think that if you did, what happens to the person? What if you changed that person to change the world? or even a small part of it? is it worth killing your self over? is it worth to throw away a furure that hasn't been set yet? You too young to kill your self, I realized I was to young. I though about it, in fact one night I was so close I could smell my own blood, and taste it...you know how old I was? I was 7....
  6. only things that come to mind is that: 1. he thinks she is going "around" 2. he isn't getting any and wants to know how the "no" sex thing or how the "sex" is ...I have no clue
  7. hmm should you tell him? Or should you not tell him?...hmm If you tell him, what do you expect to happen? If you don't tell him how would you feel?...and how would you feel if you did?
  8. You would be amazed what us young people are made of lol I wrote stuff a while back, and what not. I stoped. I only write now when I am reflecting...But sadly only one person ever sees it besides me, and she said it was really good...I dunno anyways Bluey Nice work, very impressive.
  9. she might not hate you over all, but at the time, maybe she does...I dunno
  10. I feel that all good girls are a myth...I can't seem to find any...
  11. Its not your fault, don't even think that. He wants to bring up things, fine let him, it only shows what kind of person he is in the end. has he even said something might be because of him? If not look at that, and you should realize that he is not the kind of guy you want in your life right now, or one could only hope you do. Look I am going to say this, it might sound a bit mean but here I go: He wants everything to be your fault. He is being unrealistic. He is playing with you, your not allowed to do things, but he is. (and thats far from right) Don't let him do this, seeing as your broken up now, don't give him another chance, he'll only make it worse for you in the end. Think about it this way, if he is making things this hard now, how will it be in a month or two?
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